Mixed Emotions

By: Mew Ami

Chapter one: Let the Journey Begin!

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon! That includes both the anime and the games! If I did own the rights to Pokémon I would make a separate anime with just the characters from the 5th gen games.


Dear Diary,

Hello! This is so exciting! I have never had a diary before…..what should I write? Oh, I know! I'll write an introduction just because I can! My name is Touko White and I'm thirteen years old, but not for long! Tomorrow is my fourteen birthday! Let's see what else can I say about myself? Oh! I'm a cheerful girl and I always look on the bright side of things. However, I can have a temper especially if things don't go my way. I'm also very competitive and I can be clumsy. I love to sing, hum, play sports, read, and the list can go on! Well, that's me in a nutshell now, lets talk about my birthday.

Tomorrow is a very special day because I'll finally get my first Pokémon! Usually people get their Pokémon when they turn ten, but Professor Juniper thought we weren't ready yet. As in we I'm referring to my best friends Cheren and Bianca. Today is Bianca's fourteen birthday and yesterday Cheren also turned fourteen. Now, that we're all 14 (or I will be) she believes that we're responsible enough to go off and train Pokémon. I'm so excited and yet nervous at the same time! Because you see, Diary I can't make up my mind about what starter I want! I hope I pick the right one tomorrow. Well, that's it for now. I have to go to bed early because I'm leaving in the morning for my journey. I'll write in you later! Bye!

Touko closes it and puts it in on top of the nightstand next to her bed. She then sets her alarm clock and turns off the lamp that's also on the nightstand. She quickly lays her head down on her pillow and covers herself up with a blanket. She then closes her eyes and falls asleep.

The night passes by and it's finally morning. The sunlight goes through the window and hits Touko in the face. It somewhat wakes her up so she covers her face with her blanket. Pretty soon her alarm clock starts to go off.

Bring, Bring, Bring

"Hmmm," says the young girl who's still half sleep. She sits up and stares at her alarm clock wondering why it's going off. She soon realizes that's morning and leans over and turns the clock off. She then gets out of bed and heads over to her closet.

The girl opens her closet and grabs a black jacket without sleeves and white T-shirt. She then closes the door and goes over to her dresser. The girl opens the bottom drawer and pulls out a pair of jean shorts. After she closes the drawer, she opens the top one and pulls out a fresh pair of clean underwear. The girl then closes it and gets dress. Once dress, she throws her PJs in a hamper that's next to her dresser. The girl then grabs a brush off her dresser and brushes her long brown hair.

After brushing out her hair, Touko grabs a hair tie off of her dresser and starts to put up her hair. As she's putting up her hair there's a knock at the door.

"Come in," she says.

"Good morning, birthday girl!" says a woman's voice, when the door opens up.

Touko turns and sees her mother standing in the doorway holding a package in her arms. "Morning, mom. What's in the box?"

The mother smiles at her daughter and walks over to her. "It's a gift from Professor Juniper." She then places the package on her dresser.

"…She got me a gift!" Touko cries out in shock.

Touko's mother chuckles and says, "She told me that inside the box are the three starter Pokémon and once you pick out your Pokémon she wants you to go visit her at her lab."

"Why I couldn't just go over to her lab and pick one there?"

"She has some errands that she needs to run. So she didn't want you and friends to wait to receive your Pokémon."

"My friends are coming over here?"

"Yes. She told me that they'll be here in about a half hour. Now, since it's your birthday how about I fixed you your favorite breakfast?"

Touko nods her head happily and says, "That would be great!"

"All right, I'll call you when it's ready," her mother says and then leaves the room.

After Touko's mother leaves, she starts to hum to herself happily and she goes over to her window. She pulls up blinds and opens the window up. A cool breeze enters the room and hits Touko in the face.

"Oh, how I love the first day of autumn!" Touko thinks to herself happily as she gazes outside the window. "…I better finish packing." She turns around and walks over to her bed. At the end of her bed is a big massager bag sitting on the floor. Touko lifts it up and places it on the top of her bed.

