Letters to the Doctor

As I got out of bed one morning, I decided to watch some TV. I got the remote and when it did turn on, a peculiar show called Doctor Who was on. Curious of what is was, I decided to watch it, and then I was hooked. Some of you may think it was because of the action. While the action is good, I mainly watch it because of how weird the Doctor is. So here are my letters to The Doctor!

Dear Doctor,

I have been watching you on television recently, and I have some questions. Let me start off with the basics.

1. WHAT THE HECK IS Raxicoricoflallapatorus or whatever the planet's name is?

2. What do you have against bread?

3. Why do you travel in what looks to me like a weird porta potty?

I'd love to hear back from you, and I will continue to watch your show.



Dear Dave,

Thank you for your strange interest in me, although very peculiar. Here are the answers to your rather stupid questions! (I mean, come on, it's Raxacoricofallapatorius DUH!)

1. During World War Three, it was home to the Raxacoricofallapatorians, such as Slitheen, Blathereen, and Hostereen Families.

2. It's not just the bread alone, it's also the butter. IT'S EVIL! It tried to put a curse on me! Everyone's lucky I got rid of it, or the world would be in grave danger!

3. IT'S NOT A PORTA-POTTY? WHAT'S A PORTA POTTY? HOW DOES THAT POSSIBLY LOOK LIKE A PORTA POTTY TO YOU? It's called a TARDIS and it was supposed to disguise into something in order to blend into the society, but it broke after i went to Britain in the 1950's and it's been stuck as a POLICE BOX ever since. (And I will say again you are quite an idiot!)

I hope this helps you and whatever your needs are.


The Doctor

When I got a letter back from him, I was amazed. I got help sending it to him by the website. I then tracked down the TARDIS location by the e-mail and sent it there! Luckily at the time he was at the current date! I have more I hope to send to that crazy man.

This is my first Fanfiction so don't be mad at me! Please Review!