Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters unfortunately.

Spoilers for Season 2 and 3

Thanks to quoteravenmore and Kerrison for looking over the story.


Seth walked into the living room to see his family gathered for his birthday. The only one missing was Marshall. He was supposed to come, but was called away on an emergency for work. He had hoped to spend some time with Marshall. The two needed to talk. Seth had learned a lot about Marshall when he'd been on Operation Falcon; the most evident was the distance between him and his youngest son. While he freely admitted the distance was mostly his doing, he hoped for a chance to be able to finally sit down and talk to Marshall. It wouldn't be easy, but it was definitely necessary and way over due.

"Grandpa, you need to open your presents," Jamie called out excitedly.

Seth smiled at his granddaughter and was about to answer when the phone rang.

"Jamie, you keep an eye on my gifts while I grab the phone," Seth said, giving her a wink before grabbing the phone. "Mann."

"Do you know where you son is Marshal Mann?"

"Who is this?" Seth demanded.

"You shouldn't worry about who this is, you should be more concerned about who I have," the menacing voice replied, before hanging up.

Seth quickly dialed Marshall's cell phone. When he didn't get anything, but his voice mail, he dialed his son's home.

"Damn it!"

"Dad, what's wrong?" Derek asked, noting the worry in his father's voice and the tension in his stance.

"Call Marshall's cell phone. Keep dialing it. Cody, you call his house," Seth ordered, before calling Stan.


"Stan, it's Seth Mann. Is Marshall at the office with you?"

"He's finishing up some work outside the office. We're expecting Marshall back soon. Is there something wrong?" Stan asked, confused. He knew Seth was aware that Marshall had a case come up; it's why he wasn't at his parents.

"I just received a phone call asking me if I knew where my son was. Marshall is the only one not here. He's not answering his cell or home phone," Seth said, confirming with his other sons that they weren't receiving a reply.

"Mary and I will go look for him. I'll call you back as soon as I know something," Stan replied.

"Thank you," Seth said, before hanging up.

"Care to tell us what's going on Dad?" Derek asked.

Seth pulled his sons into the kitchen. He didn't want to upset his grandchildren or wife until he knew for a fact that Marshall was in danger.

"Did you recognize the voice?" Cody asked.

"If I did, I'd be having him looked up. All I know is what I told you. Stan and Mary are going to look for Marshall and call us back," Seth replied.

"What's going on with Marshall?" Callie demanded.

The three men turned at the voice.

"Sweetheart, we don't know if anything is wrong with Marshall yet," Seth said, walking over to his wife.

"Seth, you're worried. I want to know what is going on with my son," Callie replied, heatedly.

Seth knew when it came to her children that his wife wouldn't back down. Taking a deep breath he explained to her about the phone call.

"Let's just go out and open the presents. I don't want to upset our grandchildren. Stan will call us."

Stan hung up the phone and headed out towards Mary.

"Let's go, Mary."

"Where are we going?" Mary asked, perplexed.

"To find your partner," Stan replied.

"No way, what did he do?" Mary's confusion was starting to turn into amusement. "Is our boy scout in trouble?"

"For everyone's sake, I hope not," Stan replied.

Mary realized that Stan was worried.

"What the hell does that mean?"

Stan relayed his conversation with Seth.

"I haven't been able to get him to answer his cell or home phone either. There's no way he wouldn't pick up."

"I'm driving," Mary said, hurrying towards the elevator.

Callie, Seth, Derek and Cody tried to stay upbeat through the party for the kids, but each of them kept staring at the phone willing for it to ring. It had been over an hour and they still hadn't heard from Stan.

Seth was about to say something when the phone rang.

"Mann residence."

"Have you found your son yet, Marshal Mann? Do you think that he can handle pain well? How much do you love your son?" the man's voice antagonized.

"Prove you have him. See, I think you're bluffing and trying to play a game. You want me to play, you prove you have my son," Seth demanded.

