Warning! WARNING! M is for "My, my, my, is this mature," or "Mommy! This is too mature for me! Make the words go away!"

"Tell me again why we're doing this?"

"Life is short. Live in the moment. We both want this, right?"

"Of course. I was the one who suggested it, after all," Clare said. "But I'm just nervous. What about Cece? Bullfrog? What about Adam and Alli? Can we really leave all those people behind?"

"They'll visit us all the time. Cece and Bullfrog will probably never leave us alone, and I will personally make sure that Alli and Adam visit us at least once every two months."

Neither of them felt safe anymore in Toronto, so Clare's idea to just up and leave wasn't too hard to reject. She had already relocated across the country by herself, but the idea of going somewhere completely different didn't sound bad at all, as long as Eli was there every step of the way with her. So they went down to a random store and bought a globe, letting the ball of plastic choose their fate. And the spinning orb chose well: Amsterdam*. Clare quit her job at The Deep Pit, much to Crystal's dismay (but Crystal had also been introduced to Fiona Coyne at Eli's opening, so she couldn't be too distraught with her new girlfriend's mouth attached to her neck). And earlier that day they both packed up all of their belongings and left with only a quick visit with their close friends and Eli's parents. Everyone was sad they were leaving, but understood completely that that's what they felt was best.

Clare squeezed Eli's hand in gratitude. "Thanks. For everything. I just… couldn't stay in Canada anymore. Too much baggage."

"We checked out all of our baggage at the desk," Eli said comfortingly. "It won't be following us anywhere. This is a fresh start. Together." Clare smiled at Eli and leaned in to give him a long sweet kiss before the pilot came on the loudspeaker to tell them that takeoff was imminent.

Clare and Eli were both exhausted after the long plane ride, and jet lag wasn't doing much to help their efforts to gain energy. After checking past customs and dragging their things along down the streets with no mode of transportation, they finally arrived at the townhouse Eli managed to rent in a short amount of time. It was right in the heart of Amsterdam. Bikes constantly riding past with no particular place to go; just a short walk from any restaurant or shop; it was basically a hipster's paradise. But Eli and Clare were surprisingly unsurprised at the squalor of their new home. The carpet was scattered with chips of wood and glass, and there was a window completely missing from upstairs. The only furniture left was a couch, and it seemed to be the only hygienic thing in the apartment.

Without even surveying the rest of the house, Eli wordlessly crawled onto the couch in the living room, opening his arms to Clare, so she instinctively lied herself down in his arms and snuggled into his chest. They both fell asleep almost immediately in each other's arms.

Clare and Eli had spent the whole day cleaning and unpacking their things. It had taken them over 12 hours but they finally had dusted and swept everywhere, set up their bedroom, rearranged the living room, and replaced all the windows. They still had a lot of work to be done, though.

At around 6 PM, which was their 12 PM, Eli was getting hungry so he started making Ramen noodles for them both in their now only semi-messy kitchen.

Clare walked in behind him and sat on top of the counter next to him. "You know what?" she asked Eli as he poured water into the pot.

"What?" he asked, giving her a peck on the lips after.

"I am really, really happy," Clare confessed. "The happiest I've ever been. And it's all thanks to you."

Eli smiled at Clare. "I feel the exact same way. Now there's seriously nothing to worry about. No one to come back and try to mess up our lives. This is literally a clean slate."

"Can we promise to pretend that K.C. and Julia just never existed?" Clare asked hopefully, and was comforted when Eli nodded his head assuredly.

"From now on they will be nonexistent to us," Eli confirmed. "They-who-shall-not-be-named."

"Good," Clare said, kissing Eli on his jaw line. "Now let's dig in. I'm starving."


Standing in line at the courthouse, Clare and Eli couldn't help but laugh to themselves and mock the other couples around them. It was obvious that some of these people had just met or were desperate to just get hitched, and didn't put much thought to it. The couple in front of them consisted of a man over 70 years old, and woman that looked like his daughter; Clare and Eli could already hear them bickering over money. The couple behind them were already both very drunk, and attached at the mouth. Eli made a bet with Clare that their marriage wouldn't last more than a couple hours.

