So here we go, this is my new multi-chapter All Human story. I will be posting once a week until it's all out there. I already have the whole story in the can and my BETA is diligently working to correct my mistakes and sloppiness. I would like to take a moment to thank said BETA stephie8869 she is forty different kinds of awesome. Also if you are looking for some cheap labor she may be willing to mail her kids to you. I have no need, seeing as my 6 year old cousin is attending to all of my current needs.

Until next time I present….

Present day


"Sook, engine 5 is coming in with a trauma. Hike yo titties up and get ready fo yo man!" I had to laugh at my friend Lafayette; he runs dispatch for Bon Temps memorial, the only hospital between Monroe and Shreveport and might also be the only black drag queen that is out of the closet in the south, which reminds me, he has my eye shadow! I have been a nurse here 6 years; my first day was on my 22nd birthday. Engine 5 came in with a child who had smoke inhalation after a house fire happened over on Main Street. It wasn't the child that changed my life that day; it was the man that walked in who was carrying the child that did.

I "hiked my titties up" as previously instructed, I also smoothed out my long, very curly blonde hair while checking my make-up in the mirror and waddled over to the emergency doors. My growing stomach was making it harder for me to feel sexy when my husband comes in. I can't even get my scrub tops on anymore so I am just wearing one of his gray v-neck t-shirts that will most likely never be the same again after this, and some massive scrub bottoms that I can't wait to burn. I just can't, in good conscience, do the role play "nice to meet you" pretend flirting and then go make-out in a closet while I am 7 months pregnant with our child. I don't care that he is my husband and the Father of my spawn or that it's just a game and we're not really strangers, but I just can't role play being all preggers.

I stood next to my best friend Amelia who is also knocked up, via one of the guys from engine 5, waiting eagerly for them to show up. She was much taller than me and a polar opposite in looks. She has short brown hair and has always been very thin where I rarely see below a size 7, even when I'm not pregnant. I took advantage of this unusually moment of peace to remember that day 6 years ago.

6 Years ago

"Get the ICU prepped! We have engine 5 bringing in a child with smoke inhalation and a possible head wound. Be on your toes people!" Lafayette yelled as everyone started to scramble. Today is my first day on the job. I graduated from LSU two months ago and finally got this job last week, thanks in part to my friend Amelia who already worked here. Her father owns the hospital, so his love for her worked in my favor because I really needed a job but there weren't many opportunities in Bon Temps for a nurse, much less one who had no experience yet.

Amelia grabbed my arm as I stood nervous not sure what to do and dragged me to a supply closet. "Okay we know the general of what is coming so we need to make sure that the trauma bay will have everything at arm's reach that might be needed. People can die in the time it can take to run back here to get something, so even if you don't think you will need it grab it. We can always put stuff back." She was shoving things into my arms while I was taking mental stock of what it all was and where it was coming from. We rushed back to the triage room and set everything up.

Then she grabbed my hand and pulled me to the door and said. "Alright, we're going to wait here. All of the fire fighters are EMT's so they will make a spiel then hand the patient over to us, the doctor will examine, diagnose and treat as much as possible here and hopefully we won't need to Medivac anyone out. Do as you're told and keep your head down." She paused and patted me on the back with a huge smile before saying. "This is going to be so much fun, the action goes really quick so enjoy it, because after this we all sit around a table doing paperwork and that gets really lame really quick. Oh just so you know I sit next to Trey every time so this is a preemptive dib's." I looked at her with a confused face and said.

"Who is Tray?" She gave me a shy slightly horny smile before saying.

"Engine fives hottest Firefighter, I am considering letting him melt my panties regularly." She said with a shrug. I turned my attention back to her as we saw the fire engine and "Ambulance" drive up. (By ambulance I mean a fancy painted minivan with the two back rows removed. Welcome to the south.) When it came to a stop the back door slid open and two men popped out they were both good looking in a generic type of way. The first had shaggy dark blond hair with flex of silver and a face like a puppy and the second guy was tall, dark and built like a brick shit house. Then like the gates of heaven opening up, a blonde God climbed out behind them. He had to have been 6 and a half feet tall with neatly trimmed short blonde hair that was complemented by a 5 o'clock shadow that looks like he maintains. His eyes were a very dark blue. So dark in the natural light they almost looked black; he was carrying a limp little boy. My last thought before I put my head in the game was, 'Shit, I bet that is Tray! It's just like her to snap up the hottest piece of ass in the state! BITCH!'