"We're not even close to that part yet. You don't call the shots here. I'm in charge and you'll do what I say, if you want him back alive," the man yelled before hanging up.

Seth called his office. "I need a wire trace on my home phone and a list of phone numbers that have called here."

"How soon before the trace is on?" Cody asked.

"They're doing it now," Seth replied.

"Daddy, what's wrong?" Jamie asked, coming into the room.

"Nothing's wrong kiddo. Why don't you take your cousins and brother downstairs to play for awhile," Derek replied, watching his daughter run off to do what he said.

"Why don't you fill the rest of us in on what's happening? Don't tell me nothing either," Amber said to Derek.

Derek filled his wife and Cody's wife Katie in on what was happening.

"Are they just after Seth and Marshall or all of us?" Katie asked.

"I think if he actually has Marshall that he's going to use him to get something from me," Seth replied.

"So what can we do to help?" Amber asked.

"Right now we have to sit and wait. I'm hoping Stan and Mary find Marshall and this person is just messing with me," Seth said, knowing it was long shot. The man seemed too cocky not to have his son.

Mary and Stan pulled up in front of the apartment building where their newest witness Brady Jones was being housed. Mary practically jumped out of the vehicle and ran to Brady's door. She began pounding on it.

"Brady, it's Mary. Open up. Open up now!"

Mary and Stan waited impatiently as they heard the deadbolt and the chain lock being undone.

"What's going on?" Brady asked, nervously.

"Where's Marshall?" Stan said.

"He went to get my groceries. Marshall said he'd be back in a little while," Brady replied.

"How long is a little while?" Stan asked.

"Forty-five minutes, maybe an hour ago," Brandy replied.

"If Marshall comes back, tell him we were here and that we need him to wait for us. Tell him to call me the second he arrives and absolutely no leaving," Mary ordered.

"I'll tell him," Brady promised, as Mary and Stan left his apartment.

"Which grocery store would Marshall go to?" Stan asked.

"He'd go to the Super Walmart in case there was anything he could think of that Brady would need that he didn't see here. He likes to be able to get them everything in one stop. Stan, Marshall should've been back by now," Mary replied.

"Let's go," Stan said, getting anxious to find Marshall.

Marshall came to feeling nauseous, light headed, tired and disorientated. He tried to concentrate, but couldn't get his mind to focus. He blinked his eyes rapidly, but everything remained dark. He tried to rub his hands across his face but felt restraints on his hand and something metal. It was his last thought before he fell asleep again.

Pulling into the parking lot, Mary spotted Marshall's truck. She parked her car next it looking around for any sign of her partner. Stan got out of the car and pulled on the handle to Marshall's truck.

"It's locked. Marshall's probably inside still," Stan said knowing if it had been unlocked something would definitely be wrong since Marshall wasn't in the vicinity of his truck.

Mary and Stan headed into the store and began to search for Marshall. Coming across the store manager, Mary stopped him while showing her badge.

"Hey, I'm looking for another marshal that's in here shopping. He's six foot two, skinny, blue eyes…"

"His friend helped him out of here when he got sick about a half hour ago," the manager said, interrupting Mary's description. "I offered to call an ambulance since the skinny man seemed disorientated."

"Can you describe the friend that took him?" Mary asked.

"I can do better than that, I can show you the security video," the manager replied.

"Stan," Mary called out to get his attention before indicating with her head to follow her and the manager.

The manager led them into the security office and rewound the tape to show Marshall entering the store..

"Let me fast forward to his friend helping him for you," the manager said.

"No, play it from here," Mary interrupted,

"What are you thinking?" Stan asked.

"How did Marshall get sick so fast? He was perfectly fine before he left. Nothing was off at all about his behavior. So you're going to tell me he suddenly managed to become sick and disorientated? Something had to happen to him. He wouldn't have just left with someone, not without a fight," Mary replied, as she watched the video.