Seeing all of the hopeless people around them really made both Eli and Clare thankful for what they had. Their relationship as solid and they both loved each other more than anything in the world; it wasn't even purely physical, either, as they have yet to have sex. They weren't perfect, but together they knew that nothing was impossible. And they knew how cheesy that sounded, but neither cared.

Eli reached down and laced his fingers in between Clare's, whispering that he loved her in her ear, making her squeeze his hand with a bright smile on her face.

They both knew that they didn't want a big wedding, and they agreed to elope reasonably soon after they reached Amsterdam. So when they finished that last of the Ramen, Eli stood up, exclaimed "I want to marry you! Tonight!" making Clare laugh and blush at the same time, and they left the house after getting changed. Clare decided it was only appropriate to get married in white, so she brought out a long-sleeved lacy white dress that went down to her knees that she had just bought, and put a white floral headband in her hair, leaving Eli speechless. And because Clare got dressed up for the occasion, Eli decided to humor her and put on a white dress shirt and a black tie (that Clare had to tie, of course).

They were standing in line for a while, but when they finally got there they were feeling ecstatic. Impenetrable and nervous at the same time. But they both had an overwhelming calm come over them, as well. They knew it was going to be different but they also knew that they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together, and that they finally could.

It took a while, as Eli and Clare weren't citizens of the Netherlands, but it was worth it, because they were married. They had proof that they were never going to leave each other's side. No one else mattered, nothing was important. She was his. He was hers.

And they were in love.

Clare led Eli into their new home that overlooked the city by his hand, not stopping until she was in front of their upstairs window that overlooked the calm Amsterdam night.

"Wow," she sighed. "I can't believe I'm somebody's wife now."

"Well believe it, baby," Eli chuckled, taking Clare's waist from behind and planting soft kisses along her neck. "Now," he said in between kisses. "Go make me a sandwich, woman."

Clare laughed and nudged Eli with her shoulder, too busy admiring the lights of her new city. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll get to it right after doing your laundry," she joked back, turning herself around so that she was facing Eli, and placing her arms around his neck. Clare couldn't help but admire the handsomeness of her new husband, and she was not the only one marveling. Eli was almost dumbstruck as to how beautiful Clare looked in the glow of the city behind her. Clare's eyes were darker, and he couldn't look away from her gaze. The gaze that told him everything he needed to know. She loved him. She always had, and she always will. And he was so elated to know that he never doubted that for a second. He loved her so much that he could feel himself weakening with each second that passed, and his heart was beating so erratically that he did the only thing sensible to him: he bent his head down and captured Clare's lips with his.

She responded eagerly, twining her fingers in his hair and granting his zealous tongue access to her mouth. Eli moaned at the all-too-familiar taste of her mouth that he could never grow tired of, and Clare started walking forward, forcing Eli into their bedroom.

Still standing and with their limbs entwined, Clare moved her mouth to Eli's neck, sucking and biting everywhere. "Clare…" Eli moaned, and Clare giggled into his neck.

"Yes?" she said, looking up at him innocently, and Eli's gaze turned to full-on lust. He picked her up, wrapping her legs around his hips.

"I need you," he said simply, and plopped her down on the bed, her legs still around his waist.

"Mmm…" Clare hummed, and pulled Eli down to kiss her by his tie.

They were both so eager, but they also wanted to savor the moment, and kissed for a while, only going so far as Eli's hands sliding up and fondling Clare's breasts.

"Tell me," Eli asked, still kissing Clare. "How did it take us so long to get to this point?"

Clare laughed, and broke away from the kiss, staring into Eli's eyes again. "Because I was scared," she answered honestly. "Scared that… you would leave me. Scared that something would happen to you."

Eli smiled and shook his head. "I ain't going anywhere, darlin'," he assured.

