Cherry and the Weasel

Summary: While team 7 makes their way to where Gaara is they encounter Itachi. Instead of Itachi just disappearing he takes Sakura with him. Why did he kidnap her? Does this have something to do with Sakura's past?

11 years in the past

A knock on the door was heard through the Uchiha mansion. A small set of footsteps came running to the door. A young 4 year old boy was seen running while yelling "She's here! She's here!". Behind the boy was a 9 year old boy who didn't show emotion but was excited on the inside. As their mother opened the door, it showed a beautiful woman with white hair and green eyes holding a pink haired girl.

"Mikoto!" the whitehead said happy to see her best friend after a few years.

"Yuki!" Mikoto yelled happily "How are you? I haven't seen you in a while!"

The two boys came running in happy to see their so called "aunt". "Aunt Yuki!" the 4 year old yelled grabbing her leg. The older of the two walked to Yuki and hugged her from the waist. "Hi aunt Yuki." The boy said.

"Hello Sasuke! Hello Itachi!" Yuki said. She calmy walked into the house. "Boys, Mikoto, I would like you to meet my daughter, Sakura." Yuki said placing Sakura on her two feet.

Sakura looked shyly at the two boys. "Hello…" Sakura said while making circle patterns with her feet. Sasuke looked at Sakura and smiled, "My names Sasuke! And this is my nii-san Itachi!" he yelled pointing at Itachi. "Hello." Itachi said giving a kind smile.

Mikoto was busy talking to Yuki. "Oh Yuki it's so great to see you!" Mikoto yelled, leaning closer to Yuki's ear she whispered "Any news of her father yet?". Yuki simply shook her head, "We should discuss this in the kitchen." Yuki whispered. Mikoto nodded and lead Yuki to the kitchen. While walking Mikoto yelled, "Itachi, why don't you watch the kids for a few minutes." With that, the two woman were gone leaving Itachi with two 4 year olds who were playing with blocks.

With Mikoto and Yuki

Once the mother's entered the kitchen they sat down and began to talk quietly. "Any news?" Mikoto asked making tea for them. "I've heard that he is still in rain country," Yuki replied. "Apparently, people say that he's part of some secret organization. I don't know which though…". Mikoto nodded in understanding and gave her best friend some tea while they talked more about the past.

With Itachi

He didn't know how it happened. Both toddlers were playing blocks innocently when they started throwing them at Itachi. Laughing as it looked like he was dancing madly. Soon enough the two children were out of blocks and began to cry because of the latter. Itachi sighed 'This is going to be a long day…' he thought.

2 hours later

Mikoto and Yuki came walking into the living to see the most adorable sight. All 3 children were fast asleep on the couch. Sasuke and Itachi were on the side while Sakura was in the middle with Itachi holding Sakura possessively while Sasuke was leaning on Sakura.

By looking at the three children, both women agreed to have Sakura sleepover.

11 years later

Sakura awoke from her dream all sweaty. Not because it was hot in Suna, but because of the dream. 'Why do I keep having these dreams?' Sakura thought as she stood up to do a few tests on Kankuro.

Her and the rest of team 7 (after Sasuke left) had come to Suna on an important mission. To rescue the new kazekage Gaara, who was kidnaped by the Akatsuki. An organization of S-ranked criminals who are after the tailed-beasts. They had found out a while ago that Kankuro had an encounter with one of them. A man who was known as Sasori of the red sands. A puppet master from Suna, and grandson of Lady Chiyo, an elder in Suna. If it wasn't for Sakura, Kankuro would've died from poisoning.

While Sakura was busy tending to Kankuro during team 7's stay. Kakashi had Pakkun track the scent of Sasori's partner who had kidnaped Gaara. There wasn't any news yet of where the two criminals were.

As Sakura was busy healing Kankuro, the door burst open. Revealing an excited Naruto and Temari, followed by a serious Kakashi. "WE KNOW WHERE GAARA IS!" yelled Naruto jumping in the air. Sakura hit him on the back of the head. "Baka!" she hissed "Kankuro's trying to sleep." "Too late…" said a groggy voice. All four people turned around to see Kankuro trying to get up. "Kankuro!" yelled Temari as she ran to her brother's side. She began to hug him. "Jeeze, calm down sis, it'll take a lot more to keep me down." Kankuro joked hugging Temari.

