This is my first Fan fiction, so I'm kind of nervous; please tell me what you think!

Disclaimer: I do not own nor claim Vampire Academy as my own, Vampire Academy belongs to Richelle Mead. I Ashleigh Wood claim this plot as mine and no one may copy any ideas from this story without my written permission.

Gone forever?


As he hit me again, I still refused to whimper or show him any signs of weakness. Every day it was the same routine, he would come in gives me breakfast (dry bread and bottled water) (which I refused to eat but a week without food, yea I gave in!) then he would ask me if I wanted to-do it the hard way or the easy way, first time he said that I laughed and asked him if he could get anymore cliché, he then turned around and asked me, "How well can you laugh with a broke and a few bruised ribs? I closed my mouth, I could almost hear the "Zen Lesson" my comrade would have given me "Rose, angering people who have authority over you only sets you back from your goal", and the authoritarian person would be my capture, Jason, and my goal being escape! Oh and by the way my name is Rosemarie Hathaway I'm twenty four and I was kidnapped two years and eight months ago.

Very short but it's just the Prologue! Sorry about any mistakes I've made, first time writing and all! Let me know what you thought of it!