She opens it up and goes through her bag. She makes sure that she has enough clothes and supplies. The young girl notices that she needs jeans so she goes over to her dresser and opens the bottom drawer. She pulls out two pairs of jeans and closes the drawer. The young girl then goes back to her bed and puts the jeans inside her bag.

"That should be everything," Touko thinks to herself.

"Touko, breakfast is almost ready!" shouts her mother from downstairs.

The young girl zips up her bag and puts the strap on her shoulder. She then leaves her bedroom and enters a hallway. She turns to the right and walks straight down the hallway until she reaches the staircase. The young girl walks downstairs and enters the living area which is open to the kitchen.

Touko walks up to the table and places her bag on top of the chair next to hers. She then takes her seat. Her mother comes over to her and places a plate of food in front of her. On the plate is some scramble eggs and two pieces of pancakes. Touko grabs the maple syrup that's in front of her plate and pours it on her pancakes.

Her mother puts food onto her plate and joins her daughter at the table. She takes the seat that's across from Touko.

"Are you excited?" her mother asks.

"Yep! I hope Bianca and Cheren hurry up," replies Touko and then takes a bite out of her pancake.

"Oh! Before I forget!" says her mom and gets up from the table. She goes back into the kitchen and by the phone is a basket that contains today's mail. She picks up a postcard and brings it back to the table. "This is from your father."

"Really!" Touko takes the postcard and looks it. The front of the postcard is a picture of a Pikachu and an Eeevee playing with a ball. She glances at the back and reads the message from her dad. He wishes her happy birthday and good luck on being a Pokémon trainer.

"I wish he was here today," says her mother somewhat sadly.

The young girl puts the postcard on the table next to her plate and says, "Mom, I bet he feels the same way too, but work is keeping him busy."

Her mother lets out a sigh and says, "I wished he picked to study Pokémon habitats in the Unova region instead of the Kanto region."

"But, mom he got bored of Unova Pokémon."

"I know, I know. It's just today is special."

"Mom, it's fine."

Before he mother can respond the doorbell rings, Touko jumps up from her seat and practically runs to the door. She opens it up and sees Cheren standing at the door. She looks behind him and sees no sign of Bianca.

"Morning," says Cheren.

"Good morning! Where's Bianca?" asks Touko.

"Take a guess."

"She over slept?"

"Yep so she'll be a little late."

"Of course."

Cheren walks into the house and Touko closes the door right behind them. Cheren greets Touko's mother and then the both of them go back upstairs to her room. When they enter the room, Cheren notices the package sitting on Touko's dresser.

"Is that the gift from Professor Juniper?" he asks her.

"Yep, but we can't open it until Bianca gets here."

Touko's friend just walks over to her desk and sits down in the chair and says, "We're going to be here all day then."

"Cheren, that's not nice," says Touko and leaves the door open and then goes to sit down on her bed. "I'm sure she's on her way right now."

"I know, but we been waiting for this day for such a long time."

Touko smiles and says, "Yeah. I'm excited too. So which starter are you going to pick?"

"I like all three of them so I made a list of all the pros and cons of each starter. After that, I ranked them."

"Which means?"

"The one on the top my list is the one that I'm going to pick."

"You aren't going to tell me are you?"


Touko makes a slight angry face at him and says nothing else to her friend. They don't say anything else as they wait for Bianca. The wait doesn't last long and there's a knock at the door. The two friends turn to look at the door and see Bianca standing there.

"Sorry, I'm late," she says. "I accidentally fell back to sleep after my mom woke me up."

"It's fine," says Touko.

"Well, let's open that gift now," says Cheren and stands up from the chair.

Touko gets up from her bed and walks over to the dresser. The package is covered in blue wrapping paper with a green bow on top. She notices that there is a card underneath the bow so she opens the envelope and pulls out the card. Touko then reads the card aloud, "Happy Birthday to all of you! For your birthday gift I got you three a Pokémon. Please settle your choices civilly. Professor Juniper."

"Well, since today is your birthday, Touko why don't you pick first?" says Bianca and turns to look at Cheren and asks, "Is that okay, Cheren?"

"Sounds reasonable to me," he replies.

"Are you guys sure?" asks Touko in doubtful voice. "Cheren, you're the oldest why don't you go first?"