"Stop the video and rewind," Stan said.

Mary watched the video carefully.

"That person runs into Marshall and he flinches briefly and then rubs the back of his neck," Mary said, as the video continued she noticed Marshall shaking his head like he was trying to clear it.

"Marshall was injected with something so he couldn't fight back," Stan observed.

"Yeah, but by who?" Mary asked.

They continued to watch the footage when they saw a man approach Marshall and start moving him towards the door. It looked like Marshall tried to pull away, but couldn't. It was then that the 'friend' looked up.

"Sykes," Mary whispered.

"What is he doing out of prison?" Stan asked.

"Is there security footage outside?" Mary asked the manager.

"Of course," the manager said.

"We'll need copies of this and any footage from outside," Stan said.

"I'll get it for you," the manager replied.

"Thank you," Stan said, as they waited for the footage.

After receiving the video, Stan and Mary headed back to her car. Stan pulled out his cell phone as he got into the passenger seat.

"Mann residence," Callie answered,

"May I speak with Seth?" Stan asked.

"One moment," Callie said, before handing the phone to Seth.


"Seth, it's Stan."

"Someone has Marshall," Seth said, knowing he'd be talking to Marshall if they'd found him.

"Not just someone. Liam Sykes has Marshall. We believe Marshall was injected with something to keep him from being able to resist him. We're going to go through the surveillance videos to see if we can find out how he transported Marshall from the store," Stan replied.

"My sons and I are flying out there to help," Seth said.

"We need you to be able to talk to him. Somehow Sykes managed to get your home phone number. We need to know how that happened," Stan replied.

"I'll have the calls forwarded to my cell and have it traced. My sons and I will not sit back and do nothing when Marshall needs help. I may not understand him, but I love my son and will do whatever is necessary to bring him home. Derek, Cody and I will be on the next flight to Albuquerque," Seth said, determined.

"I'll have a car pick you up at the airport. Let me know when your flight arrives," Stan said.

"Seth is on his way?" Mary asked when Stan hung up.

"Seth, Derek and Cody Mann are on their way to help with the investigation," Stan corrected.

"Who's going to handle Sykes calls?" Mary asked.

Stan relayed his conversation with Seth to Mary.

They pulled into the parking lot at the Sunshine Building. Heading up in the elevator, Mary turned towards Stan.

"What the hell does Sykes want with Marshall and his father?"

"Payback?" Stan said.

"Why isn't Sykes after me? I was the one who stopped him from shooting Seth and arrested him. Why is he focusing on Seth and Marshall? We're missing something here, Stan."

"For now let's focus on finding Marshall. We need to get him back and while we're doing that, we'll figure out what we're missing. I'm worried about what he injected into Marshall's system," Stan replied, concerned that whatever Sykes had used on his inspector could do permanent damage to Marshall.

Seth had to convince Callie to stay at home. He didn't want her there if things went bad. It would be hard enough for her to lose Marshall if it came to that, plus he didn't like the idea of leaving her alone at Marshall's house while they were looking for Sykes. Seth didn't want Sykes coming after his wife. It's why he insisted that she go visit with her sisters. He promised he would call her and make sure that she'd be on the first flight to New Mexico when they found Marshall.

Derek watched his father as he stared out the plane window. They had all sent their families to other locations as a precautionary measure. He understood his father's need to send his mother away, but him and Cody had a feeling she'd be showing up in Albuquerque long before his Dad wanted her to. While their mother loved them all, Marshall held a special place in her heart. Derek knew he and Cody had always been closer to their father while Marshall was closet to their mother. Derek and Cody also knew how worried Seth was about Marshall and that he was feeling guilty even if he wouldn't admit it. The reason he knew it was because he felt it too.

"We'll bring Marshall home, Dad," Derek said.

"Yes, we will, but what kind of shape is he going to be in?" Seth replied.

