Marshall woke without his head feeling fuzzy for the first time. Whatever he was given seemed to finally be wearing off. He wondered briefly how long he'd been asleep. Looking around the room he noticed the stained windows and dusty pews. He went to move and found himself once again handcuffed. Twisting his body he could see the stone leg of an alter. Pulling his arms he knew it was what he was cuffed to.

"Look who finally joined the land of the living," Sykes mocked.

"What do you want Sykes?" Marshall asked, trying to put the piece of missing time together.

"A little exchange. You for Amber and Billy," Sykes replied. "Do you think Daddy can pull that off beforeā€¦" Sykes checked his watch, "a day and a half pass?"

"That will never happen. They won't turn Billy or Amber over, especially not to you. You've done enough to them. Why don't you be a man and accept that fact that you got busted because of your own greed and not because of two teenagers who wanted you out of their lives?" Marshall asked.

"I had a perfectly good business going until they ruined it," Liam said.

"No you didn't. You found someone vulnerable and exploited them until they found someone who cared enough to make them realize nothing good could come from working with you. Your insistence on getting your money back cost you your freedom. That is all on you. We knew you'd follow the money, it's who you are," Marshall replied.

Liam stormed over to Marshall and punched him in the face. Marshall shook it off and smirked.

"Truth hurt Liam?" Marshall asked.

"You think you're all that and more because you wear a badge and a gun. Followed in Daddy's footsteps to make him proud? Couldn't be your own man and had to ride your father's coat tails? Or was it pride that made you put the badge on? Maybe even a need for respect. I'm guessing as a kid you didn't get much of that if you were built like you are now. The geek or wimpy kid that everyone picked on so as an adult you decide to get even with all the bullies by playing the hero. I bet you're still the outcast," Liam replied.

Marshall refused to let himself get baited into that conversation. He knew parts of it were true, just not the way Liam was thinking.

"It's an honest job, which is more than I can say for you," Marshall said.

Before the conversation could continue there were three knocks followed by silence and another three knocks.

"We'll have to finish this conversation later. Just sit there and don't do anything," Liam warned before going to answer the door. Looking through a window he saw who it was and let him in.

"Where's your hostage?" Danny Alvarez asked.

"Want to see the man who helped bring your boss down?" Liam replied leading Danny to where Marshall was.

"Look at that the fed's cuffed up. Are those his cuffs?" Danny asked Liam.

"Yep, thought it was only fair to use his tools of the trade. Kind of nice to see them on the fed, don't you think?" Liam replied.

"Anytime the bracelets are on a cop or fed is a good thing, unless they're working for us. Tito's been taken in for questioning. The time line stays the same. The goods need to be ready to go as scheduled," Danny said.

"They're getting the trucks ready now. They'll be finished with plenty time to go," Liam replied.

"Do you have the info that Tito requested?"

"Yeah, it's in the van. I'll go get it. Have some fun with the marshal if you'd like," Liam said, leaving to retrieve he paperwork.

Danny moved over to Marshall quickly.

"You know you and your partner keep coming close to blowing my cover," Danny whispered to Marshall.

Marshall looked at Danny in surprise.

"Albuquerque P.D. gang force?" Marshall asked.

"Yeah, keep your hands around the alter leg," Danny replied as he undid the cuffs.

"When you get a chance make a break for it. I'll let your people know where you are. Just do me a favor and stay out of the gang war. You're making it hard for me to do my job."

"My pleasure. This wasn't really my idea you know," Marshall said, feeling the need to point that out.

"Yeah, but you did a good job of making enemies with both gangs for cutting into their business and generally being a pain in the ass," Danny replied before moving away from Marshall just as Liam entered the room.

"Here's the information Tito wanted," Liam said, handing Danny the paperwork.

"You know where and when the meet is. Don't be late," Danny warned before leaving the church. Climbing into his car he quickly got out his burn phone and called his boss.


"Hey boss." Danny replied.

"The deal still going down?"

"Yeah. There's a small problem though. You're going to want to call the Marshal Service and let them know Sykes has one of their inspectors," Danny replied.

"I have one here drilling for information. What do I tell her?" Taylor asked.

"He's at an abandoned church in the main building. Don't send them right away either. I don't want my cover blown. I undid his cuffs so he can fight back. He's pretty banged up. Tell them to come tonight. He'll think Tito squealed," Danny said.