"Good. Now, shut up andmake love to me. Now," Clare stated hoarsely, and Eli could feel his cock twitch inside his pants, already so turned on.

"With pleasure," he growled, and started kissing her again, this time taking off Clare's white dress as she proceeded to rid him of his shirt.

Their hands anxiously and impatiently roamed each others bodies, and then Clare felt daring and rolled over on their bed so that she was straddling him. She took off her dress in one swift move and started undoing Eli's pants, while he was consumed with playing with each one of her breasts after he took off her bra. Eli then jerked his hips up, causing Clare to moan and become distracted enough for Eli to roll them over again so that he could be on top.

Eli went to take her panties off, feeling how wet she was. "Fuck, Clare," Eli groaned. "How are you so wet already?"

"The same reason you're so hard already," Clare purred out sexily after she took his boxers off, and Eli growled deep in his throat, ripping off her panties and leaving them naked.

Eli kissed his way down Clare's stomach, leaving Clare's already heated body in flames. "Eli…" she whined.

It was Eli's turn to act innocent. "Yes?"

"Please…" she said, and pulled Eli's face back up to hers for another sloppy heated kiss.

By that time, both were shaking from anticipation. They both needed a release so badly already, and after realizing the enormity of the situation, Eli took a deep shaky breath and plunged into Clare.

"Ah!" Clare squealed, and Eli let her have a few seconds to adjust herself around his throbbing dick, although it was incredibly difficult for him.

"Oh my god, Clare," Eli gasped, finding it more difficult to form his usual sarcastic comments.

Clare simply whined deep in her throat and thrusted her hips up, wordlessly commanding Eli to go faster.

Eli dropped his head to the crook of Clare's neck, gasping for breath as he increased his speed.

Clare could feel herself getting hotter and hotter and she could feel a coil inside her stomach twisting and turning in painful pleasure. Electricity seemed to course in between her and Eli as they kept going faster and faster, moaning louder and louder with each thrust. Clare's nails made painful trails up and down Eli's back, and his grip on her hips was almost bruising.

The headboard kept banging on their bedroom wall, but it went unnoticed to both of them as Eli let go of Clare's hips with one hand and started to stroke her clit with his thumb. With that Clare was thrown over the edge, the coil inside her letting loose violently as she screamed in utmost pleasure. Eli kept thrusting, though, still not having cum. His thrusts increased in speed and in violence, and Clare felt herself approaching another orgasm quickly. She was riding out her second, long, orgasm when Eli finally came with her, accompanied by a long guttural moan.

Eli collapsed on top of Clare, sweating profusely and panting like a dog. He rolled off of her and pulled her to him, and she smiled her most dazzling smile while pushing his sweaty hair from his face.

"Have I told you lately that I love you?" Clare asked cheekily, her body still buzzing from her orgasms.

"Only when you were climaxing two seconds ago," Eli teased, and Clare shook her head laughing. "By the way…" he said, letting go of her and walking back over to his pants. He picked something out of his pocket, hiding it behind his back before he climbed back into bed. "We forgot something today," he told her, looking intensely in her eyes.

"What?" she asked eagerly. "I mean, we forgot a condom… but I've been on the pill for a while so…"

Eli chuckled, burying his face into her neck and taking in her scent. "You forgot something. Something that many married people have," he said into her skin, and took his hand out from behind his back without an answer from her. It was a small black velvet box and Clare's eyes grew in disbelief. Not only did she completely forget a ring, but Eli remembered. "I know that usually you get these things before marriage, but I think now is just as good as a time, right? Fuck tradition."

She started crying while giggling to herself, and Eli wrapped her up in a hug. "Shhh… it's okay," he told her, reminded of the many times he told her that when she confessed about K.C. to him.

"I know," she sniffled, raising her head to look him in the eyes. "It's perfect. Everything is perfect. I'm just… so lucky."

"You think you're lucky?" Eli asked incredulously, tearing up as well. "I am the lucky one, here. I don't know what I'd do without you, Clare," he said, and gave her a deep, meaningful kiss.