"Nope. Today is your day not mine. Go ahead and pick your Pokémon."

Touko looks back at the gift and notices that she doesn't need to unwrap it. Instead the lid comes off very easily and when she opens it she sees three pokeballs sitting next to each other. Underneath each ball is a label with the Pokémon's name on it.

The young girl reads each label and thinks about which one to choose. It's a very hard decision because each one of them would make a great partner. She starts to think about the pros and cons of each Pokémon which allows her to make her decision.

She grabs the pokeball that's on the right side of the box. She turns and faces her friends with a smile on her face. "I picked Oshawott."

"Okay, my turn!" shouts Bianca and grabs the pokeball from the middle carelessly without thinking.

"Bianca, did you think about your choice?" asks the young boy.

"Um, not really. They're all cute and I'll be happy with anyone of them," replies the blond headed girl.

Cheren lets out a sigh and says, "This is a serious matter, Bianca. These aren't pets they're our partners for life."

"Must you take the fun out everything?"

"I'm just being honest. Looks like my Pokémon will be Snivy."

"Are sure about that one?" asks Touko.

"Yes Snivy actually was my top choice," he replies.

"So I guess you picked Tepig," says Touko and looks at Bianca.

"Yep! Now, that we all have our Pokemon why don't we have a battle?" replies Bianca.


"Hmm your room will work."

"My room!" says Touko in surprise.

"Bianca, I don't think batting in her room will be such a good idea," says the young boy.

"Guys, our Pokémon are partially babies they won't do much damage to the room," the blond headed girl explains and then faces Touko. "So can we?"

"I don't know," says Touko.

"Please!" begs her friend and gives her a puppy dog pout.

"I hate it when she does that," Touko thinks to herself and then says aloud, "Alright."

"Yay! I'll challenge you first, Touko!" cries out Bianca in excitement and throws her pokeball into the air. "Go, Tepig!" The pokeball opens up and out comes the fire pig Pokémon.

"Go, Oshawott!" Touko shouts and also throws her pokeball into the air and it opens up and the water otter Pokémon pops out.

"This will be easy," Touko thinks to herself and then says out loud "Alright, Oshawott use water gun!"

"Osha!" cries out the Pokémon and pushes his lip against each other, but nothing comes out. He now looks really confused. "Osha?"

"What the..," says Touko to herself.

"Tepig, use tackle!" cries out Bianca and her Pokémon comes rushing up to Oshawott and she slams into him and knocks Oshawott off his feet and he lands on his back.

"Oshawott!" Touko cries out to him in concern.

"Touko," says Cheren and his friend looks at him. "Oshawott isn't at high enough level to know water gun yet."

"I noticed," the young girl mutters to herself and looks back at Oshawott and says aloud, "Okay, then Oshawott use tackle!"

Touko's Pokémon dashes over to Tepig and is about to hit her, but Tepig dodges the attack at the last minute and she then hits Oshawott with a tail whip attack. The attack hits him right in the face and he falls backwards again. He gets back up and manages to hit Tepig with a tackle attack.

Bianca's Pokémon ends up landing on Touko's bed and Oshawott chases after the other Pokémon which messes up the sheets on the bed. The two Pokémon keep at it for a bit, but in the end Bianca's Pokémon faints and Touko wins the battle.

"Yes!" cries out Touko and leaps for joy. "Good job, Oshawott!"

"Tepig, return," says Bianca somewhat sadly and holds up her pokeball and her Pokémon returns back to her home.

"Bianca, you did pretty good for you first battle," says Touko with a smile on her face.

"Thanks," she says and a small smile appears on her face.

"Now, it's my turn," says Cheren and then turns to the blond hair girl and says, "Bianca, we'll battle later when your Pokémon is felling better."

Bianca just nods her head in agreement and gets out the way before the battle begins.

Cheren faces Touko and pulls out is pokeball off of his belt. He throws it up into the air and the grass snake Pokémon pops out. The pokeball then returns to his hand.

"Okay, Oshawott," says Touko and looks at her Pokémon and says, "We can win this!"