"I'll let her know. Thanks for the heads." Taylor said before hanging up. "Shannon."

Mary looked over and noticed Taylor signaling for her to come over.

"What's up?"

"I have your man's location," Taylor said before explaining the conversation.

"I owe your undercover a beer," Mary replied taking the information. She didn't like the waiting until night, but she understood the reasoning. It would give them time to put a plan together and have an ambulance ready to have her partner looked over.


Seth, Cody, Derek and Stan were in the conference room at the Sunshine building going over the blueprints for the church when Mary joined them in the conference room.

"What do we have boys?" Mary asked.

"There are three entrances to the church. The main one in front, the side entrance and the one through the vestibule," Stan replied.

"There's not a lot of protection so we're thinking of using a flash bang to stun Liam. We have to move fast and efficient. The side and back entrances are the best for breeching the church in order to get to Marshall quicker," Derek replied.

"That is of course he doesn't get a chance to escape. If he does get out of there then we have to figure out where he'd go," Cody said.

"He'd find a way back here. Marshall knows full well that we'd be looking for him. The problem is if he goes in the wrong direction he'll run into one of the gangs' turfs. That being said he would also not leave without knowing he had a chance to get out of there. He'd bide his time," Mary added.

"Marshall would wait for Sykes to fall asleep. It would be his best and easiest chance to get out of there. We need to be as near to that church as possible before night falls," Seth said.

"Agreed," Stan replied as they sat around and began to come up with who would go in and where.


Marshall watched as Liam paced back and forth while talking to someone on the phone. He could tell the sun was starting to go down from the change of light through the stained glass window. At some point Liam would need to sleep and Marshall saw Liam put keys down on the baptismal font. He could get out without a struggle that way. His ribs hurt and he was pretty sure they were bruised at this point. The problem was he didn't recall how it happened. More than likely he could still take Liam, but for now he could cuff him and bring back the police. It would be better for him in the long run.

"Everything is still on time, right? I'm counting on you to get this done. This could be a huge investment for us. We'll get a percent of the profit and be able to stay off the radar of the police. It's easy money," Liam said into the phone before hanging up. "You should relax and enjoy yourself marshal, if Daddy comes through your time with me will be over. If he doesn't well then I guess I'll just have to dispose of you."

"You dispose of me and there will be no where that is safe for you to hide. My Dad won't be the one you need to fear either. My partner will find you and this time you won't get off as easy as you did when she arrested you. She'll make sure you leave in a body bag," Marshall replied.

"I'm not scared of your partner," Liam said.

"Then you're even dumber than you look," Marshall replied, not even trying to hide his smirk.

"I think it's high time to check in with dear ole Dad," Liam said, while dialing the familiar number.


"Have you found my friends yet?" Liam asked.

"Sykes, I want to talk to my son," Seth demanded, hoping he could tell Marshall they were coming and to keep his eyes closed.

"You already talked to him once," Sykes replied.

"That was before you left your location. I want proof of life before I hand anything over to you," Seth answered as they parked down the road from the church.

Liam debated about hanging up but he wanted Amber and Billy to pay for causing him to go to jail.

"Say hi to your Dad," Liam said, putting the cell phone to Marshall's ear.


"Marshall, we're coming. We're getting into position. When we enter keep your eyes closed. Do you understand?"

"Yes," Marshall replied.

"How are you?" Seth asked concerned.

"My back is a little stiff. My sides hurt some, but you know how tricky a back can be," Marshall replied hoping his Dad caught onto his hints.

"That's what we figured," Seth said. "Marshall, just stay down and let us do the work."

"Now you know he's alive for now. Screw up my demands and you'll be burying your son. Are we clear?" Liam asked.

"Crystal," Seth replied, upset that Marshall didn't confirm his last statement.

"I'll call you with the time and location tomorrow," Liam said before hanging up.


Stan looked at Seth.

"I assume that was our friend."

"Yes, Marshall wants us to use the back and side entrances. Apparently the back is our best bet," Seth replied relaying the conversation.

"Let's do this," Mary said as she moved towards the back entrance with Seth and Derek.

"Be careful," Stan replied as he and Cody moved towards the side door with a couple other marshals.


