"Here, you can be Ken. I'll be Barbie." Kurt took out his plastic toy drawer and rummaged a bit before handed Blaine the male doll with a flourish, keeping the busty blonde for himself. He sat down on the floor and patted the ground, Blaine plopping on his behind beside Kurt.

"Why do you have dolls Kurt?" Kurt gave Blaine a look.

"You don't?" Blaine shook his head.

"My baby sister does. She's one and one half." Kurt frowned.

"I'm not a baby. I'm four years old." The indignant child held up a hand at Blaine, fingers splayed with the thumb tucked in. "See. I'm this many. Not a baby." Blaine smiled and put his hand around Kurt's, covering the majority of the little fist.

"Your hands are little like my baby sister. But she drools on her hand. You don't drool on your hand Kurt. You hands are clean." Kurt snatched his hand out of Blaine's.

"Don't hold hands with me. Only my mommy and daddy hold hands with me. I'm not a baby." Kurt huffed and turned his nose in the air. Blaine poked Kurt cheek.

"People hold hands when they get married." Blaine said matter of factly.

"But we're not married." Kurt was confused.

"We should get married then! Then I can hold your hand whenever I want right?" Blaine was bouncing up and down, his energy as all over the place as his hair.

"We can't get married Blaine." But his four year voice made it sound like "maiwweed."

"Why not? My brother is seven years old and he's married to our neighbor. He's ten." Kurt's palm flipped up to the ceiling as he explained.

"You're brother is a big kid. We're to little to get married. But we can pretend to be Barbie and Ken and make them married." Blaine sighed, dolls were not his idea of a good time, but he liked Kurt happy a lot better than when he was fussy or crying.

"Okay. How do you play?" Kurt's face brightened.

"With my mommy they go on adventures and sometimes have tea parties. But when I'm by myself I make Ken a prince, and Barbie is a princess. Then he saves her from the monster, and they fall in love, and they get married." Kurt looked around the room, making sure that no one was going to come in, covering his mouth and giggling as he told Blaine a secret of his that no one else knew.

"Sometimes, when they get married," Kurt lowered his voice. "I make them kiss." Blaine grew wide eyed in astonishment.

"Do I have to kiss you when we get married?" Kurt nodded.

"Yes, but only the dolls, because you are Ken and I am Barbie." Blaine pouted.

"But I want to be Blaine and marry Kurt." Kurt held up his finger and wagged it at Blaine.

"No, no, no. You have to take me on a date first." Blaine's even then bushy eyebrows drew together.

"What's that?" Kurt frowned in thought for a moment before shrugging.

"My mommy said she dated my Daddy for years before they got married. So date comes before marry." Blaine nodded. "I know, playing Barbie can be our date, and then we can be married okay?" Blaine clapped.

"Yay! Okay!"

Blaine was actually getting into the game of dolls they were playing, especially loving the way Kurt would laugh whenever he would try to squeeze a girly high heel onto Ken's foot, or stuff him into a dress. Finally Kurt dressed both dolls, and placed Blaine's back in his hand.

The two of them acted out several fairy tale stories they knew, and a few that they made up, including the last one, where Ken and Barbie had a date of playing in the park before getting married under a tree.

"Okay Blaine, you have to make Ken say the same thing I make Barbie say okay? Then they will be married." Blaine nodded, making sure to listen carefully so he would know how to marry Kurt as well.

"I promise to love you forever and ever." Kurt said in his effeminate little boy voice.

"I promise to love you forever and ever." Blaine repeated. Blaine and Kurt tilted the dolls forward, knocking their foreheads together.

"Mwah!" Kurt exclaimed. "Now they kissed, and they are married." Blaine grinned.

"Now me and you can get married like Barbie and Ken." Kurt was in the middle of nodding when his face grew confused.

"Who will be Barbie?" Blaine frowned.

"No more Barbie. Now it's Kurt and Blaine." Kurt shook his head.

"Who will be the lady?" Blaine's face blanked.

"I don't know. We're boys."

"There has to be a man and a lady to be married. I've never seen two mans be married." Blaine nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. You can be the lady Kurt. You were Barbie so you can be the lady." Kurt shook his head and giggled.

"I can't be the lady silly."

"Why not?" Kurt leaned in to Blaine, talking softly as he could.

"I can't… because I don't have boobies." The word sent both boys into fits of laughter, their short arms wrapping around their stubby torsos. Their little faces grew red, and they giggled long and hard. After they had calmed down, Blaine spoke.

"Ladies don't need to have boobies. I have an aunt and she doesn't have boobies. And, I have a fat uncle and he has boobies. Big ones." Kurt giggled at the thought.

"Okay. I'll be the lady. But you have to repeat what I say, and keep your promise forever." Blaine nodded, but had a question.

"Kurt, how long is forever?" The brunette thought for a moment before answering.

"Ten years." Blaine's eyes widened but he nodded.

"I promise."

"I'll start. "I promise to love you forever and ever to the moon and the stars and back." Blaine smiled and took Kurt's hand in his like they did in the movies.

"Okay. I promise to love you forever to the moon and the stars and to Canada and the sky and the ground and the giraffes and the elephants and the birds and the butterflies and to the North Pole and to Hawaii. And back." Blaine and Kurt once again erupted into giggles.

"Who says that?" Blaine gasped and took a deep breath before speaking.

"My brother says that when I'm sad. And it makes me happy because when someone loves you it makes you happy."

"It makes me happy when you say that Blaine." Kurt said shyly.

"Then now we kiss." Kurt nodded, and leaned forward, pressing his mouth gently to Blaine's cheek, smiling when the pudgy flesh gave to the light pressure of his mouth. He sat back again, beaming as Blaine did the same to his cheek. Blaine grabbed his hand, grinning widely.

"Haha, we're married now, I can hold your hand whenever I want!" The four year old spoke too soon because from upstairs his mother's voice rang out.

"Blaine! Time to go home!" Kurt and Blaine stared sadly at each other, their playdate over. The newlyweds hugged good bye, and Blaine bounded up the stairs, not noticing the funny looks and then smiles the mother gave him as he exclaimed.

"Mommy! Lizzie!" (his name for Kurt's mom) "Kurt and I got married!"

Aw! I want to keep them this age forever! But I can't do that. Next chapter is going to be Blaine's fifth birthday, prepare to meet his family and some kindergarten New Directions! Please review!