Hey guys… I decided to redo Shinji's choice because after finally getting a new laptop and rereading the story, and getting back from a church retreat, and after finally being free from being grounded… I didn't like it… so I decided to rewrite the entire thing… So, sorry if you guys were expecting a new chapter… You guys may hate me if you guys wish to do so. There will be a lot of changes but the same plot.

Disclaimer: I do not own Evangelion (Or the pairings would have been obvious near the end) (Side note: Yes I love pairings even though I'm a guy in high school who has a weird accent)

"I plead you to reconsider," begged Fuyutsuki towards SEELE.

"Our decision is final and nothing can change our minds," retorted SEELE 01.


"That's enough Fuyutuski," said Gendo, never moving from his usual position.

"Gendo! Surely, even you must be against the idea!" yelled Kozo smashing his hand towards the desk.

"You should learn your place Professor," said SEELE 12 (A/N: I'm just putting in random SEELE numbers now XD)

"Indeed, we're doing on what's best for our scenario," said SEELE 03. "Or do you not see the bigger picture?"

"… Fine… But I won't take part in this part of the movement," replied Kozo.

"We didn't expect you to," said SEELE 04. "Now go outside and wait for farther instructions if you disagree with our decision."

The grown man didn't even answer before barging out of the room. "What made it so that the plans had to be changed?" asked Gendo.

"You," replied all the SEELE at once. If anyone could see through his sunglasses they could see that Gendo's eyes were wide with surprise.

"You've gotten soft Ikari," continued SEELE 02.

"We wanted to see if there was any change in you," finished SEELE 11.

"So you doubt my loyalty to the scenario?" asked the Commander, still maintaining his cool.

"Yes," replied all the obelisks at once.

"Well then, I'll do as you please… he will activate the Unit 03."


After the meeting Gendo met Fuyutuski right outside Ikari's office. "Ikari, may I have a moment of your time?" asked the professor. Gendo replied with a nod before heading inside the office.

As the Commander of Nerv sat down he asked, "What do you want to talk about Fuyutsuki?"

"How can you just throw him to his death like that?" yelled Kozo, getting to his point.

"Fuyutsuki, you're worrying about now then later. In the end none of this is going to matter," said Gendo.

"In the end? You think that Yui is going to forgi-"

"Yes, once everything is in place… she'll understand… And also, you should be careful on how you act now… SEELE is now questioning our loyalty…"

"… Very well… I'll follow the plan, if… only if the other pilots don't find out about this…" said Fuyutsuki. Before Gendo could reply he said, "BECAUSE… if they were to find out, they'll hold back and we'll be all dead before we can even reach our goal…"

"You know that they'll find out in the end."

"We have time before the 14th angel arrives. They'll have then to get their act together…"

"Very well…"


"WHAT?" yelled Misato, stomping off the brakes of her car right after she heard the news about who's going to pilot Unit 03 from her cell phone.

"I'm afraid so Misato," replied Ritsuko over the phone.

"What's with the last minute change? I thought Touji was supposed to be activating the new Unit tomorrow!"

"They went through last minute changes and said that Touji is not qualified to pilot because of what happened to his sister… and you're not allowed to tell the others but him."

"So they just chose him? Are you serious?"

"Yes… There's no changing it now… and don't worry, Touji's sister will still get her treatment… I'll be seeing you tomorrow Misato."

"Hey wa-" 'click' "Damn it… what's with the last minute change? I wonder on how he well he'll take about the news."


"I'm home," said Misato as she went inside her apartment.

"Welcome back Misato!" yelled Shinji from the kitchen as he was washing the dishes.

"Where's Asuka?" Misato asked as she came inside the kitchen.

"Sleeping, she's really tired from cleaning the classroom after school," Shinji replied as he put a dish over the counter.

"Oh really?" said Misato. "Well… I guess it can't be helped… no in fact… this is good…"

"What good?"

"With Asuka sleeping, I'll be able to tell you without interruptions."

"Tell me what Misato?" asked Shinji as he stopped washing the dishes.

"Shinji… you'll be activating Unit 03 first thing tomorrow morning…"

"Um… okay… but why me?"

"It was supposed to be with Touji but your father decided that you'll be activating it tomorrow."

"My father did? Then I guess there's no helping it…"

"Okay… are you okay with it though?" asked Misato.

"Yea, I guess this was inevitable… with him using me for more eva stuff…" Shinji replied as he returned with the clean up.

"I told you, you aren't just for the eva,"

"I know… but to him I am…" said Shinji, turning off the sink. "Good night Misato… see you in the morning."

"Good night… oh and don't let Asuka or Rei know about this. Commander's orders."

"Alright… like I'll be able to tell any of them till I get back…" he replied as he shut his door close and rest for the night, not expecting any dangers ahead of him the next day.


Well first off sorry that I couldn't make this longer… This is supposed to set the story off so think of this like a prologue… I promise to make the next chapter longer and more exciting... Well I hope I do… well anyways good night, good afternoon, or good morning depending on what time it is when you guys read this. Later~