Liam walked over towards Marshall while reaching into his pocket for something.

"I think it's time for Daddy's boy to go to sleep for the night. Now I promise this won't hurt much. Just a little prick, kind of like in the store," Liam said pulling out a syringe. "Can't have you trying something while we catch up on some sleep now, can I?"

Marshall knew at the moment he couldn't wait for the cavalry to come through the front door. There was no way he was going to let Liam inject anything else into his body. He wanted to stall long enough to get Liam within his reach. He had the advantage of surprise at the moment.

"What's in the syringe?" Marshall asked.

"Just some Heroin since I ran out of Ativan, but don't worry I won't give you the whole syringe. Wouldn't want you to overdose before Dad brings me my guests," Liam replied, moving to stick the needle into Marshall.

Marshall kicked his leg up into Liam's arm sending the needle flying out of it. Liam froze for a few seconds in surprise as Marshall tackled him to the ground. The two of them were rolling around the ground and getting closer to the needle. Marshall saw Liam reach his hand into his coat pocket for something. When he came out wielding a gun Marshall fought for control of the weapon. The gun went off echoing through the church.


"We're in position, Stan," Mary said.

"So are we on the count of three the flash bang will be tossed in," Stan replied, just as the sound of gunfire was heard. "Go now, go!"

Stan signaled the officer to put the flash bang away as they all penetrated the confines of the church to see Marshall and Liam struggling on the floor.

Marshall heard the doors open, but didn't have time to say anything as he continued to struggle with Liam for the gun. Marshall threw an elbow into Liam's face and managed to get the gun.

Liam was furious when the first shot missed the marshal and his rage grew as the man gained control over the gun. He realized they were still close to the syringe and continued to struggle until his hand briefly felt the syringe. He inched it closer with his fingertips before finally getting it in his hands.

"U.S Marshals' freeze."

Liam heard the shouts coming from all over, but ignored them as he quickly jammed the syringe into Marshall's arm injecting most of it before he felt someone grabbing his arm away.

Mary and Derek were trying to get a shot at Liam, but there was no way to get him without possibly hitting Marshall. Both moved forward as Cody suddenly rushed forward dragging Liam off Marshall.

"Marshall, what did he do to you," Mary asked as she knelt down next to her partner who was grabbing his arm.

"Injection, heroin," Marshall replied.

Mary looked up Stan, "Get the paramedics in her now!"

"Mary?" Seth asked.

"Stan, Liam injected Marshall with heroin," Mary replied noticing Marshall's pupils were starting to constrict and his skin was flushed.

"There on their way in," Stan said to Mary while turning his attention to two other marshals. "Get Sykes out of here."

Seth moved on the opposite side of Mary.

"Marshall? Son, look at me." Seth waited while Marshall tried to focus on him.

"Dad, what you doing here?" Marshall asked confused.

"Where are those paramedics?" Derek yelled as he watched his brother suddenly start to struggle to breathe before he stopped altogether.

Mary recited internally how to do rescue breathing as she tilted Marshall's head back, lifted his chin, gently plugged his nose before placing her mouth over his and breathed slowly while watching Marshall's chest.

Seth watched as Mary tried to keep breathing life into his son. He leaned close to Marshall's ear.

"You're a fighter Marshall. I need you to keep fighting for you and us. It's not your time to leave. Stay with us Marshall."

The paramedics finally arrived and moved everyone out of their way. The one gave Marshall a shot while the other one used the bag valve mask.

"How long has he been using?" the paramedic asked.

"He doesn't. The man he was trying to prevent from shooting him injected it into him to try and get the upper hand," Mary said harshly.

They strapped him in and began to wheel Marshall towards the ambulance. Stan gave them the syringe since it had some left in it while Mary climbed into the back of the ambulance.

"Go," the paramedic told his partner.

"Fight Marshall, you have to fight. Don't let Sykes, Lala or Carmello win. There are a lot of people that need you. No quitting. I want to see my secret badass partner beat this. I need you Marshall, fight it please. Don't quit," Mary said squeezing his hand.

"His BP is dropping and his pulse is weak," the paramedic called his partner who was relaying the information to the hospital. "I'm going to give him another dose of Naloxone."

