Summary: Anya and Dimitri couldn't be happier since they eloped. Now they are back in Paris ready to start their life together. However someone from Anastasia's past is seeking to ruin their happiness, just as he himself was denied happiness ten years ago.

Disclaimer: I do not own Anastasia and am making no profit off of this. I just write because I love Anya and Dimitri together!

Rating: T

All Men Are Babies-

Chapter 1: The Untold Story

If there was one thing constant about St. Petersburg, it was always cold. Yet for somebody who lived in the city for his long twenty two years, Zachariah Salazar hated it's weather. Despite the cold weather outside, the Catherine Palace was warm and lively as the royal family celebrated the twenty first birthday of the grand duchess Olga. Olga was the oldest daughter of Tzar Nicholas and his wife Alexandra. The sight was magnificent in the Catherine Palace as the musicians played a waltz and couples crowded the dance floor. The Tzar himself took turns dancing with his two youngest daughters, Maria and Anastasia.

"May I have this dance?" Zachariah asked the grand duchess Olga, bowing politely to her. Blushing, the young princess kindly accepted and allowed him to lead her to the dance floor. Zachariah's brown eyes stayed fixated on the princess' blue ones as he spun her around. Her red curls splayed out behind her like a fan as they twirled.

"I have never seen you around before," Olga explained starting a conversation up with him. His good looks only intrigued Olga and was part of the reason why she wanted to know about him.

"My uncle is a member of the Imperial Court," the young man explained. "Otherwise I live with my father who works at the fisherman's market."

"And your mother?" Olga asked.

"She lives in America. She is American after all."

Olga knew that this intriguing young man was poor, but she didn't care. She was determined that this was the man that she would marry. He didn't have much money, but his uncle was a member of the court and if he did marry her, he'd be a prince. Olga did not see the problem with their relationship.

The Tzar did however. It was not appropriate for grand duchesses to marry commoners. Needing political allies, the Tzar arranged for his eldest daughter to marry a wealthy duke. Olga despised her father's arrangement for her and continued to see Zachariah as often as she could manage.

"You should come with me to America," Zachariah urged the princess. "We could start a life there. No one in Russia will ever have to know what happened to us and-"

"We can't," Olga replied softly. "I couldn't betray my family like that."

"But Olga," Zachariah responded. "I love you."

"I know and I love you too, but-"

"Ewe!" shrill voice rang seeing Zachariah steal a kiss from Olga's lips.

"Anastasia!" Olga scolded her youngest sister.

"That's gross," the eight year old princess said coming into view. "I'm never falling in love."

Olga pushed her younger sister away, "yeah, yeah, says the girl that loves the stories ending in happily ever after."

"That's Maria!"

When Anastasia had left, Olga went back into the loving arms of Zachariah. "I'm sorry, but you know we can never be together."

"It's not fair!" Zachariah announced frustrated, running a hand through his brown hair. "I love you."

"I could never be happy with you though knowing that I betrayed my family. I'm sorry, but I have to go now." She stole another kiss from his lips before leaving.

"If we can't be happy Princess, then no one in your family will be happy," Zachariah vowed.

He didn't have to worry about the family's happiness. A week later, they were all murdered; every last one.

We get into the real story in the next chapter. I included this chapter so you know who the nemesis is. Another thing I do not know if Olga was the oldest or not or their ages. So I just assigned Olga as the oldest and gave her an age. If anyone is able to correct me, please do and I will gladly fix it.