Sorry I took so long. Doesn't it suck being sick?

And due to my sickness, i had to repost this, so sorry for any confusion before. i forgot to save the new stuff i had written in. so some of you only got half the story. sorry.

Spike was William.

And William was quite obviously Buffy's lover.

And her Watcher.

Buffy and Spike stared in disbelief. Spike spoke up.

"There is no FUCKING way I am a Watcher. I wouldn't want that job for all the blood in the world!"

"Yeah, well the thought of YOU as my Watcher does not thrill me either! I'm suprised she isn't dead yet! What the hell did you wish for, anyways?"

"I wished that you could see me as a normal man for once in my miserable life! I didn't even mean to do this. I just wanted to go home--"

"Yeah, well, you screwed up AGAIN didn't you Spike?"

"ARRRGH! I just wanted to go home and watch T.V.!!!"

As the two ex-mortal enemies argued, an oblivious Slayer and Watcher continued with their lovey dovey stuff. Finally William had to come up for air.

"Cor, Slayer, I'm only human! I need to breathe."

His voice made Buffy and Spike stop their bickering. Buffy looked with sadness at the human form of Spike. How she wished she were really living that life. How Spike wished he were living that life, too. Well, actually, he just wished he were living.

"Hm....too bad you're still not a vampire.

Buffy and Spike: ?????

"Yeah. Then again, I have already told you a million times, you should be glad you were not born when I was one, pet. I was....well,. you already know." He got up and started to leave the room.

"Hey, where you goin'?" she said in a playful, annoyed voice.

"I heard a car door. I think that's Janice's mum."

"Oh. Well, the faster we get this done, the sooner we can...." she looks off into space with a blissful look upon her face.

"None of that now, luv. Don't need you slippin' up with your sentences while talking to her mum." he grinned almost evily. "But I absolutly agree. The sooner the better."

They walked down stairs hand in hand while the other Buffy and Spike followed after them. Not as cozy, though. Dawn had let them in already.

The woman looked to be about middle aged, possibly 40 or so. William came up to her and shook her hand while Buffy checked to see if Dawn had everything she needed.

"So I pick the Bit up at say....11 tomorrow morning? Is that alright with you, ma'am?"

"That's not neccessary, Will. I planned on taking Janice to the mall, so is it alright if Dawn comes along?"

"Sure. Buffy and I had some things that we needed to take care of tomorrow and all."

Will pulls out his wallet and hands Dawn some money while Buffy tells her the agenda for tommorow. "Now don't spend all the cash at once, and when you guys are done, go by the Magic Shop. You know that's where we'll be. Okay?"

With that, Dawn and Janice go to the car while William and Buffy still talk "shop" with Janice's mother."

*A few minutes later*

"So the business has been doing very good! That's wonderful. I'm so sorry to hear Mr. Giles leave."

"Well, sometimes people need to move on." William says, while putting an arm around Buffy.

"I suppose so. Well, I hear the girls honking my horn, so I better go. It is a tad late."

It was unbelievable to Buffy to see herself actually have the time to have a "normal" converasation with another adult. She saw such a sense of normalcy in this simple act of her and Spi--William talking about normal things with a normal person.

They said their goodbyes and soon William and Buffy were alone.

"So, Will, what do you want to do? They are showing this really good movie tonight on T.V.. Oh! That new Anne Rice movie is out! Wanna go make fun of it? It does have a great soundtrack though....."

"Buffy, for a Slayer, you can be awful dense at times."

"Hey! You should talk, Mr. Giles, Jr.!"

"Aye! Uncalled for!" She giggled at his outburst. He just mocked more rage.

"Fine! Laugh at me! I'm making me some cocoa!" He stormed out of the living room in a huff. Buffy stood there in utter amusement, trying not to laugh to hard. A few seconds later William poked his head out from the kitchen door.

"Ummm.... you want some, too? I just bought marshmellows." Giggling, Buffy made her way to the kitchen.

Spike and Buffy were sitting on the couch during the whole "fight". Spike watched in pure amusment and Buffy (for what it was worth) sat down and had a smile on her face. It reminded her of her days with Riley, but also of the actual love she had with Angel. Where she could be herself. Where she did not have to actually act like the Slayer. Spike was watching her expression. He spoke up.

"So, luv. What do you think of all this....this?"

"I don't know." That was all she said. It was almost a whisper.

They made their way over to the kitchen to see the couple at the table talking over a book. A really really old ancient book, of course. Probably one dealing with demons. Buffy closed the book and sipped on her cocoa. William walked around the kitchen table and had a look on his face as if in deep thought.

"William, can we just deal with this tomorrow when we go to work? I'm sure the Magic Shop has more on this demon." William stopped pacing and looked at Buffy. Thinking for a while, he set his cup of chocolate down and leaned against a wall.

"*sigh* Sure, luv. It has been a long night. Heh, and it's only midnight." William put their cups in the sink and started to head for the living room. Buffy grabbed his arm and stopped him.

"Buffy? I thought you wanted to go to bed."

"Well, I do, but, well, with Dawn out of the house...." She looked over at the kitched table, then the kitchen island. "... I thought we could take advantage of that. We haven't been able to be spontanious in a forever. When was the last time we did it in the cemetary or on a tombstone?"

Will looked past her shoulder at the table then back at her. She was right. He picked her up in his arms and carried over to the table. He sat her on the edge and began to undress her and she undid his pants. He had torn off her pants and was about to enter her when she stopped him.

"I want to do this right." Her voice was barely a whisper. William nodded and took her face in his hands.

"I love you, Slayer."

"I love you, too."

Spike turned away in happiness, yet anger and saddness.

Buffy just looked away, but wiped away her tears that were coming down her face.

They just stood there in akwardness as they watched what could have been.