A/N: first of all I must apologize. SORRY! But on my defense you guys probably forget all about this fanfic too. I say too because I forgot about it. At first I just had writers block, don't worry I think that's fixed now…I hope. Then we moved. But it wasn't your run of the mill move across town, not even across the country, nope. Well there was a road trip involved but the point is I CHANGED COUNTRYES! TO MEXICO NONTHELESS. Does anybody else see the irony in that or is it just me? I think it's just me, that and there's not much irony to see. Apparently there's going to be some big sports event in the city I moved to and there's a lot of renovating going on, which means the traffic is beyond crappy. But the food is great, so that's good. Sushi is to die for. Anyhow you may be wondering what this has to do with me not updating, well aside for the obvious reason of a change in nationalities is the fact that we don't have a car. Yet. The house my parents brought is kind of far away from where they work so they need one. So were living at grandma's place for the meantime. Understandably they are not contracting any internet providers until they actually move into the house. So I'm stuck. I could go to a cybercafé but I don't want to spend 10 pesos an hour to use the computer, well the internet. That and I'm too lazy to go to look for one. So sorry for the long wait and author's note. Enjoy!

PS: don't forget to R&R ^.^

She was down on the floor in the school bathroom. Surrounded by four different girls, all of them laughing at her. She still didn't understand why Natsu-san hated her so much. What had she ever done? Natsu had her cronies bullying her constantly. Driving her to desperation each time. She was terrified of them, and she couldn't do anything about It. If she told anybody the bullying would surely get worse. Yumika, yanked her off the floor with her hair , pulling it so hard that she could feel some of it coming off. Tears were coming off Chitose's eyes. From a corner of her eyes she could see Natsu. Her face was showed mild interest, like she was watching a re-run of some sitcom. It looked like she was starting to get bored." Oh no what will she do now, just please let it stop I can't take it anymore!"

"Hey Yumika, is that the best you can do? I'm getting bored." Natsu bent over and grabbed some of Chitose's hair "Such pretty hair. I'm soo jealous I can't stand it. It makes me feel ugly. sigh. Hey Kaori what can I do about it?"

"Hmm… I know! Lets get rid of it. We can't have our graceful Natsu feeling such things after all. Its unsightly, right Tsugumi-chan?"

"Yes, it just won't do…. What will you do about it Yumika-chan?"

"Isn't it obvious?" She pulls out a pair of scissors from her purse. "Always be prepared right? Now, to get rid of this troublesome hair. "


All five of the girls looked up. Kyoko looking slightly startled.

"Ok , let's call it a day"

Kyoko was tired. All day long they had been doing bullying scenes. She felt a bit bad for Rumi-chan. She had gotten the worst of it after all, being the one who had been bullied. Kyoko could only imagine how she would feel. Exhausted. She felt bad about it. After all I was her fault. After director R had heard that Kyoko would be unable to go to work for a few weeks because of her new drama he had decided to film as much of her scenes as he could. Kyoko, feeling bad about having to leave her work, Had promised him that she would come back to film anytime there were any script changes that involved her. She hadn't met director Ortiz yet so she asked Sawara-san if he could ask for permission from the director himself.

"ONEE-SAMA!" Maria-chan threw herself on Kyoko. "You were soo amazing! I could feel Natsu-san's evil aura in my bones. The sheer evil of her boredom! You were like a totally different person! You looked completely different! It was like magic!"

"Right? Princess Rosa-sama's magic is unbelievable isn't it?"


"Yes, you see my necklace? This stone here is actually the crystallized soul of a princess and the tears of her mother. It's full of wonderful magic."

"Really1? That's amazing!" Kyoko looked away from Maria-chan and was startled to see a foreigner standing with them. She was really beautiful. Slightly dark skin and long curly dark brown hair with the tips purple. Kyoko was curios about the foreigner.

"Hello, my name is Mogami Kyoko. Who are you?"

"Oh sorry, I'm Paloma."