They pulled into the E.R. as Mary watched as they wheeled him behind the doors. The second injection seemed to help Marshall with the effects of the heroin. Mary paced nervously in the waiting room. A few minutes later the door to the waiting room burst open and Stan, Seth and Marshall's brothers stormed in.

"Well?" Seth asked.

"They injected him with something to help combat the effects of the heroin," Mary proceeded to explain what happened in the ambulance.

Seth's cell went off.


"Where are you and where is Marshall?" Callie demanded.

"Why do I have the feeling that you're in Albuquerque?" Seth asked his wife.

"Because I am, and so are Katie, Amber and the kids. Now where are you?"

"We're at the hospital," Seth said, but was cut off before he could continue.

"What's wrong with my boy?" Callie asked.

Seth explained what happened. "We'll see you soon, but Callie; Marshall wouldn't want the kids to see him like this. He'll go through withdrawal symptoms and some of them aren't pleasant. It's not something our grandchildren should see. They're too young."

"Amber and Katie will keep the kids away from Marshall. I'll get hotel rooms for them, but I'm staying with my son," Callie replied

"I'll see you soon," Seth said knowing better than to argue with her.

"What about the kids?" Derek asked, before listening to his Dad explain what was happening.

"Marshall doesn't need this right now," Cody muttered as they continued to wait for the doctor to update them on Marshall's condition.

Seth was relieved when the doctor arrived before his wife and grandkids.

"Family of Marshall Mann?"

"Yes, we are," Seth answered.

"I was told you were aware that your son overdosed on heroin. It's my understanding that he isn't a user and that it was injected into him by someone else. The dose is what caused his breathing to stop. The rescue breathing performed right away is what saved him. It takes twenty-four to forty-eight hours to recover from the overdose. He will go through withdrawal systems," the doctor said.

"What can we expect?" Derek asked.

"Withdrawal symptoms can range from irritability, anxiety, panic, restlessness, vomiting, insomnia, loss of appetite, flu-like symptoms, cravings, and weakness for some examples. It varies from person to person. To add to it he also has bruising of his ribs, sides and some on his back. With an overdose we usually only observe the patient for several hours, but I want to keep your son overnight as a precautionary measure. I want to monitor his breathing and also make sure there are no reactions from the two drugs that he had in his system. The Ativan appears to have been out of his system before he was injected with the heroin, but I don't want to take any chances. Are there any questions?" the doctor asked the group.

"When can we see Marshall?" Mary asked.

"He should be settled into a room in a half an hour. I strongly remind you to remember that he could be irritable and say things he wouldn't normally say. I've seen it before and know that as spiteful and hurtful as some of the things that are said, the person saying them doesn't necessarily mean them. A lot of the times it just the anxiety caused by the withdrawal," the doctor said.

"In short form don't take it personally and don't make it personal," Stan replied.

"That would sum it up," the doctor said, standing to leave.

"Thank you doctor for helping my son."

"A nurse will be in to show you two Mr. Mann's room. I would keep the visitors down to two at a time. You don't want to overwhelm him right now."

"Thanks again, doc," Mary replied, plopping into a seat.

The door burst open ten minutes later spilling in the rest of the Mann family.

"What's going on with Marshall?" Amber asked, while they all listened as Seth filled them in on what the doctor told them.

Seth made the introductions before everyone impatiently waited to see Marshall. Finally a nurse came in.

"I can take two of you back to see him now," the nurse said.

Callie and Seth followed her out of the room. Mary watched the rest of the group in the room. It dawned on her that in the seven years of their partnership not once had Marshall mentioned them coming out to visit him. She was about to blurt something out when she saw three of the kids reading and one sitting at the table coloring. Deciding to not start an argument right now Mary watched the little girl as she concentrated hard on what she was coloring.

"What are you doing, Jamie?"

Jamie looked up at the blonde. She was just like Uncle Marshall described her.

"Making Uncle Marshall a get well picture. Do you want to see?" Jamie asked.

"Sure," Mary figured it couldn't hurt. The picture was two figures on a horse with one wearing a star on his shirt and three other figures on separate horses.

"That's me and Uncle Marshall. When he comes to town he takes me and the others out on the horses. I ride with him because I'm too little to go on my own, but Uncle Marshall said in another year or two that I'll be a big girl and get to ride my own horse," Jamie replied, smiling up at Mary.

