Thank you, Torublossom, survivor18, falconrukichi, && Miyu Nanami, your reviews make me smile!:D

Torublossom-I'm glad you like it ahaha(:

Miyu Nanami- hahaha, Sai.. is well bad, and good? I guess.

*Poor Mirialla, she's not in a very good situation.

Disclaimer:I don't own Gundam Seed.

Mirialla was starring out Laraines window, at the black sky. She figured the original reason Winston asked her to stay the night was so that they could interrogate and then kill her. Things didn't go the way he planned since his little angel Laraine thought it meant a slumber party for her. Thinking of Laraine, she wondered if she took Laraine and held her hostage if she would be able to get away, alive..? She shook her head fiercely and slapped her face lightly as if trying to wake herself up, 'what the hell? Kidnapping a little kid. If I ever tell Dearka about that thought he will have jokes to last him a year.' A smiled slowly made it's way across her face at the thought of Dearka. She wondered how long it will be until word gets to him that she is missing? However she was interpreted from her thoughts when Sai entered the room, he didn't even spare her a glance.

"Laraine, you're going to your mommy's for a while. So pack your favorite things in this suitcase." Laraine starred at the suitcase, confused "why? Daddy always takes me to mommy's." Sai let out a tired breath "your daddy is busy, so Mirialla is going to take you for him." Mirialla held her breath 'what the hell is he saying?' Laraine glanced over to Mirialla, and smiled slightly "okay, I'll get ready." Sai held her hand and shook it a little "thank you, Laraine." He then stood up and went to the door "I'll be back in a few minutes."

Mirialla looked really nervous, so Laraine went to stand in front of her "Mirialla?" Mirialla smiled down to her, "yes?" Laraine glanced to the suitcase "will you help me pack?" Mirialla couldn't help it she had to laugh "yes, I'll help you." Laraine nodded her tiny head thankfully "good, because I don't know how."

Mirialla was packing the items Laraine wanted to take with her and noticed the upset look on her face. "Are you alright Laraine?" She blinked "daddy will be lonely without me." Mirialla tilted her head slightly "you should leave him one of your favorite stuffed toys." Laraine smiled and jumped off her bed "you're right that's such a good idea!"

Sai waltzed back into the room "ready to go, Laraine?" She smiled "yes, I am." Mirialla starred at Sai nervously, as he approached her. He handed her the suitcase and led her and Laraine down the hallway to a side door. He stopped at the door and turned to face Mirialla. "Go out this door and turn left, keep walking until you see black suv. Get in it with Laraine. If you try something sneaky, you will be killed, got it?" Mirialla nodded as she glared at Sai "yeah, I got it." Laraine listened to their conversation and scowled. "Are you not coming too, Sai?" He leaned down and smiled gently to her. "Not for a while, but I will come to your mommy's eventually." She nodded and gripped onto her stuffed Haro, "okay."

Mirialla opened the door cautiously, and grabbed Laraine's chubby little hand. "Come on, Laraine." She nodded to Mirialla, and waved bye to Sai with her free hand. Mirialla quietly glanced around as they walked across a field towards the black suv. She was sure Laraine could hear her heart beating from how worried she was. Once they got there a man pulled them in to the backseat of the vehicle. Mirialla sat in the middle between Laraine and the man. She decided to make small talk with Laraine so she could hopefully stay calm. "Are you close with Sai?" Laraine glanced up at her "umm he's going to be my step daddy, but that doesn't mean he is replacing my daddy, because he will always be my daddy!" Mirialla put on a fake smile, "I see, that's good." Laraine smiled softly and fiddled with her hands, "yeah, but daddy is lonely." She then leaned up and put her hand up to Mirialla's ear. "Do you want to know who I think would make a good step mommy?" Mirialla raised an eyebrow "who?" Laraine giggled then whispered "Cagalli Yula Attha." Mirialla snorted quietly, "ahh, she would." Laraine sat back in her seat properly "she's pretty, and really nice, but she has someone already." Mirialla smiled "yeah. I'm sure your daddy will find someone eventually." Laraine grinned "I know, daddy is very handsome." Mirialla laughed "you're such a smart little girl." Laraine's grin grew, "I have a lot of time on my hands."


