I own nothing.

-Upstairs with the woken siblings. –

Sota set down on his sister bed being careful with his wings. He sighs, and he then begins to look up to his sister with a concerned look. He begins to ask his sister with a ton of worry."Kagome, do you think we will be all right, I'm scared; what will happen to us now, we will have to learn how to live a whole new life. All I can think about is how I can never finish school, and how mom wanted us to finish school and one day for us to meet someone and have a family. Sis, what are we going to do."

Kagome gently set beside her brother, and lay her head on his, she then whispers into his ear. "We have, each other so that how I know we will be fine. Nothing can hurt us when we have each other, let not forget we have family and friends who will keep us safe when we are not able to defend ourselves, and for school, we can still learn, but not in the same fashion, I don't think mom is worried about our education now. It just you little brother." Kagome laughs while gently pushing her brother, then she got up from the bed, then she; finishes with " we can still live Sota, just because we look different now, does not mean we can't still live. And for families, there are others like us. So someday when we are ready we will meet someone, however, brother I already told you we have to fake our deaths. We can never go back to our normal lives."

Sota look at his sister, while holding back tears, he put his head down, and he said in a whisper voice," sis, I just, it is hard. You used to this type of stuff happening in your life, but for me, i... you have kept me from most of it. I'm sorry, sis, for thinking about our school and about mom and how she had always wanted for us to someday to found someone to marry and to have a family of our own just like her... I always look up to you and Inuyasha. I just not have fully accepted what just happen."

'Kagome walk,' over to her brother and hug him, she then told him "what your feeling is normal," she then giggled, then she added," I was like you; when How I first travel through the well, I was in a state of disbelief and keep seeing things that should not be. Was real, so you have no reason to feel sorry about your emotions because what happened to us was shocking."

-Outside the door-

Sue was in shock she did not realize her role she had played in, on her youngest son life, she always told him she wants both him and his sister to found someone as loving and kind as she did that her dream was for her kids to marry a loving and kind person someday after finishing school and have a happy family. She never dreams her youngest took it as a life goal, he has to achieve for her. She felt sick.

She turns to Diane; who smile and whisper "we will deal with this later, let just see the kids."Shippo who was on his grandma's shoulder felt bad for his uncle Sota, he did not like him being all sad. Beth was saddened that the boy she thought as a family, his one goal in life was just school and marriage, nothing in-between, she then thought this change was a good thing for him.

Maggie and Talon both just wanted to protect the Boy, they know Kagome can do it, but Sota not handling what happens to him "she needs help" from people who know how he is feeling.

Peter just put his hand on Sue, and he kindly gives her a tiny smile, he then told her, "let me talk with him, I know you meant no harm, all you want was your kids to be happy like you were, I will speak to him about his father. Later. Do not worry."

They then all turn to the door and Sue open it.