Sakura smilled at the moment. She wished she could remember who her family was. But sadly, she couldn't remember anything that happened before the 7 year mark. Everything was a fuzz to her when she tried to remember. She was broken out of her thoughts when Kakashi spoke. "Pakkun has tracked the trail to a forest where the entrance to a cave is blocked off by a giant boulder. I have sent Pakkun to team Gai who is near the location, they will be our backup." "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" yelled Naruto. "We are waiting for nothing." Replied Kakashi "It is important that we get there as fast as we can.".

"I'll come with you." Said Temari "Not so fast Temari." A voice called out. Everyone in the room turned to see who spoke. There stood Baki and Lady Chiyo. "B-But Baki sensei- "No buts Temari." Baki interrupted, "We need you and your squad to patrol the borders. If enemies find out that the Kazekage is missing. We'll be attacked." Temari sighed in defeat "Alright sensei…" she muttered and left the room followed by Baki. Lady Chiyo turned to look at the Leaf nin. "I'll be coming with you." Chiyo spoke "I can assure you that we'll be fine." Kakashi reassured. Chiyo smiled sadly "You'll need me. If anyone knows Sasori well, it's me." She replied. Kakashi sighed in defeat "Very well Lady Chiyo." "LET'S GO!" everyone in the room could hear Naruto yelling while running out the door. Everyone sweatdropped. 'He'll never change.' Sakura thought as she rubbed the burning feeling from her eyes.


Team 7 was jumping from branch to branch while discussing about the Akatsuki. Sakura looked over at Naruto. "Naruto." She called "Yeah?" replied Naruto, "How long have the Akatsuki been after you?" "The Akatsuki have after Naruto for about three years." Replied Kakashi as he and Chiyo caught up with his remaining students. 'Three years?' thought Sakura as she jumped. Her thoughts were interrupted when she noticed a Venus flytrap. When she looked back, it was gone. 'Probably my imagination.' She thought.


Nine hologram figures were standing on the fingers of a gigantic statue that was slowly draining the Shukaku from Gaara. As they were draining the one-tails one of the figures spoke. "It seems we have intruders." A man with ringed eyes looked at the venus flytrap figure that spoke. "Tell us Zetsu, who is coming our way?" asked the ringed eye mean. "Two teams." Replied Zetsu "Team Gai and The copy cat ninja's team. Apparently, Kakashi brought Chiyo from the sand village. Also one of the members spotted me." "Who?" demanded Pein (the ringed eyed man) "A girl with pink hair and goes by the name Sakura." Zetsu chuckled.

Only three people in the cave froze to that name. Itachi, Pein, and Konan. "Itachi," called Pein "Yes leader-sama?" Itachi asked monotone "I want you to confront Kakashi's team and try to capture the girl. Unharmed." "What of the Kyuubi?" asked Itachi "Capturing the Kyuubi is an option. I just want the girl at the base in rain with no harm done to her." "Understood." Replied Itachi.

"Kisame." Pein said looking at the Shark-like ninja. "I want you to confront team Gai and slow them down." A chuckle was heard "Excellent." Kisame smirked "I can finally settle the score between me and Gai."

As Kisame was ranting of what he was going to do Gai, Itachi was lost in thoughts. 'Sakura…' he thought 'will you still remember me? Or did the Kohona elders erase your memory of me and your mother?'


"Itachi-kun!" a girl screamed covered in blood running towards a 13 year old boy. "Sakura?" asked Itachi "What happened?" "Some ninja's in masks came into our house and killed mommy!" sobbed Sakura as she pulled into a hug by Itachi. "It's okay Sakura, it's okay. I'm leaving this village and I'm taking you with me." Sakura just gripped Itachi tighter. "Where are we going?" she asked, Itachi looked down at Sakura "To see your real father." With that they both ran to the woods.

As Itachi was running he could hear the sounds of Leaf anbu coming their way. Itachi quickly stopped next to a hole in a tree. "Sakura, I want you to hide in here."Itachi informed the pinkette "Why?" she asked tearfully "I'm going to deal with enemy ninja's. When I'm done I'll come back for you." "O-Okay Itachi-kun" Sakura replied hiding in the hole. Itachi looked back with tears in his eyes 'Please be okay.' He thought before he jumped away.

End of flashback

Itachi quickly shook his head of those memories. 'I have a mission to do.' He thought.

Pein was simply lost in his own thoughts. 'So…' he thought 'After all of these years, I finally get to see my daughter again.'

To be continued