Diclaimer all SMs

This is my new story i was not planning on doing this yet but as i went to write a chapter for my other story my hands typed out this one.

This is for the people that have asked me to do a Bella/Paul story hope you enjoy

Full Moon


Once Jake had left my room I laid back on my bed trying to remember the story he told me when I first saw him on the beach, it seemed like such a long time ago now but I knew that if I could continue to see Jake I had to solve this on my own. I could feel myself falling back to sleep I tried to fight it but gave up deciding to think about what Jake said in the morning, whatever it is I knew that my view of Jake would not change he was my best friend and nothing would change that. I rolled over on to my side to get comfortable ready to have another nightmare like most nights instead the dream I had was different.

I found myself on first beach where Jake first told me about the tribes legends, I could hear a voice I didn't recognise telling me about the legends again I recognised the 'cold ones' but then the story went on about protectors and the tribe being descended from wolves. The dream shifted again and this time I found myself in the middle of the meadow that HE took me to, I could hear a padding noise of paws hitting mud and when I looked up I saw the wolves again the reddish brown one looked at me and the eyes reminded me of Jake.

I suddenly bolted up in bed wide awake what I couldn't remember last night before falling asleep my dream had reminded me, I quickly jumped out of bed being careful to steady myself before walking across my room to my closet and grabbing the first things I put my hand on. Once I was dressed I left my room looking for Charlie, I knew I had to go see Jake and tell him it didn't matter and the earlier I could it the better so we could get back to normal again.

"Dad I'm going to La Push to see Jake" I yelled when I could hear him in the kitchen.

"I thought you two had a fight yesterday? Why don't you give him some space for a few days so you can both calm down?"

"It's ok I now know why he was like it yesterday, I really need to see him." I replied while slipping my shoes on and grabbing my coat.

"Fine I'm going fishing with Harry soon, not sure what time I will be back, if you are not here when I come back I will presume that you both made it up."

"Ok see you later" I yelled as I walked out the front door shutting it behind me.

Twenty minutes later I parked up outside Jake's house getting ready to tell him I knew what he was and it didn't matter when out the corner of my eye I could see Sam and his gang approaching, I quickly noticed that they looked similar to Jake well built, tall and short haircuts and knew straight away that they were also wolves. Without realising what I was doing I found myself climbing out of my truck and walking towards them I stopped in front of Sam before I yelled at him.

"I know the truth and you can't keep Jake away from me."

"What do you know?" Sam then asked in a normal voice.

"What you are, what you all are including Jake so you don't have to make him stay away from me now." I replied back quietly having lost some of my nerve when I realised just how big he was.

"It's not any of your business what we are, you have no right to even talk to us let alone yell at Sam." One of the others replied in a sneering voice followed by him laughing at me.

Before I realised what I was doing I walked up to the one who said that and slapped him across the face, my hand started stinging but before I could grab it Sam had a hold of my arm pulling me away so I was half stood behind him, I looked up at the person I slapped and could see him shaking so much he was blurring within seconds his body started changing and in his place was a massive silver wolf. He was beautiful I glanced at him and looked straight into his eyes and I was captivated, it was as if I could see straight into his soul and his eyes were looking into mine.

Seconds later the connection was broken when I heard Jake call my name and I looked to where he was running towards me, out of the corner of my eye I could see the silver wolf take a step closer to me but my attention was soon focused on Jake when he jumped up and turned into a the reddish brown wolf I saw in the meadow.

The silver wolf then turned and started growling at Jake when Jake started growling at him, before I realised what was happening Jake jumped and attacked the silver wolf pushing him into the forest I watched and started to worry when I realised that Jake was a lot bigger than him, I was broken out of my thoughts my Sam lightly pushing me towards one of the other men and running in the direction of the forest he stopped just before entering and shouted out an order.

"Take Bella to Emily's we will catch you up once they have calmed down and found some new clothes." He then disappeared into the forest where he started to shake.

"So Bella how did Jake get around the order?" When I looked up i recognised it was Embry who was talking.

