I don't own Axis Powers Hetalia, but if I did it would be AWESOME!

And speaking of awesome, Prussia is up next! Ahahaha ... fun. :D

1. France is not allowed to participate in the Olympics.

2. France cannot grope England's ass during World Meetings, it upsets America.

3. He cannot grope Spain's ass either, it pisses off Romano.

4. Or his chest.

5. In fact, France should stay away from Spain and England if he values his vital regions.

6. France is not allowed to get drunk the day before a World Meeting.

7. He is NOT EVER allowed to sell ANYTHING to Hungary.

8. Especially if it is a video.

9. Even if it "was consensual", he still doesn't know the meaning of that word anyway.

10. France is not allowed to give the Talk to Sealand. Even though England really cannot stand Sealand at times, he does not want his 'brother' to go through that sort of mental - and physical - scarring.

11. France is not allowed to have a camera.

12. France is not allowed to get rid of said camera by "misplacing" it in England's house while it is still recording.

13. And if he does, he cannot "find" it later.

14. If there is a costume party, France is not allowed to wear "invisible clothing".

15. Or a rose.

16. He is not allowed to imply that Switzerland is compensating for something with his gun.

17. He is not allowed to imply that Switzerland is taking care of Liechtenstein "because he can't get any with a real girl".

18. For that matter, France may not give the Talk to Liechtenstein.

19. ... Really, even he shouldn't be stupid enough to do that.

20. Because if he does, vital regions will get mutilated.

21. Germany will happily kill him if he so much as looks at Italy when he is drunk, as a result, he should not do it.

22. If he tries to TOUCH Romano's curl, Spain will lop his head off with that axe of his, under the grounds that he is the only person allowed to have that effect on Romano.

23. France is not allowed to make any statements alluding to the belief that the Revolutionary War was Unresolved Sexual Tension.

24. ... Even though it was.

25. If France is in a relationship, the other countries do not care. At all. Therefore, he should keep the screaming sex in broom closets to a minimum, as it upsets the younger nations.

26. France can – and will – not find any loopholes in these above twenty-five rules, lest Hungary go after him with her frying pan.