One night at Shields

By: Strawberry

Genre: Romance

Rated Pg

Chapter 1

Serena walked down the sunny path leading to the park.

"SERENA!" Andrew called; she looked over and smiled then walked over to him.

"Hey Andrew!" She said in her perkiest voice, just then she noticed Darien right by him, they where playing football with some other college guys, how typical!

"Hey Meatball head." Darien yelled as he was tackled to the ground, the old dirt ridden ball flew out of Darien's hands like butter and landed in Serena's hands for about 2 seconds.

"Ewwwwwwwww." She screamed as she threw the ball on the ground. Darien came to retrieve it.

"You look way different." Serena said as she looked at Darien's clothing, he was wearing a blue jersey that say 21 in big bright red and khaki pants witch where covered in dirt.

"Sorry Meatball head, as much as I would love to stay in chat I got to go." He said as he picked up the ball and continued the game.

"We made him play, he rarely dose but that's not why I called you over, your coming to my party tomorrow right?"

"Yeah wouldn't miss it for the world Andrew in fact me and Lita, Mina, Raye and Amy are renting a hotel room so we don't have to go home so early." Serena said

"And you parents let you?" Andrew said

"I'm gonna call them really late and tell them I'm sleeping at Amy's, same with Raye, Mina and Lita." Serena said

"Hey Serena… there might be drinking at the party and I just want to say there's no pressure, you shouldn't drink ok?"

"Yeah I know!" Serena said as she gave Andrew a hug left to meet up with Raye for a little shopping downtown.

"You wouldn't believe what Andrew said to me." Serena laughed as she put a dress up to her chin in the store

"What?" Raye questioned at she came out of the dressing room to look in the mirror

"That there would be drinking and he didn't want me to give into peer pressure." Serena said as she giggled

"OOOO Maybe he dose like you, he obviously cares about you enough to say that." Raye said

"But maybe I'm just a like a sister." Serena asked

"Could be. Oh And Darien will be at the party too I just realized that!" Raye squealed

"Hmmm What about this?" Serena asked as she held up a pair of black leather pants and a pink top with rhinestones in the design of a heart with a heart through it.

"Keep the pants but the shirt, not really." Raye commented

Serena nodded and looked around some more then found a white sleeveless top with that said New York City in big glittering blue letters, and the back round had rhinestone for stars. Serena took it and bought it along with a rhinestone belt and the pants than said her good-bye to Raye and left.