"Osha," says her Pokémon and nods his head in agreement

The battle begins and the two Pokémon begin to duke it out. In the beginning of the battle Snivy has the upper hand by using leer constantly on Oshawott. The otter Pokémon's eyesight becomes blurry and he can't see a thing. Snivy uses tackle on Oshawott and causes him to hit the back of the desk chair. Oshawott stands up and shakes his head, when his eyesight returns and the first thing he sees is Snivy standing right in front of him. Snivy is about to use leer again, but Oshawott quickly uses tail whip which causes Snivy to fall over and hit the floor. When he stands up, Oshawott uses tackle and he goes flying and hits the wall that's behind them. Snivy tries to get up, but ends up fainting.

Touko runs over to Oshawott and hugs him. "Great job!"

"Osha!" says her Pokémon happily and blushes slightly.

"Snviy return," says Cheren as he holds of his pokeball. Snivy glows a bright red and goes back inside his pokeball.

Touko lets go of Oshawott and holds up her pokeball. Her Pokémon also glows a bright red and returns back inside his pokeball. Touko then stands up and faces her friends. "That was fun."

"Yes it was," says Bianca.

Cheren says nothing and looks really upset about the outcome of the battle. Bianca notices and smiles. She goes near him and pinches both of his cheeks with her fingers. She pulls a little too hard which causes him to slap her right hand.

"What was that for?" he nearly yells at her.

"To try to get you to smile silly!" she replies. "It's okay to lose a battle."

"But it was my first battle," he mutters angrily to himself, but Bianca is able to hear him since she's close to him.

"Just try harder next time."

"My goodness!" says a voice coming from the doorway. The three friends turn to look and see Touko's mother standing there. "I heard noises from downstairs, but I had no idea that you guys were actually having a battle."

Touko looks around her room and sees that her room is a complete mess. The rug on that's on the center of floor is turn upside down and her bed's sheets are scatter across the room. Also there are black marks both on the walls and the floor.

"Sorry!" says the blond headed girl. "It was my idea to have the battle here. I'll clean it up right away."

"I'll help too," says the young boy.

"Don't worry about it. I'll clean this mess up later. You three better get over to Professor Juniper's lab," replies Touko's mother.

"Are you sure, mom?" asks Touko.

"Yes. Now, get going," says her mother and leaves then the room and goes back downstairs.

The three friends follow her and when they get downstairs, they head straight to the front door. Touko opens the door and the three friends make their way to the lab. Once they reach it, the door opens up and the three see Professor Juniper standing in the doorway.

"Oh, I was just on my way over to your house, Touko," she says.

"Sorry if we're late, says" Bianca. "We were having a battle."

"Already!" says the professor in shock. "Well, then I guess there's no need for a practice battle then. Well, let's go inside my lab." She turns around heads back inside. The three friends follow her to the back of the lab.

Professor Juniper turns around to face them and says, "Well, today is the big day. I'm sorry I made you three wait four more years to become trainers, but back then you three weren't mature enough to be a trainer. Being a trainer is a huge reasonability."

"We can handle it," says Cheren with a determined voice.

The professor smiles and says, "I'm glad you feel the same way. Now, I have something for the three of you." She turns around and picks up three pokedexes off a table and gives one to each of three friends. "As you know these are pokedexes which will aid each of you on your journeys."

After receiving their pokedexes, Professor Juniper then gives each of them five pokeballs. Once they get their pokeballs, they place them on their belts. The professor then wishes them luck on their journeys and they go on their way.

The moment they get outside they start head towards Route One, but Touko realizes that her bag is still at home and she needs to talk to her mother. She stops and turns to face her friends.

"Before we go I need to run home," says Touko. "I want to tell my mom goodbye and I need to get my bag."

"I already said goodbye to my parents," says Cheren. "I'll wait to for you by the entrance to Route One."

"I'll go with you, Cheren," says Bianca. "I also already said goodbye to my parents."

Touko then heads back to her house and opens the front door. She walks inside and sees that her mother is nowhere to be seen. Touko figures that she must be upstairs, but before she goes to look for her mother, she grabs her bag from the kitchen chair. Touko then goes over to the stairs and walks up to the second floor. When she gets up stairs, she hears noises coming from her bedroom. Touko walks down the hallway and sees that her bedroom door is open and she enters it.

