Shaking with unrestrained anger, Draco paced the hallway like a caged tiger. The conversation his father was instant upon having was driving him out of his mind and there was absolutely no end in sight to the matter at hand.

"Draco, you know the rules to this and there is nothing that you can say in the matter. You need a legitimate heir with a wife. The Malfoy name is one of- if not the oldest name there is. I will not have you destroy all that has been accomplished over the centuries in one poorly made decision made with Potter. Daphne or Astoria Greengrass are your options for marriage and with whom you will produce one solitary legitimate heir to our name. For your sake and the fragility of your mother's heart, you best hope that she gives you a son," Lucius ordered sharply. He stood from the chair he had pulled from the study and grabbed Draco by his shoulders. He looked his son square in the eyes to drive his point home. "Love means nothing in our lives and in our survival. Without our name, we are nothing and we have nothing! Our name is the only thing we have to rely on and I'll be damned if I don't ensure its continued existence!" Draco pulled himself away from his father's grasp with one movement while disgust filled his features and his words.

"I have nothing without love, father. You may have filled your obligations without protest or second though, but I refuse to play the politics of purebloods. If the Malfoy name dies with me, so be it but the line will surely continue!" Draco spat in frustration. Lucius growled deep in his chest at Draco's blatant refusal. Pining the younger Malfoy to the wall, Lucius spoke venomously into Draco's ear.

"You seem to misunderstand what is going on here. You have no choice in this matter other than which girl you want, he spoke quietly, his eyes narrowed dangerously. "Everything has already been settled."

"You seem to misunderstand the legality of a marriage contract that already exists between me and Harry. Officially, I am a Potter now meaning you have no say or influence in my affairs," Draco retorted. He shoved his father off him and talked away to the floo connection in the grand fireplace on the floor below them, leaving his father to brew in his own mess.