The pale man's eyes fluttered open, only to immediately cringe with a searing pain. His body shot up from its original position spread-eagle on the concrete floor. A small gasp escaped pallid lips as an old, staticy television turned on behind him.

"Hello, Beyond Birthday. I want to play a game."


No no no no!

This couldn't be happening!

"You have taken the lives of three innocent people, one of them being a minor, for the purpose of getting petty revenge. The device strapped to your chest is linked to a trigger on the wall with the window in it."

B looked over to the window, to see the only person he cared about bound to a chair, with a rigged shotgun aimed at his head, fully conscious and, for once, panicking.


"If you pull the trigger on that wall, it will send an electric current through your body, killing you almost immediately. Pulling this trigger will kill you, but it will save the man behind the glass, leaving him free to leave. However, there is also a key laying right next to the door. If you choose to unlock the contraption attached to your chest, the shotgun will go off, opening the door, and killing the man. If you do not complete your task before the timer goes off in twenty minutes, you will both be killed. Live or die. Make your choice."

With that, the television powered off, and the clock started ticking.

"Bloody hell!" Beyond screamed, kicking the door and managing only to hurt his foot. He banged on the glass, and as the fearful, confused tears began to well in his eyes, he choked out the words:

"L? Wha-What should I do?"

The usually emotionless man started to stutter.

"I… I don't know…"

Beyond, the anxiety engulfing his body, started shouting obscenities at the television, and kicking it with his already bruised foot.

15:00, read the clock.

"B-Beyond…" the original sputtered, "I don't- I- I can't…"

The younger of the two identical men was trying to fight back tears, and as soon as they fell he wiped them away.

Then he lunged for the key.

But, as soon as he grabbed it, he couldn't bring himself to unlock the trap.

He dropped the key, which hit the floor with a loud


He reached for the trigger, and nearly pulled it back when-


He couldn't force himself to commit suicide, either.

Beyond took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry L."

He reached for it.

"I love you."

He pulled the trigger on the wall.

A massive electric shock coursed through his body.

The metal straps that confined L released, as he immediately ran to the window.


L sobbed, seemingly unaware of the door opening behind him.

But he then felt a hand on his shoulder, and he looked behind him to see…

A girl. Not too much younger than he.

"Congratulations. You have passed," she whispered, almost silently.

And then she walked away, leaving the raven haired man to mourn the tragic death of his clone.

His copy.

His life.

His everything.