...I found out I was a HUGE SuFin fan...so I wrote this story. It's the first chapter.

In the story bw...It's Timo, not Tino. Timo is the actual finnish name...Tino is italian for tiny^^

And Oskar is Iceland...Kay? (Yes you know who Norge is)
The swede is Berwald.

Hetalia ain't mine...

A typical day snowy, crisp cold day he woke up to, as the snow shined like 1000 ice crystals, and the barren trees filled with the white substance from the sky. He felt the nice warmth of the house cover him as he shivered a little.

The 15 year old Timo had dashed downstairs to the fresh smell of muesli* in the kitchen. But before he could have a bite, he wrapped his arms around his mom, and gave her a peck on the cheek.

"Hyvää huomenta, äiti*," he cheerfuly said with a big smile, as his mother hugged him back. She handed him a plate, and scooped up some of the fresh muesli she had cooked. "Hyvää huomenta, Sweetie," she replied back with a warm smile.

He slowly walked over the the marble-made dinning table, and started on his breakfast.

"You know what today is?" his mother said happily. Timo nodded, with a mouth full of muesli. "Yes …your birthday!" he said happily, swallowing down his food.

"Yes! You remembered!" she said, ruffling up his bed hair. "So…" his mom said kissing his forehead, as she went away. "I need you to get ready and pick some firewood in the forest for me…" she added, as she left the room.

Soon it was just Timo, and his full self. As soon as he finished the last bite of his breakfast, he dashed upstairs in his moomin pajamas, and went to put on his winter gear.

"Hey guys, wait up!" Timo said, catching up with Oskar,* and Norge, as he ran through the thick blanket of snow. They turned around to see the cheerful young boy already catching up to them.

"It's about time," 11 year old Oskar said.

"Sorry it took me long..." Timo said, out of breath. "Now..You have your axe?"

Norge, without a word picked up the big, silver shining axe given to him from Matthais. And with that, they started into the woods.

"Geez...it's gotten a bit chillier than normal," Timo said, breaking the silence. The boys had already collected 2 pieces of hard, sturdy firewood, and need at least 3 more.

"Well...I mean it's northern Europe...of course it would drop," Norge said sarcastically.

"No no I mean it's never been this cold..." Timo added. "Besides I wouldn't have to wear like two layers of clothing..."

"Well why does it matter much...It IS cold..." Norge insisted. "But you could be right...No Oskar stay over here," Norge said, getting his brother. "Don't wander off like last time..."

"Ahhh..." Oskar said resisting his older brother's cheeck pinching.

"I think we should get going now..." Timo said intterupting their bromance.*

"Oh...well what about the firewood?" Norge said worrily. Timo's teenage brain got an idea. "You guys can go home and get yourselves ready...I'll look for them myself if you want?" He insisted.

"But wouldn't that be-"

"What a great idea..." Norge said, cutting off his younger brother. "Oskar's gotta shower anyways...," he said grabbing Oskar's hand.

It stayed silent for a few in the snow covered words. "I guess I should get going then..." Timo said, taking his basket. And with that he started off into the woods.

"Be careful now, kay?" Norge hollered, as they started back to their house. Then it got quiet.

"Ah...so cold..." Timo muttered, avoiding the cold barren wood trees. It felt as if each time he got into the woods he was going farther and farther. I can find it...no biggie he though worried. But it felt as if it was getting darker. He needed to be home. His mom was cooking his favourite, salted herring*. He knew he couldn't miss it. She was probably missing him right now..

"Oh..this is no use!" he said, throwing his wood filled basket to the snowed up, crispy-cold ground. "I can never find it..." he said queitly, and he dropped to his knees. He looked up to the sky, and slowly started to sob. He was lost, with no idea where he was, his mother still looking for him. Today was her brithday and he wouldn't miss it for the world. Especially since father wasn't there anymore.

As he sobbed, he slowly crouched on the hard cold ground, and silently cried. "Help...anyone?" he cried out desperatley. "Oskar! Norge!"

His cries were muffled out by the crowding snowed up trees, as he felt helpless to get home. He slowly closed his eyes, and sobbed quietly hoping someone would find him.

He felt a big, warm hand on his cold forehead, as he rubbed his eyes. He looked around, and jolted up immediatley.

Where am I? he asked himself immediatley as he looked around. Surrounded him was a burgundy like living room, with a wood-made table in the left corner. Next to it was home-made stove, made of wood and metal*. On the other right was a stainless steel sink, completed with a marble surface, as across from him was a crackling, warm fireplace. On the floor were decorated carpets, the colour of night blue, and sunlight yellow.

