
The brunette smiled at the rambling blonde in front of her and simply waited a few moments before responding, after all, dramatics was always a good thing.

"You think I'm in love with Brittany." She stated, accompanied with an eye roll.

"She's blonde."

"So are you."

"I treated you like shit."

"Details. At least I had your undivided attention." Rachel replied, amusingly.

Quinn furrowed her eyebrows,

"You're so freaking weird."

"And you love me for it."

"What are you trying to say?"

"What do you think I'm trying to say?"


"Well?" Quinn asked, shyly.

"Well what?" Rachel teased,

"Can you just say it?"

"Why? You already know."

"Because, I need to hear you say it." Quinn replied, frustration was suddenly evident in her voice.

Rachel smiled.

"I, Rachel Barbra Berry, am completely, undoubtedly, madly in love with you, Lucy Quinn Fabray."

"I love you too, Rachel Barbra Berry."

"Can I kiss you now?" Rachel asked,

"You honestly have to ask?"

Rachel leaned in and connected her lips with Quinn's, and once they connected a flash of little multicoloured bright dots, that ironically resembled fireworks flashed behind their eyelids.

"Go…out…with me?" Rachel asked, in between kisses.

"Hell yes." Quinn responded, as they continued to make out in the empty cafeteria.

(48 hours later)

During the past two days, the new power couple had been virtually inseparable. Aside from separation because of their different classes, they were either connected by the lips or hands. When they weren't holding hands, their lips were connected. And, after the 2 week suspension that Finn and Stephanie had earned, they were finally back. Except now, they were both slushied every single day, and were known as the homophobic losers – since they were both cut off from Rugby and Football. And when Finn decided to come back to glee (covered in green, blue, and red slush) Jonathan, Puck, DJ, and Santana were the first to stand up to attack him. He cringed as he waited for the pending ass whooping he didn't think he deserved. But when the ass whooping never came, he opened his eyes only to find the troll in front of him.

"Okay, stop. No more beat downs." Rachel stated, as she turned to face the ex-football player himself.

"Look, I hate you. You suck immensely. Not only for having the balls to even touch me, but because you really really suck as a boyfriend. And, especially for being a homophobic asshole – considering you have a gay brother. But, the only reason I'm standing here in front of you, the only barrier from you getting your sorry ass pummeled, is because you're still in glee and because I feel sorry for you."

When finally arrived, he noticed that Finn sat in the corner like a sad little boy, with nobody to talk to. And whenever the tall boy attempted to suggest something like a duet between himself and Quinn, he would get interrupted by Puck, Justine, or even Mercedes: "Nobody cares what you have to say, Hudson." Or by death glares by Santana, Tina, and Justine. By the end, Finn had quit glee club and nobody had the heart to tell him to come back.

After glee rehearsal, Santana was walking hand in hand with Brittany, toward the parking lot of their school, when they were approached by Artie.

"What do you want, Wheels?" Santana snapped,

"I just… I wanted to apologize for every comment and action I've done to show you that I'm unsupportive of your guy's relationship. When we did in the café the other day was totally out of line. I was just really angry. I wanted Brittany back so badly. But, truth be told, I've never seen her happier. So yeah, Sorry."

Brittany smiled, and gave Santana a little nudge,

"It's cool. But, I suggest you apologize to Rachel too."

"That's next on my list." Artie replied as he wheeled away.

"Thank you, San." Brittany whispered, as she wrapped her arms around Santana.

"Anything for you, Britt Britt. I love you, you do know that right?" Santana said, as she leaned her forehead against Brittany's.

"You have made that quite obvious, San. And for the record I love you too." Brittany replied with a smile before kissing her girlfriend gently.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Quinn asked, as she sat in Rachel's car in front of her house, after engaging in a rather intense make out session.

"Abso-fucking-lutely." Rachel answered with a smirk.

The blonde rolled her eyes,

"You've been hanging around Santana too much."

"Eh…" Rachel shrugged, "Let's go."

Together they made their way toward the Fabray house, only to be welcomed the both of their parents' laughter in the dining room.

"Dad? Daddy? What're you guys doing here?" Rachel asked, obviously shocked.

"We invited them over for dinner. Should I assume Rachel's staying too?" Judy asked, innocently.

The girls were silent.

"Hiram, Chris, Honey, I think we may have broken our kids." Russell replied, amusingly.

"Oh yeah." Chris replied, chuckling loudly.

"So you guys know?" Rachel asked,

"That you and our daughter are finally together? Yes. And we all agree, it's about time! And we cannot wait for our future grandchildren!" Judy exclaimed, as the 3 other men, laughed and clapped in excitement.

Rachel turned to her girlfriend and whispered,

"This is a bit early, but… do you want to be my baby's mama?"

Suddenly, Quinn couldn't hold back any longer, and kissed her girlfriend deeply in front of their parents.

The End.

Sorry about the super late updates! But yeah, this is the end. I'll be working on a different story though! It won't take as long to update so yeahhh! Thank you all for favouriting/reviewing/subscribing!