"She's Director Ortize's niece. They just arrived today."

"Is that so? Then why are you here?"

"I told grandfather that I wanted to come!"

"Now Maria-chan, didn't I tell you that I had to ask the director for permission first? I should ask director R now. … But where is he?" Kyoko was worried that the director would be mad that she hadn't asked him for permission, but she couldn't find him.

"Oh I see him! He's with Lory-san and my uncle. TIO2! Encontre a Kyoko3!" Paloma ran towards the group of men. Kyoko and Maria-chan, hand in hand, soon followed after her.

"So you're the actress my niece chose." Claudio-san was a handsome man, tall with tanned skin, a shade lighter than Paloma's, and a kind easygoing face.

"Your niece?"

"Yep! I saw you acting as Mio, then I saw the after party interview, you looked totally different! So I asked Lory-san about you and decided that I wanted you to do the part. Oh yea director R? Kyoko-chan wanted to ask you if Maria-chan could come over to watch her filming? But then I guess it's too late to ask isn't it?"

"Paloma-san! Nee-sama wanted to ask the director herself!"

"It's okay maria-chan" she turned to the director and bowed. "I'm sorry to not have asked you earlier, please forgive me."

"mmm I don't really mind having president Lory's niece here as long as she's not in the way… besides were already done with the filming. That and I get to meet director Ortiz. I have no objections"

"You flatter me director R" said Claudio laughing.

"I don't see how, you're clearly the better director."

"Fame doesn't equal talent. But my ego sure appreciates your flattery."

President Lory started laughing. "Don't you just love this man?"

Kyoko bent down to whisper into Maria-chan's ear.

"I don't get it, do you?"

"No, but grandfather is always like that, so I'm used to it."

"Ortiz-san, I was wondering about when you would start filming. Mogami-san told me that she wouldn't be able to come to work for at least the first few weeks of filming for your drama. I've been trying as many of the shots that she appears in as possible; But It's trying for all of the staff and the actors. I would like to know how much longer will we have her, and when can we have her back."

"I'm sorry director R. I didn't know that I was causing trouble. There are still roles that are empty. So it will probably take a few more weeks."

"That's a relief; we can go back to a more normal schedule now."

"I apologize I didn't know it would be so troublesome for you. Dramas in Mexico tend to be long so actors only take on one project at a time. I tend to forget that other countries don't always work the same way. I guess my niece was right, I do need to get out of the country more."

"No, no it's fine. Mogami-san gave us enough of a warning that I we will probably do just fine for a while. The fact that we still haven't begun broadcasting also helps. But we will need her when it comes time to publicize."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Good, good. Well I have to go now. Goodbye president, Director Ortiz, It was an Honor meeting you. Bye girls, and Mogami-san, Don't forget to come back tomorrow."

"Of course, good work today." Kyoko bowed as Director R left them.

"Shall we go too?"

"I think that's a good Idea Lory-san, Won't you come with us Mogami-san?" They had all started to walk towards the parking lot, but Kyoko had started to take a turn towards the main entrance.

"Oh, I wouldn't want to impose on you Director Ortiz. Maria-chan told me that you hadn't seen each other in over a year. I'm sure you have a lot to talk about with the president, I wouldn't want to be a bother."

"Please nee-sama? They already did all of that boring talk on our way here. Please?"

"Anda si?4 I want to get to know you. We are going to be acting together after all." Paloma pleaded.

"We are?"

"Ah! Oops… Sorry tio5!"

"Sigh, Honestly Paloma I'm surprised you kept your mouth shut this long. It was quite a feat for you" Paloma stuck her tongue out at her uncle. "Mogami-san please keep this a secret, I don't want anybody to find out about her appearing in the drama until we need her."

"Of course."

"So you are coming with us, right Mogami-kun? After all were already here."

"Ah!" Kyoko had finally realized that they had headed toward the parking lot and were now in front of the president's limo. "… I guess so….." How did I miss that? It was, true to the president's style way over the top it, and tall enough for the president to stand up wile inside it. It was a wonder how it could drive through the crowded Tokyo streets.