"Male, 6 years old, he was trapped on the upper level, he was unconscious when located. It is believed that he was struck by debris while we tried to gain entry. No laceration but his breath sounds have been erratic and labored." The blonde God, who I hope is not Tray, rattled off as we got the child put on the bed and hooked up to oxygen. We spent the next hour and a half stabilizing the little boy, who will make it; he has a concussion but he will wake from it; he just needs rest.

Amelia told me that the fire house is attached to the hospital so to fight boredom the firefighters come and do their paperwork with the nurses; the Doctors are apparently too good for us though because they have their own lounge that we aren't allowed to go in. Amelia and I grabbed our charts heading to the lounge. She took a seat at the smallest table that would only fit 2 people; she winked at me as I took a seat on the couch and tucked my feet under me. I had grabbed a clip board and had no intentions of giving someone a hand-job under the table like she did so I didn't need to sit at a table.

I started writing my reports and people started to trickle in. Shaggy Puppy face introduced himself as "Sam the Fire Chief" and took his seat right next to the TV because he didn't want to watch any of Lafayette's "fuckin' soaps" today. I let out a little chuckle and got back to my work. I didn't notice that the room had almost filled up until I felt the other side of the couch sag under someone else's weight. I looked up and saw the blonde God who is most likely Tray smiling at me. I must have looked horrified because he said in his deep sexy baritone voice.

"Umm, I'm sorry is this seat taken?" I sighed and muttered.

"Dib's." he raised an eyebrow in the sexiest way and asked.

"Who had dib's? Were they hospital or firehouse, because if it was firehouse I'm not moving they can suck it." I laughed and he smiled at me again, I was about to make up some excuse to get up and leave, but Amelia ran up dragging 'Brick Shit House' behind her.

"Hey Sookie, have you met Tray? I see Eric has introduced himself." I let out a sigh of relief that Tray was not my Blonde God, but instead the brick shit house! Eric looked at Amelia annoyed and said.

"I was about to, but we were working out the logistics of possible dib's that may or may not have been placed on the seat I am sitting in." Amelia smiled at me and looked back at Eric; her gaze seemed to make him squirm. I will have to ask her about that later.

"This is Sookie's first day so she doesn't know how much weight dibs hold here yet. Sook who was it fire or med?" I looked at her confused and said.

"I don't remember. Does it really matter?" The whole room seemed to gasp at my question. I'm pretty sure I have just underestimated the power of dib's in this place. Amelia just shook her head and grabbed Trays hand leading him over to the hand-job table and said.

"Eric, fill her in… let's just hope that as the sole witness to these dib's that it was fire." And she walked away. I looked back to Eric that was now grinning like the cat that just caught the canary, he also now had his arm draped across the back of the couch and was playing with my pony tail, curling the long hair around his fingers occasionally brushing my shoulders. I was drowning in the pleasure of the sensation, but I tried to appear as put together as possible.

"So about the dib's…." I started; he just smiled wider and leaned over towards me because he needed to whisper, so as not to disturb the others with our chatter. He stopped running his fingers through my hair and now gripped my shoulder as he pulled me in his direction.

"Well here's the deal with dib's. Fire and med have to share a lot of stuff including this lounge so as a way to prevent fights we instituted dib's. Fire cannot override med's dibs on an item, person or seat and vice versa but you can debate dibs with your own kind except with people." I was a little confused so I asked.

"What do you mean except with people?" He leaned so close to my ear I could feel his breath on my neck and he started to twirl my hair again and his previously free hand was now resting on my thigh before he answered.