The noises happen to be music coming from a boom box. Her mother is listening to a CD while she's cleaning up her daughter's room. Right now Touko's mom is kneeling on the ground washing the back wall with some soap and water and doesn't notice her daughter is standing in the doorway.

"Mom," says the young girl.

Her mother turns her head and sees that her daughter is back home. She stands up and walks over to her. "Leaving already?"

"Yes" replies her daughter. "I guess this is goodbye."

When she reaches her daughter, Touko's mom gives her a big hug and says, "I'm going to miss you."

"Me too," replies Touko and returns the hug.

"Before you go," says her mother and lets go of her and then just walks out of the room.

Touko lets out a sigh and rolls her eyes. Her mother likes to leave the room in a middle of a conversation.

Her mom comes back into the room carrying a medium size present and a small size gift that's sitting on top of the first gift. She walks up to her daughter and hands it to her. "Happy Birthday!"

"Thanks," says Touko and then walks over to the desk and sits the presents down on top of it. She opens the small gift first and inside is an Xtransceiver. "Wow! This will make easier to call people!"

"Yep, I thought you would like it. Is red an okay color? It was the only color left."

"I don't mind. I like the color red."

Touko puts the Xtransceiver on her left wrist and then opens the next gift and inside the box is a pair of pink gym shoes. "Awesome!" She throws the shoes on the ground and sits down next to them. She takes off her old pair of shoes and puts on the new pair.

Her mother smiles and says, "There running shoes so they're built to last. You're old pair probably wouldn't make the trip."

"No, they wouldn't," says Touko and leaps up from the ground and then walks over to hug her mother. "Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome. You better get going," answers her mother and lets go of her daughter.

"Okay. Well, I'll call you once month."

"Sounds good to me. I already put our house number in your contact list."

"Cool, thanks. Well, bye," Touko starts to head out the door, but her mother calls out to her. She stops walking and turns to face her mother.

"Touko, I put a map of the region in your bag," she says.

"Okay, thanks."

"…Do you have everything?"

"Yes, don't worry about it. Now, I got to go, bye."

"Bye, love you sweetie."

"Love you too!" Touko says and then leaves her room. She rushes to the stairs and runs down them. She keeps on running and approaches the front door and opens it. Touko goes outside and closes the door behind her. She then dashes off to Route One.

Touko meets back up with Cheren and Bianca. They then go on their way and leave their hometown, Nuvema. They walk down the route and it doesn't take them very long to approach the next town, Accumula. Before they enter the town they wonder around the area looking for wild Pokémon, but they have no luck.

The three friends then enter Accumula Town and notice the town's plaza off to the left of the entrance. In the plaza is a huge crowd of people gather around in a circle. The three of them are curious so they make their way through the crowd and reach the middle of the circle. Inside the circle the three friends see a tall man with long light green hair. He looks rather old and he's also wearing an old robe. Behind him are group of soldiers dressed in knight clothing.

"Ladies and gentleman!" the old man shouts into the crowd. "I have come to your small town to deliver an important message!"

Touko feels like this will be boring and stops paying attention to him. She glances around the crowd and notices a young boy in the front of the crowd on the opposite side of the circle. Like the old man he has long light green hair, but is wearing today's clothing and his hair is up in a ponytail. He's also wearing a ball cap.

She stares at him for a bit wonders if he's related to that man. As she stares at him the boy notices her and looks right at her. They're eyes meet for a split second and Touko quickly looks away. She feels her heart pounding against her chest and wonders what's causing her heart to act like that. She just shakes her head and ignores it. She then pays attention to the old man again.

"That's right," he says. "Pokémon and humans were meant to live separate lives!"

"Huh?" Touko thinks to herself and confusion fills her face.

The people around her begin to whisper questioning the green hair man's statement.

"There is no such thing has living in harmony with Pokémon. The only way achieve peace with Pokémon is let them go and leave them be. It may confuse you now, but all of you with come to your senses and release your Pokémon," says the man and then he turns to left and makes his way out of the crowd. The soldiers follow closing behind him.

