Hey! I have a new story! I know 'Say That You Love Me' isn't finish yet, but the reason for that is i'm having a writer's block.. I;m not gonna be posting for 1 week. SORRY for anyone who reads and is a fan, i'm really sorry.

Anyhoo, This story is already written and is consisting 5 chapters only. A little short huh? What do you expect it's a songfic.

Yes, a songfic to World Of Chances by Demi Lovato

I will try to post a chapter every day if I get feedbacks so please, do not forget to review below. Thanks in advance!

DISCLAIMER: I don't own SWAC, Demi Lovato or the song 'WORLD OF CHANCES'

P.S : English is not my first language, i'm sorry for grammar mistakes.


This chapter is dedicated to everyone who reviewed on my other story 'Say That You Love Me' .. Leighbislove, You Wanna Know Me, AbbieLovesChanny, ChannyisLove777, past decembers, Mellobonesfan101, good4While, Imlikeoky .. & It'sLittleMe . Each review makes me smile and encourages me to update more. I love you guys!

Without further ado.. 'WORLD OF CHANCES' written by blueberrybiancxx (lol. I feel like i need to say that :D)

World of Chances

Chapter: Breaking me slowly

You've got a face full of smiles you know, a shame you waste it when your breaking me slowly. But i've got a world of chances for you, I've got a world of chances for you, I've got a world of chances that you're burning through.


I took a deep breath and entered Condor studios. It's been 3 weeks since the break up with Chad. I knew it was stupid to break up with him but it feels like the right thing at the moment. But now, that i think about it, it might be the greatest mistake of my life. I sighed and smiled, fake ofcourse. I'm so filled with hurt and depression, but i still manage to smile, and he said i couldn't act. Speaking of He, there he goes, walking over to Stage 2. He's been awfully happy lately. Smiling all the time, laughing with his castmates. It hurts me to see him happy because that just means one thing, i was nothing to him. All the words he said was nothing. It doesn't mean anything to him. With that, i ran to our dressing room, tears falling. I got to our dressing room and saw Tawni fixing her make up, she turned and saw me crying. She sat next to me on the couch and hugged me.

"Oh Sonny! Your crying again!" She said.

"Isn't it obvious?" I said in my teary voice.

"What is it this time?" She asked me.

"Him being happy with them and me being nothing to him." I stated and cried some more.

"Sonnyyyyyyyyy! You mean everything to him! I heard they can't film their new episode because everytime there's a kissing scene between Mackenzie and Chloe, he just breaks down and cries like your doing right now! Mr. Condor actually threatened him that's why he's been awfully happy lately!" She stated.

"That doesn't explain the fact that he's HAPPY now without me!" I sniffed.

"Oh cmon! He's just acting! Can't you see through his fake smile? 'sides i know him way longer than you do and i have NEVER seen Chad care like he does to you. From all the girlfriends that he had, your the most special. I can see it, all of us can. So please, don't cry." Tawni pleaded. She hates seeing me this miserable. I decided to lighten up the moment.

"Omygosh! Tawni Hart is caring!" I said and smiled, a true one i might add.

"Well.. uh.. it's just cause your on my show and without you being 'SUNNY' I won't be popular and Pretty!" She stood up and flipped her hair at the mirror.

"Tawni.." I said.

"Okay fine, I do care! That's just because in all my life, you are the awesomest friend i've ever had. And I'm really sad seeing you like this." She looked down.

"Aww Tawni!" I said and hugged her.

"All cast of So Random, please go to the set for rehearsals." The announcer guy said.

"Cmon! Let's change to our Check it Out uniforms!" Tawni said and hurried to her changing place. After that, we both went to the set and rehearsed, all thoughts of Chad behind.. or is it?

How was it? Good? Bad? Horrible? Awesome? Cool? Cute? Tell me!

Sorry for the shortness, i kinda stretched it to fill up the 5 chapters.

R E V I E W ?

Twitter - delenaswiftx Tumblr - xlastkiss