Clare finally calmed herself down enough and slowly opened the box to find the most beautiful ring she'd ever seen. It wasn't big, and it wasn't flashy. It was simple and pure. A nice-sized diamond in the middle, and very small diamonds surrounded it on the sides. "Eli…" she breathed. "It's perfect. How did you—"

"It wasn't all me," Eli interjected. "Alli and Adam helped me pick it out."

"When?" she asked, still dumbstruck by her ring. It almost even looked to perfect to put on her finger.

"It was one of your shifts… a couple weeks before my art opening," Eli said cautiously, and it made Clare tear up again.

"Thank you," she said with a quivering voice and looked at Eli's eyes, full of passion, loyalty, and love. She buried herself in his chest again. "Let's just never leave this bed, okay?" she asked, slipping the ring on her left ring finer.

Eli kissed the top of her head. "Actually… I have an idea. If you want to do it, of course."

"Whatever you say," Clare said.

Sitting right in front of Eli in her birthday suit, Clare was blushing profusely and felt incredibly exposed. He was sitting about 10 feet from her, delicately making sure that each detail of her nude body was perfect. He ensured that he got every curve exactly the way it was, and he spent the longest time mixing acrylics together to find the right skin tone for Clare. He took every miniscule detail into concern, and it made Clare nervous, for by catching every detail he must have found her many flaws. But the way Eli looked at her as he painted (also naked) comforted her more than any words could. It wasn't just that he thought she was beautiful, but he could just look at her and see what was in… her soul. It was like he was painting her heart, instead of her body, and that was what made his art so great. He delved past the superficial, and captured her emotions, and mixed them seamlessly with his own feelings.

"I love you," she said suddenly, still sitting in front of him, and he released himself from his trance, gazing up at her questioningly. "I love the way you know exactly what I'm thinking. I love the way you look at me. I love the way our hands fit perfectly together. I love that no matter where I am, you make me feel safe. I love that I am so scared of the unknown, but I am willing to face it anyway, with you by my side. I love that you helped me recover from the worst thing in my life. I love how you selflessly just picked up everything and moved to a different country with me without a doubt in your mind."

By that time Eli had stopped painting and sat down next to Clare, watching her intently as she described everything that she loved about him.

"Sorry for babbling," she apologized, looking down. But Eli couldn't stop looking at her. He was dumbstruck and it was hard for him to even form sentences.

After gathering his thoughts, Eli took Clare's hands in his. "Clare," he said. "I can't even begin to describe how many ways I love you. I love the way you blush when you think you've said something wrong, even if it was the cutest thing ever. I love the way you never judged me, even when everyone else would automatically assume the worst of me. I love how strong you are. I love your completely unique musical ability. I love that I don't want to spend a second without you. I love that you inspired me to paint again. I love how you pulled me out of the darkest time in my life. Clare, you are my one in a bazillion. I wouldn't have it any other way."

Clare was crying again, and after Eli was done reciting his unofficial vow, she took his face in her hands and kissed him with all the passion she could muster, and as he groaned into the kiss, he couldn't help think: This is what paradise must be like.

Because their paradise was found within each other.

Author's Note:

Disclaimer: Hahaha! You thought I owned Degrassi? Lolol. No. I don't.

Super duper super sorry for the late update. Been busy. : P I hate being busy.

Yeah… this was the last chapter. I don't think I'm doing an epilogue; this seems pretty wrapped up. Hope you enjoyed!

Also, I just want to thank everyone that reviewed! You all make my day and I love you all immensely! And thanks to floorplanhobo, iloveeliandclare/kalie_p1997, only here in your arms, summersetlights, and FlybyNoon/hollysaysrawrr for not letting me give up on this godforsaken story (which I've wanted to do many times haha). And thanks to the anon Amanda whoever you are for writing fucking amazing reviews.

*They basically spun the globe around and stopped it with one finger that pointed to their destination (Amsterdam).