"Well, if I were to say I have dib's on you none of the other guys would make a pass at you out of respect for me and my wishes to pursue you." I lit up with a blush and he gave the side of my neck a tiny kiss before he pulled back and said.

"Beautiful." I lit up with another blush that I am sure it went all the way down to my toes and he chuckled and scooted closer to me so our legs were completely touching. We sat in silence for a while completing our work only occasionally exchanging heated looks. I was finishing up my last report when I heard Eric growl a little. I looked up and saw a massive man with a bald head and cloudy brown eyes, who kind of looked like a genie in this fire pants, staring at me expectantly.

"Hey Baby." He said. I rolled my eyes, what a turn off, this guy must be a major meat head. But before I could protest Eric growled out.

"Dib's man… Dib's" I looked at Eric who's face softened from enraged to sheepish when he looked from meat head back to me. Meat head also sounded annoyed and said.

"Is that true Baby are you dibbed by him?" I was about to confirm said dib's because I like Eric and wanted to be flirted with some more but again before I could nine firefighters all popped up and started yelling including Eric. So many things were being said I couldn't figure out who most of them were coming from.

"Come on Quinn, you know the rules."

"Fuck off asshole!"

"Are you two going to rumble?" that one concerned me.

"You dare defy the DIB'S?"

Then everything seemed to happen very quickly, the whole room started to chant rumble, rumble, rumble! I looked at Eric who was clenching his fists and following the rest of the guys outside. What the fuck? I thought as I sat there stunned until Amelia grabbed my hand and said.

"Hurry up! They're going to rumble on the lawn in front of the firehouse. Eric has to do it to defend the dib's that Quinn just challenged. Don't judge him… this is how we do things here." I looked at her like she was crazy and yelled.

"Don't we have people to look after?" She laughed and said.

"Sookie, we have had 4 people come into the ER all day, I think were cool." I ran to keep up with Amelia. When we got outside Eric was taking off his shirt and I could see his toned, tanned torso. He really was a work of art. Long and lean but still well muscled without looking crazy. Quinn had also taken off his shirt but he looked crazy, his pecks may have been bigger than my tits and of a similar shape. Yuck! The two men started circling each other in a defensive stance and Sam walked up and said.

"Alright you know how this goes, no breaking bones and the first one to have a knee hit the ground loses." Sam clapped his hands as if to start the fight and they went after each other. The fight was quick and Quinn never did land a punch on Eric because Eric hit him twice before he was knocked on his ass. Eric raised his hands in the air triumphantly and turned to me smiling, but as he was making his way to me Quinn said.

"Whatever man, enjoy her! I bet she is just another bitch like your faggot sister!" My mouth dropped open, I was appalled. Eric's face contorted in rage as he tuned to run back and really beat the shit out of him, but six other firefighters were already on him before Eric could get a piece. They all parted when he got there and let Eric at him, after a few moments of watching Sam finally yelled in a very authoritative voice.

"Alright everyone stop it." And like that everything halted and separated. Then Sam continued. "Quinn you're suspended pending an investigation of your actions." Quinn looked outraged and Eric looked like he wanted to beat him some more. But like the idiot Quinn is he continued to talk.

"Fine then, fuck you all! I don't need this shitty job!" He whined, clearly getting no support from anyone. He stomped off, and Eric said something to Tray before he also walked off, I just stood there stunned. This has been one hell of a first day.

Amelia walked over and tried to talk to me but I was just stunned. I felt badly for Eric that someone would say that about his sister. I assume she is gay and this is something he has to deal with regularly but I'm angry that people are so closed minded. Even Amelia has dabbled in the art of the V. I mean really who cares, is it hurting you? Some people are just hateful. Finally Tray walked over and said.

"Umm Sookie, Eric said to tell you that he is really interested in using his rightfully won dib's but he just needed to go cool down and call his sister. He just kind of snapped because last year Pam almost got beaten to death by some homophobic rednecks that saw her kissing her girlfriend in her own bar. When Eric got the call she was already at the hospital and they didn't know if she was going to make it, the guys who did it to her only got a little probation and a slap on the wrist, no justice. He made Pam move in with him after that, he was afraid to leave her alone; when he was on call she slept in the fire house for months because he couldn't be away from her, so if you can't handle that he loves his sister than back out now man, because those two have been through hell together."