"wow..." he said, amazed, as he sat up. But something didn't feel right. My winter clothes... he said, removing the maroon silk blanket off him. He was wearing what appeared to be a dress-like thread-woven nightgown, that stopped at his knees.

"Where are my clothes?" he said immediatley looking around.

Then he turned over to the fireplace to see a man, no younger than 23, drying a type of cloth. It made Timo jump back a little. He slowly went over to the man, and tapped on his shoulders. "Excuse me...sir...but..do you have any idea where my clothes are...?" the young confused finnish boy asked.

He didn't speak, but instead, pointed to the closerack next to a staircase. "R'ght th'r," he finally said.

The finnish boy immediatley went over to check them. He slid his teenage fingers through the cold, hard clothes. Wow...so cold..He thought immediatley.

But before he could take them the man intterupted, "Y're n't gnna eat 'nything?" he questioned.

Timo didn't say anything. Instead he stood there with a dazed look as if he didn't know what to do. Finally the man spoke. "'ve g't s'me s'lmm'ki* if y'ud like..." he said, finally getting up from his spot. He turned over to the teenager, with no facial expression, only to scare the crap out of him, making him jump back, and hit the silverware hold.

"Oh my...I'm very sorry!" The boy said, immediatley bending down to pick up the dropped silverware. "I didn't mean to!" he added..

But the swedish man was calm, cool, and offered to help him pick up the silverware.

"Non...no...I'm...good" Timo said, looking down to prevent eye contact with the helpful swede.

He got back to the fireplace. As soon as Timo hesitantly picked up the silverware, he looked over at the fireplace. The man see,ed a bit down about something. So he broke the silence:

"Uhm...sir...do yuou have anything to ...eat?" he asked hesitantly. He flinched a little, as the swedish man got up to go over to the stove, but nothing happened.

"W't d' y'u like?" he asked quietly. "I have some...Vadelmaviineri*..." the swede said.

Queitly, the young finn, nodded, and said yes.

The swede prepared the quick-meal, and put a small little sprinkle on it. Then he quielty walked over, and handed it to the quiet finn.

"H're y' go..." the quiet stern swede said, handing him the plate of food, and sitting himself down.

"Thank...you..." the nervous finn tried his best to say.

But no reply from the swede. Timo thought it was best to just finish the food, and probably leave.

It was quiet for a full 5 minutes, as the only sound that could be heard was Timo's chewing, and the hard, but quiet breathing of the swede.

Finally, he asked, "W't we'r y' doin' 'outs'de?"

As much as the finnish boy wanted to stay quiet, he had no choice but to answer. "Gathering firewood...for my mom..." Timo replied.

As soon as the two started conversating, the swede slowly slid his hand on top on the finnish boy's making him turn beet red.

But then the finnish boy remembered the REAL reason he was outside. MY MOM! He finally remebered. He had lost track of time, and immediatley got out of his seat, dashing to the coat rack.


"I'm sorry..." The finnish boy said sympathetically. "I really have to go...I just remebered. He quickly put on his still-drying clothes, not caring if the swede was in the room.

"B't wh' y' in a h'rry? D'n't l've!" The swede said desperatley.

As much as the finn wanted to stay he HAD to get home. His mother was probably worrying sick right now. But ...him...

"I'm sorry...I really have to go..." Timo said, finally getting on his coat, and heading for the door.

"W'll you c'me b'ck!" the swede asked desperatley. The finn queitly ignored him, and immediatley opened the wooden cabin door. But then he stopped.

Oh...it won't be too lonley...I'm pretty sure he has someone..Timo thought, as he trugded through the thick snow that met him at the door.

But he WAS lonley. His wife had died in a car accident 2 years ago, and they left no kids. But Timo...he seemed like a mother figure especially the way Sweden looked at. They could have a family one day...and start out new.

The swede immdediatley rushed to the door, and tried to stop the finnish teen from leaving. But he was already halfway through the snow-thick forrest.

As he looked down into the snow, and formed small corner of his eye, and fell into the thick snow."B't...I d'nt kn'w h's n'me..." He said, quietly. He slowly went back into the now quiet lonley house, and shut the wooden cabin door.

Hyvää huomenta, äiti- Good morning mommy ^^

Vadelmaviineri- is actually a danish treat...BUT ...I had too.
Muesli- common food in finland...

Someone feel free to correct me if needed.

Now...there WILL be a second chapter but...yeah there will be..but it may be shota implied in the next few chapters

R & R pleasee!