The response on this was so fast and huge that I couldn't leave you guys disappointed for long.

I wanna go ahead and thank some people that pm-ed and left me some really great replies to finish this:





Tainted Princess

lynettecullen (who has literally read almost everything I've posted on here? lol)

Rainea91 333



And a few guests, who left me wonderful comments and made it so much easier to finish this.

All of yall and everyone else who has commented or liked or bookmarked this story is so awesome, I just wanted to give ya a shout out because all of your encouragement made me want to pick up this story and finish it once and for all. This is going to be one long chapter. And yes, this chapter being the last one was always my original intent but I was way too intimidated to finish it.

By the way, my writing style has changed a lot since I last wrote this, literally over 5 years ago, but I think you will enjoy it more because I certainly like how I write now much better than I ever did back then. Also I usually write in third person, so going back to first is going to require a little finesse, but anything for you guys!


So without further ado,

Chapter 7


My father sat with me in the hospital. Even though I wanted to be with Jade, it was also really nice getting to know him. My mother had always told me that he had walked out on us when I was a baby and I was always so mad at him for it, but that was all a lie. Nathan was a sweet guy, it was hard to believe he was her father and Beck's. And Beck was her half brother! It was kind of gross, but more in that annoying kid brother way than in such a hateful way.

We had to avoid talking about Jade and the wedding and all, but talking about Beck let me know what was going on with Jade too "You know, I can sort of see the resemblance with Beck and all, but Beck doesn't act anything like you!"

Nathaniel grinned, his dimpled cheeks, the ones that resembled my own showing "I don't like using the phrase, 'boys will be boys' but I was just like him when I was his age. When you're that young and proud and every girl around you treats you like you're one big ole slab of meat, you tend to act like a big ole slab of meat."

I grinned and joined in his chuckle "Someone should tell him that if he keeps acting like that, his meat will rot." I stuck my tongue out. It was longer than usual and I had to work it back inside my mouth. I reached up and touched my human ears, and then I touch the wolf ears that had sprouted on the top of my head "Hey Nathan?"

"You can call me Dad, if you'd like."

I was so happy that I leaned over the rail of my hospital bed in order to wrap my arms around his neck and hug him. I felt my red tail slap the sheets lightly, mimicking my own happiness "Okay!" I pulled back, my tail stopping it's happy dance as my head got filled with dark clouds again "Well, Dad, will these" I pointed to my ears and tail "ever go away? I mean, every time I look at them, I can't help my think about my dream."

My father sighed "With time honey."

"And when can I go back to school? Do I have any friends there? Will Beck come with me?" I secretly just wanted to know if Jade would be there too, but I could see men from Ari's tribe by the door. Even if I couldn't hang out with her, I just wanted to see her. I wanted to do a lot of other things to her too, but seeing her would be just enough. My heart squeezed tightly thinking about her. The machines that were measuring my heart started to beep loudly.

Nathan shook my shoulders, bringing me out of my daze "Cat? Cat? There you are. Be careful, you're still weak honey." He put a hand to my forehead "And you're burning up."

He pushed my back down so that I would lie in my bed "I know, I just feel so hot Dad."

He kissed my forehead "I know, try to get some sleep honey."

"B-but tonight? Won't it be the- the" I had enough brain power to lower my voice "the wedding?" I asked desperately. My heart monitor wouldn't stop beeping. It didn't get dangerously high, but it way higher than average.

A nurse came in to try to help me calm down. Nathan stayed by my side "Shh, just go to sleep Caterina."

The nurse stuck a needle in one of the tubes in my arms and I fell back to sleep. As I fell to sleep, I noticed that my tail was gone and I couldn't feel the muscles on the to of my head that would twitch my wolf ears.


The whole ride to the wedding grounds, Tori's mom has been trying to comfort me, but I'm way too anxious. I feel bad for her, because my scent must be dominating the poor woman in the small space. I put down my window to throw off some of the scent and she looks grateful for it. We're close, not driving very deeply into the woods. Since the old grounds are contaminated and haven't been finished being cleansed, the wedding has been moved to some older one. Our mating hut looks to be an old cottage. It looks modern and it's much closer to the city and it means that me and the happy groom (ugh) are suppose to mate in there, which, if any human gets too close, will lead to a massacre. When we take our Mating and Hunting forms we lose a lot of our humanity and we become victims of our instincts.