As the crowd begins to thin out Bianca says, "I wonder if he's right."

"Of course it's not true," says Cheren. "Pokémon and humans were meant to live together."

"Who was that guy?" asks Touko.

The young boy glances at her and says, "Weren't you paying attention?"

"Yes and no. I missed the beginning of his speech."

"His name is Ghetsis," replies Bianca. "He's a member of Team Plasma."

"Team Plasma?" says Touko.

"Yeah, I wonder who they really are," says the blond headed girl.

"Let's forget about them," says Cheren. "We need to find the Pokémon Center." The three friends glance around and Bianca spots it. They then start to head towards the center.

As they're walking Touko goes into deep thought about Team Plasma and ends walking behind Bianca and Cheren. She doesn't think about Team Plasma for very long and ends up thinking about that green hair boy. Seeing how she's so deep in thought, Touko isn't paying to where she is going and ends up tripping over a small hole in the side walk.

She falls to the ground and lands on her hands and knees. She looks up expecting to see her friends, but instead sees a pair of big blue eyes. She gazes into the eyes and ends up going into a slight daze.

"You okay?" asks the owner of the eyes.

"Uh," says Touko and snaps out her daze. She then notices that eyes belong to that green headed boy. "Yes."

He holds out his hand and she takes it. He then helps her up off the ground. "You should watch where you're going."

"I'm normally not like this. I was just deep in thought."

"About what Ghetsis said?" asks the boy.

"..Sure," she lies not wanting to admit that he's in her thoughts.

"So do you think he is right about releasing Pokémon?"

"Um, not really. I like my Pokémon and I just got him today."

"Can I see him?" asks the boy.


"I just want to see what type of Pokémon you got."

"Okay," says Touko and gets out her pokeball. She then opens it and Oshawott pops out and lands on the sidewalk.

"Oshawott!" he cries happily.

Touko smiles at him and picks up him and holds him her arms. "This is Oshawott. Isn't he cute?"

The young boy just stares at the Pokémon and shock fills his face. "…is that possible?"

"What's possible?" asks Touko in confusion.

"That can't be," he says and looks away and goes into deep thought.

"What can't be?"

The young boy doesn't answer her question and just walks away. This angers Touko dearly and is about to go after him, but she hears her name being call. She looks to her right and sees Bianca running up to her.

"There you are," says her friend when she reaches her. "Cheren and I got to the Pokémon Center and you disappeared. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just tripped," replies Touko.

"Why is Oshawott out?"

"Uh," says Touko and looks down at her Pokémon and wonders if she should tell her friend about that young boy.


"He came out of his pokeball when I fell," Touko answers quickly as she glances back up at her friend. It's best if she doesn't mention the young green headed boy to her friends. Cheren might make a big deal out of it and she'll probably never meet him again.

"Oh, okay. Well, let's go Cheren is waiting for us."

"Right," says Touko and the two friends make their way to the center.


Blah, this chapter was really boring. Yep you're not alone if you're thinking this chapter is boring. Why is it boring? Well, it's like how you playing a game and in the beginning of the game things are somewhat dull. That's how I describe this chapter.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it regardless of what I said above. I did my best because well….this is my first Pokémon fic. However, this is not my first fanfiction. Anyway after beating Pokémon Black, I was really upset with the ending (I won't say it for those who haven't beaten the game) so I decided to make this fic to put my own twist on the story. Don't get me wrong the ending was good, but a certain thing happen that made me mad and sad.

You probably notice this chapter is similar to the beginning of the two games. Well, it is. I was just using the beginning to help set up my story. Most future chapters will not be similar to the games expect for Team Plasma' plan and N's attentions to get the game's legendary.

So I have some questions for you guys.

Do I need to improve on the description for Pokémon battles?

Did you guys like the diary entry?

Does Pokémon need to be capitalized? (Word wants it to be, yes that's right Word knows how to spell Pokémon)

Will you guys even answer these questions?

Well, that's it for now. No, my author notes will never be this long again. The next chapter will be posted next month.

Please Review!


She picked Oshawott because I did (Oshawott rules!).