"What do you mean by order?" I asked

"Sam is our Alpha and he ordered Jake not to tell you about us."

"Jake told me about the legends when I first met him at the beach when I came down with friends from school, he just gave me some hints I guess that he could tell me and I remembered the rest." My thoughts of Sam were still the same but I understood the reason why they would have to keep their world a secret just like the others.

"I guess that would work, I wonder what Sam is going to do to him? I thought Paul was going to attack you at some point I think you are the first female to ever hit him best of luck with him ever forgiving you." The other man said I looked at him with raised eyebrows wondering if he was going to introduce himself.

"Sorry Bella this is Jared" Embry then said while pointing to Jared.

"We can finish introductions at Emily's we need to get going before they get there before we do." Jared suddenly said walking towards my truck and getting in the back.

"Bella I think it might be best if I drive, you look like you are in shock and plus it would be quicker than giving you directions" Embry then said as we reached the truck, I shrugged my shoulders and made my way into the passenger side.

A few minutes later we started to approach a brown house similar to Jakes but you could tell that a woman lived here by the flower pots sat on the front porch. As I went to get out Embry grabbed my arm to get my attention so I would look up at him.

"Don't stare at Emily it bugs Sam"

"Why would I stare?" I asked before he could answer me he got out and walked around to my side of the truck, I opened the door and joined him as he made his way into the house with Jared following behind us.

"Emily we are back with a visitor" Jared called out; I looked up and saw a woman walk out of the kitchen before she stopped and stared at me. It wasn't until she turned her head that I saw the scars going down one side of her face, I quickly looked away before she stepped forward and introduced herself.

"Hi I'm Emily Sam's girlfriend."

"Hi I'm Bella a friend of Jakes" I replied shyly.

"I have heard all about you only Jake would find a loophole in Sam's orders, I'm, surprised it took him this long." Emily then said looking at all three of us.

"He didn't tell me recently, he told be all about the legends a while ago he just helped me remember them." I replied back sticking up for Jake.

"Welcome it's nice to have another girl in the know." Emily said back as she made her way back into the kitchen, I stood next to Embry not sure what I was supposed to do now.

"Come on Bella come sit at the table while there is a spare chair Emily will have breakfast ready soon and the others will be back before then." Embry said while grabbing my arm and leading me to the table that was in the kitchen.

Emily approached the table with a plate full of muffins I watched as both Embry and Jared picked up one each and stuffed the whole muffin in their mouths in one go. Emily returned with an even bigger plate full of eggs and bacon.

"If you're hungry grab something now before the others come in, and you two slow down leave some for your brothers." Emily said before glaring at both Embry and Jared. I quickly picked up a muffin and took a bite out of it feeling it melt in my mouth.

"They are the best aren't they?" Jared replied while sticking another muffin in his mouth, I just nodded before taking another bite.

A few seconds later the front door swung open and Sam walked in first going straight to Emily giving her a kiss and then Jake and Paul walked in shuffling each other and laughing. Paul came to sit next to me while Jake lent against the wall opposite until Emily got up and sat on Sam's lap freeing up the chair she was sat on.

"Hi Belle I'm Paul sorry about earlier I didn't mean to talk to you like that." Paul then said while sticking his hand out for me to shake, I took his hand and gave a little shake but let go quickly when I felt something like an electric shock run up my arm it seemed to almost burn. I compared it to the times when HE would touch me but this felt a lot hotter.

"Hi I'm sorry about slapping you I'm not normally like that." I replied looking down at my muffin.

"That's ok it didn't hurt, how is your hand?" He then asked

"Its fine" I replied. I then sat back and finished eating my muffin and watched as all the wolves demolished the food Emily had cooked for them by the time I finished my muffin all the food was gone and they were all sat back in their chairs rubbing their stomachs.

"Bella you know what we are but there are something's that I need to ask you about the Leech in the meadow." Sam then asked and the rest of the wolves then sat forward looking at me waiting for some response.

Im not sure how often i will be able to update this story as i want to get The Right Choice done and also turn PS I love You into a full length story but i will try my best for at least once a fortnight.