Here is Finland, done for all of the people who requested the Nordics.

This is the last official chapter, guys. I say "official" because I might get some ideas and write up a multi-nation chapter, or I might find some good clips/facts/links for Iceland/Netherlands/Turkey/Norway/Seychelles and write from there, but other than that, this fic is over.

I'm going to be working on another one similar (sort of) to this, called "And I Still Love Him" or "My Idiot Boyfriend". It's humor, implied sex, bad language, tsundereness, and basically everything that makes the T rating so much fun to write.

But what I really want to say to you wonderful people is "Thank You". Thank you for 92 reviews so far, thank you for over 11,000 hits and 2,500 visits, thank you for 43 favorites and 43 alerts, but most of all, thank you for reading.

Te adoro~

Russia: Voooooddkkaaa!

Me: Well, there went the serious mood.

1. Finland might be Santa, but he is not a pornography factory.

2. He should explain this to Denmark, Prussia, Germany, and Hungary.

3. … and if Hungary says something like "Oh, it's okay! I have a fresh supply now!" he should check his house for cameras.

4. He is not allowed to participate in a "Christmas documentary" with Hungary. It's for his own safety.

5. If Hungary asks him to be in a documentary about the Nordics, he should decline.

6. … for some reason, she seems to think that they were having orgies.

7. Mocking Denmark about how he left with Sweden is a bad idea …

8. … but it's totally okay if Denmark is drunk.

9. Sweden isn't an axe/knife/chainsaw murderer, so Finland shouldn't freak out whenever he walks into the room.

10. If France ever asks for any object that is mildly sex-related, he isn't allowed to give it to him …

11. … because then things will go from bad to worse.

12. Finland isn't allowed to kill people for making "Wife" jokes …

13. … but he really should explain the "m' wife" comment.

14. Especially to Sealand and Korea.

15. Just because he introduced Hungary to doujinshis and anime does not mean that she should build a shrine to him. He really should tell her that.

16. Finland is not allowed to kill people (cough*Denmark*cough) for asking him if he was the one wearing the dress.

17. … maiming is okay, though. After all, this is Denmark.

18. He isn't allowed to give porn to France …

19. … Prussia …

20. … America …

21. … Denmark …

22. … Hungary …

23. … Japan …

24. … or any other yaoi/yuri/het fanboy/fangirl.

25. If Finland breaks any of these rules, France will release the photos that he took of him at Christmas.