Das is a disclaimer! I do not own Bleach, I only own Miaka and Yuzuki! Yeah, hope you enjoy :3

A bit of info... this takes place... say 15-20 years after the whole Aizen indecent... and also our beloved silver haired fox faced Captain, Gin Ichimaru is ALIVE! Oh yeah and is now and still the Captain of squad 3!

Chapter 1

"Yes! Today's the day we finally graduate!" A very chirp brown head yelled jumping up and down in excitement. The red head next to her sighed out of boredom; her friend dragged her out of bed earlier than normal today. Today was the day that they finally graduated from the Academy that they all so despised. The red head yawned loudly whipping a tear out of her bright green eyes.

"Do you have to be so loud? Damn, my ears are still ringing when you yelled at me to wake up, you little brat!" The red head asked annoyed.

"But aren't you happy we're finally graduating?" The brown head yelled jumping up and down.

"Will you stop that, Yuzuki?" The red head yelled placing her hand on Yuzuki's head. "And yes I am excited, now calm down. Let's go find out what division we're in…"

"Yay! Yay! Miaka is happy!" Yuzuki smiled, pulling her green eyed friend along with her. Yuzuki was the shorter of the two; she was 5'2 exactly. She had long flowing hair that reacted down past her shoulder blades and light blue eyes. Yuzuki's cute and overly hyper personality tended to make people adore her but was never able to handle her.

"Yeah, whatever…" Miaka sighed, rubbing the back of her neck. She was 5'6 and a third, had red hair and it reached towards her hips; her eyes, shining a bright green, usually attracted people towards her. But because of her scary but lazy personality, people usually avoided her.

"Hmm…?" Yuzuki looked confused, tilting her head to the side when she saw her friend suddenly start to sulk in a corner, cursing. "What's wrong?" She asked jumping up and down worried for her sulking friend.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me!" Miaka cursed under her breath, "Putting me in tha-that division of all of the God damned places, they had to… to… uh!" She said pulling her hair yelling out in annoyance.

"Wahhhh! What's wrong, Miaka?" Yuzuki started crying, shaking her arms rapidly.

"I… I was put… in… in" Miaka trailed off not wanting to say it.

"Yeah, yeah… come on." Yuzuki said with big eyes, wanting to hear what squad her best friend had been placed in.

"I got placed in eleventh division! Of all the damn places…" Miaka sulked, a dark aura hanging over her head. Miaka could hear her friends shuffling her laughter, trying to hide it with her hand. "Why you little-!" Miaka said glaring at Yuzuki, causing her to shiver.

"Sorry…" Yuzuki said looking down, sad. "But I got into the sixth division! Yay!" She said, happy again. Miaka just scoffed and started walking down the hall.

"Wait for me~!" Yuzuki said flailing her arms running towards her friend.

"Miaka…?" Yuzuki asked looking down at the ground.

"Hn?" Miaka hummed looking forward following a crowd of students.

"What do you think our captains are going to be like?" Yuzuki asked looking at her friend with a smile on her face.

"Don't know… all I know is that apparently the captain of the eleventh is suppose to be really big and scary. I heard there are no girls in that division…" Miaka growled eyes slitting.

"Oh, sorry again… but maybe you'll like that division, after all you love fighting!" Yuzuki chirped a smile spreading across her face.

"Yeah, whatever…"

"I think the captain of the sixth division… isn't it Byakuya Kuchiki?" Yuzuki said smiling, her eyes sparkling.

"Yeah he's the one… wait ain't he a noble…?" Miaka asked half heartedly.

"Yeah, that has to be so cool!" Yuzuki said smiling only being able to imagine the life of a noble.

"Hmmm…" was all Miaka could say.

"Looks like we found the sixth division first…" Miaka said sighing. They found the place a lot faster then what they were going for.

"Yeah… I guess… I'll see you later?" Yuzuki said smiling at her friend, she was actually really scared.

"Yeah, we'll meet up at the training grounds, 'kay?" Miaka smiled lightly. Miaka turned and started towards the direction she figured the eleventh division would be.

"Good luck, Miaka!" Yuzuki yelled smiling brightly and waving her hand madly. Yuzuki watched as Miaka used shunpo.

Yuzuki smiled lightly walking down a hall following a crowd of students she remembered in some of her classes. They were all gathered into a decent size room, and were told to wait patiently. Yuzuki kept to herself in a corner of the room. Although she was always happy and jumpy, she was also very shy and never made friends that easily. Yuzuki wished that Miaka could have been in the same division as her, but she knew that Miaka would just try and fight everybody…

"Hmm, I wonder how Miaka is doing right now…?" Yuzuki asked, laughing a little at her friend.

Miaka… well she was pissed. Once she found the damn division, all the guys there have been staring at her like she was crazy.

"What the bloody hell are you looking at?" She yelled holding up a fist glaring at a group of guys. All the guys reared back, looking a bit scared of the women. "Damn guys… nothing but asses… rip off their dicks… shove it…" Miaka growled heading for a room in the division where she was suppose to meet the Captain and Lieutenant. When she found the room, she saw nothing… but guys. Some of them that remembered Miaka from the Academy had reared back a little after seeing her glare in annoyance.

Miaka stomped to a corner in the far right of the room and sat down criss-cross style (criss-cross apple sauce! :3 Haven't had to use that word in a while). Miaka was bored; all she wanted to do was sleep at the moment.