Cagalli slowly opened her eyes, she blinked a few times, trying to adjust to the light in the room. She carefully sat up on the bed and pulled the IV out of her hand. She rubbed her neck "when did I fall asleep?"

"Six hours ago, Princess." Cagalli flinched and looked forward "who are you?" A man with neatly combed grey hair, and blue eyes wearing glasses, smiled to her as he came to her side and held out his hand "I'm Dr. Burnes. It's an honor to meet you, Princess." Cagalli gently shook his old aged hand "same, but please just call me, Cagalli. I never liked being called Princess." The old man smiled "as you wish." Cagalli shifted her body so that she could get up, but Dr. Burnes gave her a scolding look "stay put, you don't need to get up yet, and mess up your stitches." Cagalli shot him an annoyed glare "look I don't have time to stay put! My country needs me! Even more so I need to know what the hell is going on!" Dr. Burnes gave her an understanding look "we are on the Eternal, heading to the Plants. You can't do anything until we get there."

That pissed Cagalli off. Who the hell does this guy think he is? Saying she can't do anything, ha! That is what he thinks, she has so much to tell Kira, Athrun, and everyone else that needs to know. Although it might not be the most helpful information that they will hear, but it has potential to be a great help to do, well she doesn't exactly know what just yet. She bit her lip as she starred at the elderly man "a friend of Commander Yamato's was on that ship! He helped me. Well sort of, so therefore I need to get up, and go speak to everyone in command!" She floated up from her bed and headed towards the door, but stopped abruptly when she saw blue hair in the other bed in the room. She floated over nervously "Athrun?" The doctor hearing her mumble the other patients name, glanced to her. "He's injured from a reopened wound." Cagalli's eyes widened as she starred at Athrun. She brushed his bangs away from his closed eyes. "What wound?" Dr. Burnes let out a tired breath, "he had a collapsed lung from a bullet wound, and he didn't rest and let it heal properly so now to put it simply he is just a wreck." Cagalli swallowed hard and nodded as she clasped her hands together tightly "I see, is he going to be alright?" Dr. Burnes smiled gently to her and pointed to himself. "Yes, he just needs rest. Please don't worry, I'm one of the best docs you can get in space." Cagalli eyed him for a second, then slowly let a small smile come across her face "so you are. Thank you." He watched as she floated out of the room. "Huh, interesting girl."


Mwu threw his phone up against the wall "damnit! I can't get a hold of Mirialla." Murrue starred at him sadly. "I'm sure she is alright. She is a strong girl." Mwu turned around to look at Murrue "yeah, but I just can't help but to worry." She nodded her head a little, "I know." Mwu ran a hand through his hair. "The Plants, Atlantic Federation, and Orb are all ending their peace agreements." Murrue leaned against the wall. "I can understand why the Plants are with October City being destroyed in all. I just wish Lacus didn't let them cancel the treaty's. Then again she probably had no control at this point." Mwu scowled. "She's the Chairwoman, you would think she had complete control. I'd day the council pushed her into it." Murrue just looked out the window. Arnold came in to the room, holding to duffle bags. "Ready to go?" The other two adults nodded their heads to him "yep."


Yzak gently stroked Shiho's hair while she was laying on the bed face down, he knew she was crying, but she was being stubborn and completely denying it. "Shiho." She didn't say anything for a moment, he sighed "I..." She grabbed his hand that he had placed by her head. "I'm fine." He starred at her, and took his right hand away from her hair. "I don't believe you." She rubbed her face back and forth, Yzak assumed she was wiping her tears. She then did something rather unexpected, she rashly jumped up and pushed Yzak away, then slapped him across the face. "I said I'm fine! Go away and do your job, Commander!" Yzak sat in place, firmly. Shiho, was usually the most calm and patient person he knew, that only applied to him though. She would let him lash out and then somehow she would manage to calm him down instantly by just giving him a look, but now she was hurt. She lost her mother, and father all because of stupid bastards starting another war. Yzak clenched his fists tightly, he will make them pay, he silently swore to himself. He left his thoughts and starred at the girl before him, ready to take any abuse she sent his way, just as long as it helped her. Shiho blinked, and eyed her hand shakily. Yzak, didn't scream or break anything? She figured from where she slapped him, all of hell would have broken loose, but it didn't. She swallowed, and leaned closer to him, "Yzak..?" He answered calmly, "yes?" She threw her arms around him "sorry." He held her tightly, "it's fine. I understand."


