Dear journal,

Italy gave me you yesterday. He said it would be good to get all my feelings down in a diary. I told him i do not write in diaries. He said,Why not? BECAUSE ONLY TEENAGE GIRLS DO DAMMIT. Im Frickin Germany. Im a frickin manly dude. i cant write in a "Diary" so he said to call you a journal then. Fine but only cuz i kind of like him... But i swear to God that if this is Russia or America or England or some other annoying idiot reading this, i will find out and i will hunt you down and snap your- a little off track there...ANYWAY, Today we had a meeting and Russia was being fucking creepy as usual but today he was looking a Italy in a weird way. Like in a, Im-totally-gonna-rape-you-and-take-over-the-world-way. Creepy Bastard. I glared at him the whole meeting. Then we all got this weird chill or something. Like an unknown person was in here or something. it kinda creeped me out. Oh my god i swear i heard like a faint murmuring or sounded like "Im Canada" or something like that...


Dear Journal,

I decided to give you a name today. Soda is your name. i guess it is sorta retarded but i kind of like it ever since i watched that american movie the Outsiders. America brought it in today. He said it would be good for "Emotional Bonding" Whatever the fuck that means. England cried. hahaha wimp...

LuDwIg .B.

Dear Soda,

Italy brought me some mangas to read today. One of them was called Kuroshitsuji or Black Butler...let me tell you, Thats some messed up shit. The kids fiance scares me. whats her name...Elizabeth? she reminds me of Italy...only scarier.

When i read that the red haired dude with the chainsaw wants to have babies with the butler guy i was like: WHAT

Is that even biologically possible?

Yeah my face was kinda like




and Italy came over and was all like: What

And i was like:._.

He read it over my shoulder and his face got like :D