"So what did you think tio6?"

"Hmm? About what?"

"Kyoko-chan's acting of course."

"It was very good. I think she'll make a good Atsuko. Have you gotten grasp of her yet Kyoko-chan? You don't mind me calling you that right? I find formalities tiresome most of the time."

"I don't particularly mind. I think I got the hang of her. She's a bit like Mio and Natsu so her character came to me a bit easier."

"Could you show me?"


"Well, I'm kind of nervous about the filming seeing how we are missing so many roles. Honestly, knowing that you have Atsuko down will help me feel much better. After all you're role is a really important part."


"Paloma you have Yukiko down right?"


"Good, can you Act with her? I'd like to see both sides of Atsuko."

"Whos Yukiko?"

Paloma giggled. "We just keep giving spoilers, don't we tio7?"

Claudio rubbed his face with his hands. Sigh "you're right, you weren't supposed to know about her yet Kyoko-chan. She was supposed to appear a bit after Atsuko's starts showing her real self. I wanted her appearance to be a big surprise, but whatever." He turned to Paloma. "Do you want to tell Kyoko-chan what Yukiko is supposed to act like or should I?"

"I'll do It! Ok, So Atsuko First meets Yukiko When she goes on a trip to the U.S. a few years before the start of the drama. Things happen (uncle's still not sure if he is going to include it in the storyline for the drama yet) and she ends up discovering Atsuko's true personality. Eventually they become friends, in a we-both-enjoy-torturing-people kind of way. Slightly twisted if you ask me. She's more volatile than Atsuko, much more likely to get into very aggressive fights. She likes to do the dirty work herself, while Atsuko is more of the plotting kind, so that works out nicely. She's also very sarcastic, and uses it a bit too much, so people don't always get when she is being sarcastic and when she's not. Except for Atsuko, of course. They're both very close; even if they have only see each other a few times a year because of the distance, but their friendship is a bit destructive. Hmm… I think that's about it…. Oh! She has a half-brother an-. "



"Never mind I'll finish the story, you'll just end up telling the whole plan. And yes I mean that, knowing you, you just might tell if you think it will help. Yukiko's half brother is full Japanese, while she's a half, they have the dame dad. I think I'll make him some kind of mafia leader or something shady like that. He'll be around 24ish. They're both very protective of Atsuko, and she tends to act more childish around them. Especially big brother."

Kyoko was feeling slightly overwhelmed by the foreigners in front of her. Although she guessed she should have had expected as much from friends of the president. She doubted that she would be able to get into character for director Ortiz since she was still worn out from playing Natsu. So she asked if it would be okay to act out as Atsuko some other day. The director agreed saying it would give him some time to think out a scene. They dropped her off at the T.V. station (she still had work as Bo) and said their good byes. As she started changing into Bo she decided that she should probably look a bit into her new director's older jobs. She hadn't really done that before except for that one time for the idiot, so that didn't really count. Besides she wanted to get an idea of what type of work he did.

She had told director Ortiz that she had the hang of Atsuko, but the truth was that there was still a part of her that she felt was missing. She had only been given the script for the first three chapters and a list of facts about her character. She was supposed to have a little gang of followers that did her biding. This had bothered her. After all why would they follow her if she spent most of her time being in her nice mode? It didn't appear like she spent much time with them like Natsu did with her friends. The list had given the appearance that she only gathered them up when she needed them and it seemed that some members, apparently mostly guys, were supposed to change all the time. This hadn't made much sense to Kyoko. But knowing that Atsuko was "friends" with a mafia leader made her think that her gang of followers stayed together more out of fear than friendship. That and that they seemed to rotate, probably because of Mr. Mafia leader.

Traslamation time!

1-does it really need a translation?


3-I found kyoko!

4-come on, please?

5-sorry uncle


7-not translating again you should know what it means by now