"Marshall knows that you love him, Dad. He also knows that you don't understand him, but he knows you care," Cody said. "If we want to be honest here, Derek and I aren't any better with him than you are. It doesn't mean we don't care. We just have a tendency to annoy him by trying to change who he is when there's nothing wrong with him."

"Does he? I thought we made a little progress when I was there for Operation Falcon, but I also realized how distant I've been with him. He expected the failure report card from me. I expected him to earn it. What kind of father does that? Would you do it to your son, Cody?"

"Dad, we've all judged Marshall by our own standards instead of by who he is. I hope that I don't do that to Jason or Myra. Derek and I have allowed Marshall to drift away from us for a long time. Let's face it, outside of Christmas how often do we make the effort to get in touch with him. That needs to change also, but questioning our relationships with Marshall isn't going to help bring him home. It's just going to make things worse. Tell us everything you know about Liam Sykes again. Let's concentrate on making the connections and trying to come up with what he may want from you and Marshall," Derek replied and watched his Dad nod.

Mary was getting frustrated. They were on their third video of the parking lot with no signs of Marshall and Liam.

"Where the hell is he?"

Stan understood Mary's impatience, but continued to watch the footage. He had a couple other inspectors going over the footage of where Marshall was injected in the store. He was hoping they could find a clear shot of the person who ran into Marshall. It wasn't Sykes, they knew that. The question was who was this person and what part did they play in this whole scenario.

"Mary, it's a large parking lot. There's also the delivery entrance. He has to appear on one of these videos. It just might take time to find it," Stan replied.

"The longer we go without a clue the harder it will be to find Marshall and Sykes. You and I both know that Liam wouldn't have a problem killing Marshall either," Mary said.

"Liam wants something from Seth and is using Marshall as a means to get it. He won't do anything to Marshall until he gets what he wants," Stan replied while pausing the video briefly.

"Alright, we took Sykes freedom so it could be revenge, but if that was the case Marshall would already be dead and he wouldn't taunt Seth about it. He'd try and kill me, Seth, Billy and Amber also," Mary said, while a theory hit her. "Liam was focused on getting the money back."

"Maybe he thinks Seth can get the money from evidence. Liam Sykes isn't exactly stupid; he knew enough to drop his cell phone so we couldn't track him. He knows the system and ways to work around it," Seth said, making his way to the conference room after Charlie let him in.

"Seth, welcome back. I wish it were under better circumstances," Stan said.

"Stan, Mary. These are my two other sons, Derek and Cody," Seth replied, pointing to the appropriate sons.

Mary couldn't help but notice how at ease the three of them looked and remembered how awkward it had been for Marshall and Seth. She didn't know why it caused her to feel a slight resentment towards them, but she quickly bit it back. It wouldn't help her partner if she got into a pissing match with his family.

"Maybe it's about Amber and Billy. He killed June Rorchek for her having her employee give us his address." Mary reminded.

"Have you heard from Sykes again?" Stan asked.

"Not yet. He's toying with me. I told him I wanted proof he has Marshal," Seth replied.

"Let's get back to the video," Mary said anxiously. Every second they wasted meant Sykes could hurt Marshall or leave the state with him. She didn't even want to think about what Sykes could do to her partner.

"What video?" Cody asked.

Mary explained what they have and how they divided it.

"Do you have another place we can watch some of the videos? We can divide and cover more in less time," Derek said.

"Sure," Stan replied, ignoring Mary's surprised look. "Follow me."

Stan set Derek, Cody and Seth up with a couple of the videos before returning to the conference room.

"Stan, is letting them watch the video a good idea?" Mary asked, concerned.

"They're all U.S. Marshals, Mary. Sykes isn't in witness protection. Seth wouldn't say anything to Marshall's brothers about Billy or Amber being in it. Yes he mentioned their names, but I'm sure they knew he was here for Operation Falcon. Seth also doesn't know they were relocated. Right now we're concentrating on finding Marshall and if they can help us, I have no problem with it. If it turns into a WITSEC issue, they'll have to back off and Seth is well aware of that," Stan replied.

