Hey! First of all, this will be the only long author note in this entire story, I promise. Second, the reason these chapters are so short is because for me, chaptering is merely a partition for breaking up my stories, just to make it neater :). Third, I probably upload 1 or 2 chapters every few days. Last, enjoy! Oh, and every reviewer will receive a personal reply and will have their name credited when this story is done. Thanks!

It had been five days.

That is, five days since the Teen Titans (namely Starfire) had invited him to join them at the Tower, rather than returning to his "most lonely dwelling".

It had also been five days since the takedown. The takedown of the Brotherhood of Evil.

Jericho could remember that fateful event as clear as the back of his hand. Blood had poured, bones had been broken, and new allies had been gained; including himself.

He remembered his powers; his ability to possess beings he made eye contact with. He remembered using it to fight for the first time in his life. The thrill was exhilarating.

He never thought he would end up where he was now, though.

He also never thought five days could be so...dull.

Not to complain, but Jericho had the impression that being a guardian of Jump City would be a tad more eventful. Sure, the mentioned battle was incredulous, but he didn't think being a hero would involve eating questionable vegetable burgers and playing Mega Monkeys 4.

As he contemplated on his situation, his emerald eyes wandered onto his new teammates.

In the kitchen, Cyborg and Beast Boy were arguing over dinner, as they did every night...and day.

"I'm TELLING you, Cy! Organic alternatives are heaps better for you!"

The first Titan Jericho met was Beast Boy.

He was the one who had presented him with his communicator. Straight off the bat, he could tell Beast Boy was a...strange character. When he reached Jericho on his mountain, he had blathered on about some evil organization in between large gasps and wheezes before passing out. After the takedown, it only took him two days to figure out Jericho was mute. Even then, he would sometimes confuse him with being deaf; shouting in his ear so loud he really thought he would go deaf. He was always cracking, rather corny, jokes, seemingly oblivious to the fact that no one else was laughing. Beast Boy's appearance surprised him the most. It was interesting to wonder how Beast Boy developed his pointed ears and odd skin shade. Genetic mutation? Radioactivity? The possibilities would overload Jericho's head. But that was beside the point.

"If by 'organic alternative' you mean tofu, the answer is always no, BB."

Then there was Cyborg- the terrifying part-robot. At least, that was Jericho's first impression of him. Truthfully, he knew full well Cyborg wasn't a monster, but he couldn't help feeling a little...petrified when he stomped into the room. Cyborg didn't pay a lot of attention to him, but Jericho was perfectly fine with that.

"Friends, friends! Let us not fight over this."

That was Starfire. As you know, she was the one who asked Jericho to stay with them. He initially thought "Star" was a tad eccentric and out-of-sync with the world, before realizing she was a super-strong alien from a distant planet. She was quite pretty, but he was quick to notice her orange-y skin and unnatural eyes. Though she appeared gentle and kind, Jericho witnessed an outburst from her towards a certain green-skinned person just the day before. Note to self: don't make her mad.

"Starfire's right. You guys argue over this every day. Can't you work something out?" Robin agreed.

The masked leader intimidated Jericho ever so slightly at first sight, though he felt a strange trust in him. Robin had made an effort to explain things to Jericho, which he was grateful for. He concluded that the Boy Wonder was fierce, over competitive and oddly powerful, yet at the same time caring, dedicated and loyal. A very strange combination in Jericho's mind.

He let his eyes rest on the navy-clad figure on the couch, engrossed in a book with foreign-looking symbols on the cover.

Raven. If Jericho could describe her in one word, it would be creepy. Down-right dark, mysterious, and introvert. The fact that she could be reading your thoughts at any time unnerved Jericho, though Robin reassured him that she would ask permission first. She seemed to be very untrusting and went out of her way to steer clear of him, keeping dead silent when he was around. He wondered what this (sorceress? witch?) girl would do all day other than read, meditate, or sip foul-smelling tea.

Silently sighing, he sat himself down on the same couch, taking care to keep his distance.

As he attempted to drown out the bickering, he leaned back and rested his hands behind his head.

Truth was, Jericho was keeping one huge secret from his teammates...his friends. This secret held the almost-certain possibility of the Titans rejecting him, especially Robin, which was something he never wanted to happen. He would always do his best to put his past behind him and smile, and most days he didn't even need to think about it, but other days, it wasn't so easy to forget. Staring at the ceiling, he let his mind drift...