Andrew, and Kira were watching the news when Cagalli entered the bridge. DaCosta noticing her presence, smiled. "Hello, Cagalli." Kira, abruptly turned so that he could see her. Andrew just took a sip of his coffee. Cagalli floated towards them while saying hello to DaCosta. Kira grabbed onto her arm worriedly, "are you okay, to be up and moving?" She smiled "I'm fine Kira, and even if I wasn't, I would still have to be up and moving." Kira starred at her for a moment before letting go. "I will just give up. There won't be any point in arguing with you about it." Cagalli nodded her head proudly, "yeah, because you will lose." Andrew smirked, listening to the twins. Cagalli then turned serious, "Kira, remember Kuzzey Buskirk?" Kira titled his head a little "of course I do. Why are you suddenly bringing him up?" Cagalli smiled "he helped me at the facility. He's working undercover for Kisaka, and he goes by "Eric." I was really surprised when I saw him considering how he acted during the first war." Kira blinked, "wow. Does Kisaka have a lot of people undercover then?" Cagalli shrugged her shoulders irritably "it beats me! He didn't tell me anything! And now." She turned her head away and whispered. "Now he might be dead." Kira, and Andrew's eyes widened. Kira looked at her concerned. "Why did you say that?" Cagalli shrugged her shoulders lazily. "Taber, told me that someone who Kisaka trusted shot him." Kira and Andrew shot each other nervous glances. "So if that's true, someone is a traitor?" Cagalli nodded her head "it could easily be someone he has working undercover for all we know."

Kira turned to face Andrew "if Kisaka does have people undercover, wouldn't that help us to get the Archangel and mobile suits back?" Andrew rubbed the side of his neck. "Sure, if we knew who they were and how to contact them. I hate to be negative but things just aren't that simple. The main thing we have going for us right now is the Freedom, Justice, Destiny, and Impulse. Then of course Cagalli still has Orb's army, and Zaft for the rest of us." Cagalli was next to them now. "So things should be okay? It's terrorists right? The said they call themselves Holy Massacre" Andrew shook his head, and raised an eyebrow. "Peace treaty's are being terminated as we speak, and that's a stomach turning name." Cagalli was well aware of that. "Kira, I need to get back to Orb." Andrew spoke before Kira, "speaking of Orb, since you are not there right now, they cancelled the treaty with the Plants, after the destruction of October City." Cagalli blinked, "huh? But why! They can't do that!" Andrew shrugged. "I don't know. It doesn't make sense to me either." Cagalli had her thumb pressed up against her bottom lip, "Nate is a coordinator, so if he is charge right now like he is supposed to be, there shouldn't be any reason for them to do that!" She pulled on her hair "I'm so pissed right now! Damn Braeden!" Kira glanced to her, "who is Braeden?" Cagalli blinked at his question. "What?" Andrew and Kira looked at each other quickly then back to Cagalli. Kira crossed his arms "you said "I'm so pissed right now. Damn Braeden." Who is that?" Cagalli didn't exactly want to answer that, because she wasn't really sure herself on who he is. Although she had a pretty decent idea. "Umm I don't know. Hey! Is Lacus okay?" Kira sighed as he sat down in a chair, 'Cagalli's changing the subject.' He cracked his neck. "I'm sure she is, but I bet her heart is broken." Cagalli frowned.

