Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts

This story is a Sora and Kairi, I promise.

'How could you? You – you... asshole!'

'Kairi you know it isn't polite for a lady to swear.'

'How the hell can you be so calm about this?' The nineteen year old redhead screamed.

'Because we've been arguing for over two hours, come on Kai, I've said sorry a million times.'

'Ha, it's gonna take a lot more than sorry to make this up, you slept with another woman!'

Tears continued to pour down the princess' face, staining her porcelain cheeks, she felt betrayed, hurt, and worthless. She ran a hand through her locks and gripped her fringe seeming as though she wanted to shred it out. The tall blue eyed male stood up and attentively walked in front of the weeping girl.

He closed his hand on her wrist in an attempt to pull her hand away from ripping her hair out, his tanned skin contrasted with the creamy milk coloured of her own. He bent down quite a bit to look into her eyes and held her face in his right hand.

'Kai, I was drunk it was a mistake. The worst mistake of my life and I will regret it forever but please you have to forgive me. I am so, so sorry.' His tears began to start up again, he had already been crying way before Kairi had started, he knew his mistake and he knew he was close to losing his girl.

'Just – just don't touch me, don't even come near me.' She hiccupped pulling away from his hand. 'I have to get out of here, I have to go, I need to go.'

She began rambling as she grabbed her pink hoody and slipped on her purple boots. Seizing her keys and phone she put her tiny hand on the doorknob about to turn it when his bigger hand clamped down atop of hers.

'Let me go!' She screamed in his face.

'Darling please, I'm so sorry. Kairi I love you don't do this.' The twenty-one year old boy pleaded.

The two of them had started dating when Kairi was sixteen and he was eighteen, they were in the same group of friends and were all very close to one another. When Kairi turned eighteen they decided to purchase a small cottage on the island, it was practically next door to their family and friends but it was still a place they could call their own.

It had a clear view of the sea and the Island they used to play on when they were kids.

He took his hand off of the doorknob and her smooth hand not wanting to face anymore of her wrath, she may be tiny but her anger could rival a tornado.

She opened the door and slipped out into the night sky, it had a slight breeze coming from the ocean and she shivered involuntary she turned back around with glistening violet eyes.

'We're through; goodbye Tidus.' She whispered and took off running up the path of their front garden.

The blond sank to his knees and cried into his hands. He was in love with her and now she had gone.

What had he done?

I hope that wasn't too terrible? But yeah, I promise this will be a SoKai, just bare with me.