"Such a pain… why can't we meet the captains tomorrow…" Miaka muttered.

"But my lady… I can tell you're excited to meet them…" A hissing sound crept around her head laughing, Miaka sighed out of annoyance. She was in no mood to argue.

"Ohh, I'm so excited! I wonder what my Captain'll be like!" Yuzuki squealed in excitement. All the guys around her blushed a little when they saw Yuzuki happy, wide eyes a cute smile on her face.

"Calm down child, I was sleeping!" A drowsy voice echoed in Yuzuki head, making her pout. She whispered sorry to the voice, before sighing. At that moment the door slid open a in walked a tall red head. He had some funny tattoos on his forehead, and his hair was pulled back and was spiky looking. The red head man looked kind of scary, Yuzuki thought. She wasn't found of scary people, even though people always asked how she was friends with Miaka, of all people.

"Everybody get in line and wait for the Captain!" The red head yelled. Everyone started to move, Yuzuki decided to fall in at the very end. She studied the red head a bit more before noticing the Lieutenant badge on his shoulder. Yuzuki's eyes widened for a brief second before she smiled, wildly. Yuzuki was excited, never before has she ever met a Lieutenant; she couldn't wait to see the Captain!

At that moment the door slid open once again, a man walked in with a very calm look, he was tall... but not as tall at the Lieutenant, that is. He wore the traditional Haori and had long flowing black hair and grey eyes; he was the Captain. Everyone bowed in respect towards the Captain, Yuzuki hadn't know what to do and when she hesitated to bow, the Captain had noticed her, before she bowed really quick feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Hnn, he looks kind of scary..." Yuzuki mumbled to herself straightening up, no one else hearing her. The Captain, walked to the middle of the room his eyes closed. He just stood there for a minute before opening his eyes, briefly scanning the group.

"I expect all of you to follow the rules, and know you place here..." He spoke. "Any one out of place will be punished, severely." He said before making his exit. Everyone just stared at the door a moment, he really was scary.

"Heh... don't mind the Captain... he's always like this." The Lieutenant smirked rubbing the back of his neck. "As long as you're strong enough and respect him, you won't have any problems!" He smiled dismissing everyone. Yuzuki stayed a few steps behind everyone, fairly bored now. She was wondering how Miaka was doing right about now.

Miaka was glaring at a man in front of her, a vein pulsing on her head and tightly clinched fist. She was currently having to restrain herself from punching the bald headed moron.

"What's your name cutie?" he smirked, still a bit confused as to why a girl was at the eleventh division.

"None of your damn business baldy..." Miaka growled her teeth clenched very annoyed at the moment.

"Wh-what did you just call me, bitch?" He asked flinching at the name, "I'll have you know I am the third seat, Ikkaku Madarame! Don't think that just because you're a girl, I won't kill you..." He sneered; Miaka just scoffed and looked to the side annoyed seeing a... pretty boy?

"What's your name, if you don't mind me asking?" The pretty boy asked, looking over Miaka.

"Miaka... Miaka Akane. And you are...?" Miaka asked, sighing. Where were the damn Captain and Lieutenant at!

"Ahh, my name is Yumichika Ayasegawa fifth seat of the eleventh division." Yumichika smiled looking over the girl again, "And might I say… you look beautiful…" He said in a hush tone mostly to himself. Miaka heard and had a slight blush on her face.

"Yeah, whatever… I ain't beautiful." Miaka said puffing out her cheeks and crossing her arms over her chest. All the guys in the room blushed a little at the cute and childish pose Miaka was in. At that moment the door slid open and in walked a very big and scary looking man. Everyone bowed down in respect at that moment, but Miaka was too busy having a starring contest with Ikkaku, bolts of electricity flying. The Captain glared at the couple growling when he saw a damn girl in his division. Why the hell was there a girl here? The eleventh division had no spot for weaklings like girls.

Miaka must have felt someone glare at her because she broke off the contest to give a very dark glare at whoever it was. Everybody shrank a little seeing Miaka look really scary. Even the Captains eyes widened a little before going back to looking pissed. When Miaka realized who the person was she widened her eyes before looking away, she had just glared at the Captain, and boy did he look like he wanted to kill somebody.

"Who the hell're you?" the Captain yelled looking at Miaka.

"C-captain Zaraki!" Ikkaku said looking surprised. Miaka looked at Ikkaku really quick before bring her eyes back to the Captain, "Well answer me!" He demanded.

"M-Miaka Akane…" She said, the only thing that was running threw her head at the moment was that she was going to die! That man looked like he was hungry… hungry for blood! Miaka shivered at the thought.

The Captain grunted going to talk to this Miaka girl when he was done with this group of people.

"Listen hear! I'll only say this once, this place is for only the toughest of Shinigami's, do you understand!" He said looking around, his eyes landing on the girl, "And if you're too weak, then you'll be kicked out of here! I don't have time to deal with worthless weaklings!" He said. "You are dismissed…" He grunted watching as everybody bowed before him then walking out of the room. "Except for you, girl…" the Captain sneered, glaring at Miaka. Now Miaka was pissed, what the hell did she do!

So, how'd you like, eah? eah? Please review, as it is I rely on you words of wisdom! And also... everyones a critic...so... BRING IT ON~! :D