From Crowfeathers point of view.

Guess what else? Firestar's evil. xD

Okay, so I loved her.

My eyes opened as I thought those few words. My smile was hesitant on my dark face as I opened my eyes. I had awoken from yet another dream of Leafpool, whom I loved. But I couldn't love her. I had a mate. A beautiful mate, by the way. Her name was Nightcloud, and she was in the nest aside from mine..

Well, she was. Or had been living there up until a few moons ago. Now she lived for a few moons in the nursery with kits. She just had them last week. . I was so proud of her, oh, those kits. .

They're my kits, if you didn't catch on already. To tell you the truth, I don't love Nightcloud. I thought I did, but I really, really don't.. My heart will always belong to a medicine cat. Yes, a medicine cat. You heard me correctly, didn't you? Yes, a medicine cat who I don't even know that loves me back.

Pft.. A cat who isn't supposed to ever have kits. Someone who was beautiful enough to have millions of cats swooning after her. I wonder if she had ever truly loved me, for who I was. I shook that though away, trying desperately to find myself yet again.

I probably had to get up in a moment, and a voice told me that I was right for that.

"Crowfeather! Are you not awake yet? I swear, you are lazier than that Breezepelt!" a sneer came from Tornear as I prickled my ears. My claws were immediately unsheathed as I heard my eldest son's name. That stupid bastard brought him into this.. And I wished I could make him pay for such. But I had to be loyal to my clan and not claw the eyes out of that warrior.

"You can alert everyone else in the moors after I get up!" I hissed back, stretching my bones as I stood out of my nest. The torn ear on the male was laid back on his darker tabby head, and I smirked, brushing past him, feeling his annoyed prickled pelt against mine.

Okay, so the WindClan camp wasn't as big as, say, ThunderClan. But it was a hell of a lot more complicated. We had so many dens you could probably fit all of ShadowClan and RiverClan here, and maybe even ThunderClan if we were lucky. But that's beside the point. The hardest one to get to was the leader's den, which was beneath tunnels, where we hid our kits when a battle would rage, which happened rarely, but still did.

The fresh kill pile, like usual, was in the middle of the camp. It was easiest to spot because it usually had a lazy apprentice - Like my own, Heatherpaw, she was more than just lazy - or two, laying around and eating everything when it was supposed to be time to hunt.

And, like I predicted, Heatherpaw was right there, eating a fresh sparrow.

"Heatherpaw!" My voice startled the apprentice, and she jumped from her sitting position to look at her mentor, whom was me. "Y-yes Crowfeather?" her voice was frightened, but her face looked flat out annoyed that I had stopped her from eating the sparrow that she apparently seemed to be enjoying.

"Hunting patrol, now." Obviously, she was in the mood to argue with her mentor. But she wouldn't get out of this one, no no. Not without a fight coming from me. "But you just woke up!" She complained, almost glaring at me. I growled lightly, almost just to scare her.
"Mentor's orders. Come on."
I wasn't in the mood to argue with an apprentice that I was forced to teach.. She was so annoying at some times.. Oh yeah, I have to say sometimes. But usually all. I began to walk, still thinking about Leafpool.
"Ugh. Whatever." She hissed back at me, and began to run outside the entrance as I called after her to slow down.

"Crowfeather!" A voice came to bring me out of my trance, thinking. A scarred and bloody Ashfoot, my mother, was padding near me at a slow pace. My eyes were widened as soon as I saw this. What had happened to her? Had there been a fight, a small one, or a large one?

"Mom! What's wrong? What has happened?" My words came out almost in a slur, because I was so shocked that she would be this hurt.

"I-it's Firestar.." She whispered the name of the cat that was evil, the one that had held my Leafpool's clan.. I shook that aside and growled softly. "What has that stupid cat done now?"

"W-well..." She didn't look very eager to tell me, but I wanted to know before others were hurt like she had just been. I was about to ask her again, but she almost looked like she was crying. Was she crying? I couldn't tell.

"He lead a attack to steal Nightcloud's kits." Her words came out as a whisper, and she was looking straight into my eyes, blood seeping from her wounds, and that face that made my heart skip a beat.