Mary thought it was sweet, but before she could say anything Seth came in the room.

"Mary, can you come with me?" Seth asked, urgently.

"What's wrong?" Mary asked as they hurried down the corridor.

"Callie is trying to calm Marshall down, but needs help. He's agitated with me in the room. I thought you would be the other person he's calm down for," Seth replied, opening the door for Mary while waiting outside.

"Marshall, it's okay my sweet baby boy. No one is going to hurt you anymore. I promise," Callie said trying to get Marshall to relax.

Mary moved to the other side of the bed. "Hey partner, everything is okay. There are no more bad guys to catch. All you need to do is relax and everything will be okay."

"Mare?" Marshall croaked out.

"I'm right here Marshall. Right by your side where I belong," Mary replied.

"He's going to hurt them. Liam, he's going to hurt them," Marshall said.

"Nope, he's not going to hurt anyone ever again. He's in jail and won't bother anyone."


"I promise Marshall. You need to rest and relax. Getting worked up isn't good for you," Mary said as she stroked her hand gently through his hair.

"Stay?" Marshall asked.

"For as long as you need me," Mary replied.

"Going to be sick," Marshall said, as Callie brought a trash can for him to use.

Once Marshall was done he laid back and thankfully fell asleep. Mary and Callie stared at each other.

"I have a feeling it's going to be a long night for the two of us," Callie said, flashing a brief smile at Mary.

"It's okay, he's worth it," Mary replied.


Mary woke the next morning to the smell of coffee. Opening one eye she noticed Seth sitting next to Callie, while Stan continued to move the cup in front of her.

"Don't tease an armed non morning person, it's very unhealthy, Stan," Mary warned.

"Rough night?" Seth asked.

"Irritable is an interesting way to describe that mood from withdrawal. I do get why the doctor warned us. He was sick several times, no insomnia he slept pretty good actually. He seemed to favor the flu like symptoms and no more breathing problems. They're releasing him today," Mary replied.

"He's awake so you don't have to whisper," Marshall said.

"Hey, how do you feel?" Mary asked.

"You don't want to know. Did you get Liam?"

"He's locked up and this time no where near Carmello," Stan replied as the doctor walked in.

"Mr. Mann we will be releasing you. I suggest you take it easy for a few days. Those ribs are going to be sore for awhile. If you have any difficulties breathing, I want you to come back. I'll have the nurse bring you the discharge papers."


It was four days later and Mary found herself sitting next to Marshall with Jamie on his lap telling him all about swimming at the hotel pool. Being the dutiful Uncle he was he listened intently until Katie called Jamie out to the other room.

Mary reached over and entwined their hands. Marshall looked at her in surprise.

"You scared the hell out of me Marshall. When you were lying on the church floor and not breathing I was petrified I was going to lose you. I don't ever want to experience that again," Mary said honestly.

"I'm sorry I scared you and everyone else. I feel like I failed somehow in all of this. How did I not notice them tailing me? I'm a marshal I should be able to spot a tail. I need to apologize to you and everyone else for anything hurtful I might've said while I was doped up," Marshall replied.

"It wasn't you speaking and there's nothing to worry about no one blames you. It seems this little escapade has done some good for you and your family also," Mary said, she had watched as Derek, Cody and Seth had actually sat down and talked to each other. Things weren't perfect, but they were all making an attempt to find a common ground.

"I keep thinking it won't last. That eventually they'll see me as their geeky baby brother and pull away again," Marshall said.

"I've spent time with them Marshall. They care more than they show or admit. I think this was a real eye opener for them. It was for me," Mary replied.

"How's that?" Marshall asked.

Mary just smirked and started to get off the couch as Callie called them in for dinner. She reached back a hand to help Marshall up as they headed into the kitchen. Mary looked at the family there and realized it was time to drop a hint.

"I've been doing a little thinking about messy lately. We'll discuss it later," Mary kissed his cheek and grabbed a seat at the table.

Marshall froze as the words sunk in. With a silly grin on his face he sat down and thought about this week. Liam's strongest desire was for justice. It was the only thing he could envision. Marshall looked around the table at his family both related and non related and realized he had almost everything he ever wanted. Looking at Mary smiling at him he amended that thought; he just might have it all.