"Well, well if it isn't the princess of Orb." Cagalli swirled around and stomped her foot "don't call me that, Dearka!" Dearka floated beside her and had her in a half hug "I'm just glad your okay. Athrun is such a crybaby when you're not around." Cagalli raised and eyebrow and smirked "really?" Dearka nodded his head enthusiastically. "Duh! he was very determined to rescue you." Cagalli sighed, "more like he's determined to put himself in dangerous situations." Dearka nodded, "that could be it too." He then turned to watch the news. His facial features hardened, "those bastards are pathetic."

Cagalli floated to the door and turned to face everyone on the bridge. "I'm truly thankful that you saved me, but as soon as we arrive at the Plants, I'm leaving and going back to Orb." With that being said she left the bridge. Kira shook his head, "honestly." Andrew glanced to the door. "She really needs to be in Orb though." Kira nodded as he crossed his arms, "I know that, it's just I can't keep an eye on her there." Andrew laughed, "Athrun can. Well once he is better." Kira looked a little confused. "Do you think she will leave him in the Plants?" Andrew nodded, "No doubt in my mind, he can't handle a shuttle in his current condition." Kira leaned back in his seat. "He can just take the Justice down once he's better." Dearka looked at him "I don't know why but that sounds odd coming from you." Kira shrugged, and laughed. "Oh well."


Lacus starred at the members of the council. "I will not agree to going to war." One man slammed his fists down on the table. "Chairwoman! We must before anymore of the Plants are destroyed. We have proof that the Slaughter is an Earth Forces ship. It must be terminated." Lacus looked thoughtful. "I must say I agree that ship needs punishment, but we should try to avoid war." A woman starred at her, and smiled at Lacus's kind heart. "Chairwoman, all peace treaty's are gone. Orb is now blaming us for the kidnapping of their Chief Representative. Over half of us believe that Representative Cagalli Yula Attha, destroyed the Rousseau. Then the Earth Forces are probably going to team up with the terrorists." Lacus shook her head, and glared at the woman. "How could any of you even think that Lady Cagalli would have destroyed the Rousseau? She would never, ever do such a thing. Also I talked to Nate Lancaster, and he never once said anything about them blaming us for Lady Cagalli being taken! Why they cancelled the treaty, could just be they are in chaos without Cagalli's leadership." Another councilman began to speak. "Chairwoman, I'm not sure on how I feel about Orb right now, but October City my entire family was there. I am being honest when I say this, I want revenge! And I am going to get it, with or without your permission!" Lacus starred into his ice cold eyes, it sent a chill up her spine. What was she supposed to do? "I understand but revenge, isn't the answer. It just leads to more death." The man threw his hand up into the air. "Exactly, and they deserve to die, Miss Clyne!" Other council members stood from their seats in agreement, Lacus just tuned out all of their shouting, and slowly stood up and walked over to the video conference.


Yzak was on his way to the bridge, Shiho finally fell asleep and he was going to see where they were at. He walked onto the bridge. "Hawke! Report!" Meyrin perked up in her seat. "We are about to enter the hanger in Plants, sir! The Supreme Council is in a meeting as we speak! Have you seen the news?" Yzak glanced to her from where he was standing. "Alright. Yes, I have." Meyrin bit her lip. "Commander." Yzak stood behind her and put a hand on her shoulder. "Stay calm Meyrin. It's going to be okay." She nodded her head making her pigtails bounce. "Yes, sir!" Yzak smirked. He eyed the Plants as they prepared to enter Aprilius, and sighed.


Luna eyed Shinn as he remained silent and starred out the window at the Plants. He pulled out the pink cell phone from his pocket. Luna now knowing it belonged to his sister, couldn't help but let out a breath of air. Shinn quickly placed the phone back in his pocket, and turned his attention to Luna. "Everything alright?" She smiled to him sadly. "I'm just worried about you Shinn." He raised an eyebrow, at her obviously confused. "Why me?" She shrugged her shoulders. "I don't really know to tell you honestly." Shinn laughed a little. "Luna you're crazy." She glared at him as he stood up, because of the crazy comment. Once he was standing he pulled her up. "I love you, Luna." She wrapped her arms around him, "I love you too."


