New Caledonian Sun

Jandi pushed the threat of tears aside as she forced the stronger side of her to the fore.

"You should go in Sunbea, or you'll get cold!" With that she turned to return to her room in hopes that Junpyo wasn't stalking the place again. But no sooner had she turned away, had his warm hand grasped Jandi's wrist and spun her back towards him. Jandi's sadness soon transformed into surprise as Jihoo pulled her into a gentle yet firm embrace. Despite the cool off shore breeze Jihoo's body was far from cold. Instinctively her arms encircled him bringing their bodies the closest they had ever been.

"I am cold." Jihoo's words were a whisper that tickled the hairs on the nape of her neck reminding Jandi just how close they were. A small shiver of pure female desire shimmied down her spine. Releasing her to an arms length Jihoo peered intently into her eyes, searching for a reaction, looking for a positive signal of reciprocated feelings. Jandi's mind raced but no words, neither of comfort or reprimand for his bold display of affection could seem to form any logical sentence. With embarrassment mounting she turned her back and walked away as quickly as she could leaving a very vulnerable Jihoo behind.

Entering her room Jandi sat in the nearest chair. Her hands were trembling, her brain was frozen and her core felt as though at any moment it might boil over. 'What could I possibly have said to such words of pain and hope? I should have never of left like that!' Slapping herself mentally she knew she had to do something. Casting a look around her room her eyes fell upon the tan blanket that decorated the foot of her queen sized bed. Snatching it up she dashed out the door.

"Please still be there!" Jandi chanted her silent prayer over and over in her head as she ran back to the spot she had left Jihoo to drown in his loneliness. Reaching the height of the bridge his small boat came into view, glancing franticly Jandi strained to see Jihoo's light blue shirt in the dim fire light. Despair washed over her as she saw no one in sight. 'I should have known he'd be gone. Why would he stay, he had no reason to.' Turning to leave she cast one more glance in the direction of his last location. Just then a movement caught her attention. Something on the far side of the boat too encased by the shadows of the night had shifted catching what little fire light was left.

'Could Jihoo just possibly still be here?' Slowly scooting down the bridge Jandi timidly made her way over to the boat. Inching closer she was then able to distinguish Jihoo's shape. He had sat down on the sand knees up, elbows propped on his knees, his head held in his hands. She breathed a deep sigh of relief for he was still here. It was only then that she realized that in her haste she hadn't even given a thought to what she would say when she found him. It didn't matter, Jandi had come this far and she wouldn't stop now. In a few short steps she had closed the space between them. Kneeling down besides him Jandi spread the blanket around his shoulder. Wrapping it around him securely she began withdrawing her arms just as his lightning reflexes again caught her off guard.

Jihoo's hand clasped hold of hers in a strong yet tender way. Lifting his head Jihoo looked at their hands, Jandi too was drawn to look and was surprised to see them with fingers intertwined. Questions suddenly flew threw her mind. Had she done that or had he? Why hadn't she even noticed it happening!

A warm sensation spread threw her body as she returned her gaze to Jihoo's face. A single tear breached the edge of his eye and dropped off his eyelashes down his cheek. With her free hand Jandi instinctively swept away his tear with the back of her fingers as she had always done for her younger brother. And yet the emotions rolling threw her body were far from sisterly. Jandi's mind was in a fog, she had no idea what to say but the only thing that seemed right to do was to say nothing. Keeping her hand in his she shifted to sit next to him her arm looped threw his and she leaned herself into him. It seemed a perfect fit, her smaller frame nestled nicely into his. Quietly Jihoo's body relaxed even as he leaned his head back against the boat. Gently settling her head on jihoo's chest Jandi exhaled feeling the tension of weeks gone by simply slipping away and for the first time in those weeks she felt completely calm.

Suddenly sleep seemed to beckon with each rhythmic wave that splashed ashore and before she knew it her eyes had slipped shut. With her last moment of comprehension before sleep over took her she felt a soft kiss land atop her head and the words 'Thank you, Jandi-ya.' Issued from Jihoo before he too let slumber whisk him away.