Charlie came bursting through the conference room door startling Mary and Stan. He had a picture in his hand.

"We found a full picture of the man who we think injected Marshall. We tracked his movements in and out of the store. He left alone from the store. There was no sign of Marshall with him. On the other hand his picture came up quickly in the system. Marshall had interrogated him for Mary's shooting," Charlie replied.

Mary grabbed the photo out of Charlie's hands. "Does this gangbanger look familiar?"

Stan ignored the sarcastic tone in Mary's voice and took the photo.

"Lala," Stan muttered.

"Let's go pick him up," Stan said to Mary, before turning to Charlie. "Take the videos and keep looking for Marshall and Sykes coming out of the store. The minute you get a description on the vehicle and or license plate, I want a BOLO issued and the plates run. Call me when you get them. Let's get Seth and his boys."

"Stan, shouldn't we just go pick up Lala?" Mary wasn't sure how she felt about Derek and Cody coming.

"Mary, we aren't going to be welcomed with open arms while entering Lala's turf. Albuquerque P.D. is also joining us to make sure we have enough backup in case things go south," Stan said, before heading to the room to get Seth.

Lala was sitting with his boys laughing as he relayed the story of what happened at the store.

"So does this mean Carmelo's boys will do the peace treaty?" Marlo asked.

"Not yet, Tito wants more proof of our loyalty," Lala replied. He was about to continue when they were interrupted.

"U.S. Marshals, freeze," Mary said, pointing her glock at Lala.

"Get rid of your crew, Lala," Stan ordered.

"Or what?" Lala asked.

"Or this gets real ugly really quick and I guarantee that you won't like the results," Seth warned.

"Old man talks tough," Lala said sarcastically.

"The 'old man' as you call him, is the father of the marshal you helped to abduct this afternoon. You're under arrest Lala for the kidnapping of a federal agent," Mary said, noticing Lala looking ready to bolt. "I wouldn't do something stupid like running, because the other two agents next to the older one happen to be the brothers of said marshal. No one here has a problem hurting you."

"You have no proof. I'll have my attorney file harassment charges," Lala replied, looking over at the three men indicated to be related to the marshal he grabbed.

"Idiot you grabbed him in a parking lot with security cameras. Better yet why don't you make a break for it, I'd love to have a reason to explain things to you about messing with my brother," Derek said, heatedly.

"Marlo, tell Rico he's in charge. Things continue as planned," Lala replied, before being cuffed.

Marshall came to and his head was a little less fuzzy. Vaguely recalling something about his hands, he went to move them and realized he was cuffed to something metal. If he ventured a guess it was a pipe. The floor below him was cement. He was either in a home with a basement, a shop or possibly a warehouse. There was no light on in the room so he had no way of knowing for sure.

Closing his eyes as a wave of nausea passed, he briefly wondered what he'd been given that was still messing his system up. He knew there were several drugs or poisons that could be used. The only good news was he was starting to feel better as more time passed.

Marshall tried to recall what happened before waking up here. He remembered going to the store to get his witness his supplies, a man stumbling into him, but shortly after that it was all fuzzy. Before he could continue to try and recall details, he heard the sound of feet against wood. He was either in a basement, shelter or cellar. He was guessing a basement by the number of footsteps it took for the person to reach the concrete. That would help narrow searches down. He knew for a fact there weren't a lot of house with basements in them.

"How are my good friends Billy and Amber?"

Marshall recognized the voice.

"Wouldn't you like to know," Marshall replied, concentrating on listening to Liam Sykes movements.

"You think Daddy, won't do everything in his power to help his son?" Liam asked.

"Which part of the fact that he's a U.S. Marshal did you fail to understand?"

"Well he wants to have a chat with you. You behave or I'll make your life miserable," Liam warned.