Dr. Burnes looked up from his stool when the doors made the hiss sound and slid open. Cagalli floated in, and starred at him. He raised an eyebrow, "yes?" She put a hand on her hip, "can I have some privacy in here for a moment?" He looked around, "but Athrun is still in here? You do know that right?" She rolled her eyes, "of course, I know that! I'm not stupid." He shook his head as he stood up. "Fine, just don't touch anything." Cagalli ignored him as he left the room mumbling curses. She sat down on the bed beside Athrun, and watched him sleep for a while. She took his hand into hers. "We're about to enter the Plants, and I'm sorry for what I'm about to say, but once we're there, I'm getting on a shuttle and going back to Orb. I wish you were healthy enough to come with me, and I'm sorry. It's my fault that you even got hurt, and made it worse by coming to save me." She smiled to him and leaned down and kissed him. "See you soon, Athrun." She then let go of his hand and slowly left the room.

She walked out the door to see Kira leaning against the wall. He smiled softly to her. "Ready to go?" Cagalli nodded her head, "yeah. I am." Together they walked down the hallway to the exit.


Lacus stood by herself on the walkway, that everyone used to leave the ships and enter the building. Kira gently smiled to her as he walked towards her. "Lacus." She had a heavy frown, "Kira. Were you successful in rescuing Cagalli?" He stood in front of her "yeah, she should be walking through here any second. She kind of got side tracked by a mechanic telling jokes." If it was even possible, Lacus's frown grew. "We have to get her out of here." By this point Yzak, Shiho, Dearka, Andrew, and Meyrin were standing there. Kira raised an eyebrow at her curiously, "why?" Lacus looked at the people standing before her, "because Plants just declared war a few minutes ago. Even more so the council is blaming Cagalli for everything." Everyone expected the war, but not the whole blaming Cagalli thing. Cagalli came up to them by this point in time and looked at their livid faces. "What's going on?" Lacus ran up to her and hugged her. "I'm really sorry, Cagalli. I will fix it I promise." Cagalli hugged her back, "what?" Kira grabbed a hold of Cagalli's hand "come on, Cagalli. It's time to go." She nodded her head awkwardly "uhh, okay."

They stood before the shuttle, Kira hugged her "please, be safe. Don't do anything reckless." Cagalli returned his embrace, "don't worry Kira. I will be fine." He smiled sadly to her, "if I could I would go too." Cagalli laughed, "yeah, yeah. Just get Athrun back up on his feet soon for me!" Kira nodded, "will do. I guess I should let you go." She nodded her head slightly, "yeah. Keep in touch. Bye." Kira waved "bye."

Kira watched as the shuttle left, and frowned as he turned to walk away.


Taber walked towards the woman before him with long blondish, brown curly hair, and light brown eyes, he stopped once he was standing in front of the woman. He shook hands with her, "It's nice to see you again, Lucy." She smiled, "naturally." She then pointed a hand to the ship beside them, "interesting ship isn't it?" He looked at the ship and whistled, "your plan to take the Archangel was brilliant, and yes it's very interesting." Her smile grew, "the Plants declared war. It seems even the peaceful Lacus Clyne couldn't keep those coordinators in line." Taber grinned, "ahh apparently so." Lucy crossed her arms, "did you get rid of the Princess." Taber shrugged, "I'd say she died when the D-establishment blew up, but I'm not sure." She nodded her head, "okay." Then they heard a little kid shouting, "mommy, mommy!" Lucy turned around looking for the voice, and then smiled once she saw the little girl running towards her. "Laraine!" Laraine jumped into her mother's arms, "I missed you mommy!" Lucy held on to her tightly and kissed her cheek, "really how much?" Laraine grinned and glanced around and pointed to the ship, "that much!" Lucy laughed, "wow that's a lot." Laraine laughed, "I know." Taber raised an eyebrow, 'I didn't realize she was a mother.'

Mirialla starred at the scene in horror, as a man held onto her arm tightly, 'what did I get myself into?'