Hi! So I got bored in my class today and started writing this….. it's a Jayden and Emily story of course cuz I think they are adorable together. Anyways please read and review this is gonna be a collection of little drabbles (I think this is what they are). I hope you like it.

Disclaimer: i don't own a darn thing!

It was 2 am and Emily was sitting at the kitchen table alone seeing as she was the only one still awake at this time of the night. All the other rangers had already gone to bed for the night. She was so lost in her thoughts that she hadn't noticed Jayden walk into the kitchen.

"Hey Emily," Jayden said softly as he sat down across from her.

"Hey," Emily replied with a soft small smile.

"Why you up so late?" Jayden asked curious as to why she was even up at this hour.

"Couldn't sleep, Rough day." Emily replied back with a huff.

"That Nighlock was pretty tough but you handled him well." Jayden complemented smiling.

"Thanks. I've been trying my best." Emily replied.

"Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to go to lunch with me tomorrow?" Jayden asked and Emily picked up his nervous tone.

"Like with the group or like a date?" Emily asked with a huge grin on her face.

"Like a date, I was hoping." Jayden said lowly.

"Of Course! I would love to Jayden. Don't be such a nervous wreck. There's nothing to be nervous about." Emily replied with a huge smile on her face.

"I've just never asked a girl out before because well, I've always lived alone with Mentor Ji." Jayden replied.

"Well, it's a good thing your not ugly then huh?" Emily gave a mischievous smirk.

"Good thing your cute." Jayden retorted as Emily started to blush a little.

Emily got up from the table and stretched. Jayden followed suit and walked over to her. Emily smiled and extended her arms out for a hug from Jayden. Jayden smiled and hugged Emily, holding her as if she were fragile. Emily pulled away from the hug and smiled up at Jayden.

"Night Jayden." Emily said as she gave Jayden a small peck on the cheek.

"Goodnight Emily." He replied back as she made her way down the hall to her and Mia's shared room.

AN: So its not my best but I got bored. Please review to tell me how I'm doing.