I stared dumbstruck, sometimes I love living in the south but things like this disgust me as for his loving and caring for his sister I said.

"My brother is a worthless piece of shit, I wish I had a brother who cared that much." Tray just smiled and said.

"Good, that's what I thought. I didn't take you for a b-otch." Amelia laughed and took his hand. We went to walk back in and I noticed our shift was almost over. Amelia and Tray parted ways while she and I went inside to do inventory and check on ER patients. There were only 2 and they were both fine.

I closed all of the day's files and briefed the next shift. I told Amelia I would see her tomorrow before heading out to my car. Imagine my surprise when I walked up to my car and an insanely tall beautiful woman was leaning on my car. I gave her a short wave and said.

"Hello there." She narrowed her eyes and said.

"Let me cut to the chase, because I have shit to do." She flicked invisible dust off of her pastel pink twinset and designer slacks. "My brother is interested in you and wants to take you on a formal date because he would like to keep you around for a while. I however don't want to see him waste his time; because if I don't like you I will be honest; I will make his life hell until he dumps you." I had to appreciate her honestly so I said.

"Well I like him too and at least you're honest." She smiled and said.

"Well aren't you sweet?" I narrowed my eyes at her and replied.

"Not especially." She relaxed her face, grabbed my hand and said.

"You'll do." She winked at me and yelled. "Eric, she's cool you may date/ fuck her now." I saw a very sheepish looking Eric skulk out from behind the corner of the building with his hands stuffed in his pockets and head tilted down avoiding my gaze. He finally got to me and shooed Pam away, she peeled with laughter and Eric rolled his eyes. Once she was out of ear shot he said.

"I am so sorry, she insisted and you don't really tell Pam 'no'." I chuckled and I said.

"I got that feeling, but don't worry its fine. She is just looking out for you. You will have to go through the third degree from Amelia if you stick around me." He took a step back and held his hands up looking terrified and said.

"Wow sorry, that's a deal breaker. She scares the shit out of me." I was rolling with laughter and he smiled and took a step forward and said.

"No really, one time Alcide took her good pen and lost it so she put a curse onto the firehouse… we had no running water for a week, I think she may be a witch." This time we both laughed and nodded. I twined my fingers with his, and said.

"She dabbled in the dark arts in high school, but don't worry I won't let her turn you into a cat or anything." His face got serious again as he leaned into me, pressing me against my shitty car and said.

"Can I take you to dinner?" I shivered at his proximity and breathed.

"Y…yes" He smiled while his mouth was only inches from mine.

"How is tomorrow?" I nodded as I grabbed his head threading my fingers into his hair pulling him to my face. We proceeded to make out like horny teenagers until Tray came out and cleared his throat. By this point my bra was undone, I was laying on my hood with him pressed over me and his hands were up my shirt… and somewhere along the line his shirt had been removed completely. Eric didn't move anything accept his head and gruffly said.

"What? What could you possibly need?" Tray kicked some gravel, and said.

"Umm, you guys have been out here for 3 hours and Sam said to come peel you off of her so we can run drills." I had no idea we had been making out for so long! It only seemed like a few minutes. He groaned into my neck and whispered.

"I have to go…" I nodded and said.

"It's okay, I will see you tomorrow." He smiled and said.

"Yes, yes you will. Sweet dreams Nurse Stackhouse." He gave me one last quick kiss before standing up. I saw him bend over to pick something up. When I saw what it was I blushed like I had never blushed before. He had my torn panties which he had literally ripped off of me in a fit of lust. He just winked and said.

"Souvenir." He walked back to the firehouse with a chuckling Tray, I laid on my hood for a few more moments before I was ready to drive. I got in my car and took a long lingering look at the firehouse before I drove home and dreamed about my Blonde God all night.

Please review… I always appreciate it and it generally makes my day.