And with how many humans are near this area, it's a certain possibility that people will die tonight. But my father doesn't care, as long as he gets his way.

Finally, with a string of other cars, Tori's mom parked the car. I can hear the noise of everyone setting up for the ceremony. Elders are grace the ground and rid them of impurities, the women of the Northern tribe are hanging lanterns up on trees since their traditions have weddings occur during the day instead of the night, as our clan has it, so the place is lit up perfectly. I can't help but think that this scene would looks so beautiful, but there is one key thing missing here.


Tori texted her during her car ride, saying she heard that Cat was okay, that she was alive. I squeeze my eyes shut, willing away my tears because it will ruin this black make up so easily. At least she is alive and I can thank all of my lucky stars that she is. Tori also said that she knows where Cat is, but she isn't allowed to say to me. Sure, it's Vega, but at least I know someone will have Cat's back. I can only hope that Tori's dad can find out what he needs to from Trina's translation. Otherwise I'm just going have to tough out everything tonight.

I touch my lips and smile a bit. At least my first kiss wasn't with Beck, it was with Cat. I can still taste her mouth on mine, the feel of her naked skin underneath me, my inner wolf howled at the thought.

Tori's mom interrupted my thoughts as she opened the door of the car for me and helped me out. I didn't have shoes on, none of us did. My black hair was pinned up, exposing the long column of my neck. A veil covered my face and it was attached to the pin keeping my hair up. During the end of the ceremony, when I was suppose to kiss Beck, he had to remove the pin and veil and kiss me. That would seal the marriage. And when the wedding was over, the honeymoon would happen right away. I didn't want to think about it, but I knew what would happen. All I wore was a jade green robe with a thick white sash holding it together. The sash was meant to represent my purity and when Beck removed it, he would be taking away all that.

Jade walked along the dry green grass to where everyone was gathering. She could see Beck bringing the bowl of water from the nearby lake. He sat the large bowl near the center of the clearing where they would wed. He took off his shirt and used it to purify the water so that it would be safe to drink. It was a Northern tradition, so I didn't understand the significance of it. I left my phone in the car. I wasn't allowed to bring it here, but I wish I had it so that Vega could update me more on what the hell was going on.

Suddenly, I left the presence of my father behind me "Jadelyn."

I turned to face him.

He touched my cheek and I begrudgingly accepted the touch "You look beautiful." Ari dropped his touch "The wedding will begin soon. As I promise, she's alive, but don't you dare try to ruin the ceremony. Do you understand?" He pushed back a strand of my loose hair behind the veil "I wouldn't want to hurt that pretty face of yours."

My jaw clenched but I still spoke respectful "I understand."

"Excellent." He left me alone after that.

Accepting my fate pitifully for the sake of Cat's safety, I went to where Beck was straining the water through his shirt. I knelt down and sat with my legs tucked underneath me.

I sat there silently, but Beck didn't like the quiet "You know, I am sorry about this. Kinda, at least."

I didn't say anything.

"It's fucked up." He continued, squeezing his shirt dry of the water and into the bowl "I heard about everything. It sucks, but my elders always tell me that if your mate is human, it's not really meant to be. They say it's like a trick. Some humans with powers did it so they could confuse wolves and trick us. And you know, Cat probably didn't mean to do it, it's just in her family I guess. But you caught feelings for her, but it's not real."

He was so stupid, but at least he wasn't being a complete asshole right now, just an idiotic one. I shook my head "She was the only real thing about me and now I can never see her again."

"You'll get over it." He handed me his dried shirt "Plus, you have me now. I'll help you forget about it." Beck winked at me.

I rolled my eyes "What do I do with this?"

"That's right, you southerns don't do this. You have to burn it. At the start of the ceremony, the wedding elder will give you a match and then the wedding elder will give you a bowl to leave it in by the water bowl. It's good luck if the fire goes out before the ceremony is over. It shows how much we burn for each other."

Jade set the shirt in her lap "Guess this thing will be burning for a while then."

An Hour or So Later

I sit with Beck while we talk each other through different parts of the ceremony that are foreign to each other. The elders have finished their preparation and the guests are forming a few rows of circles around the two of us. The semi circle closes to me and Beck are my father, my mother, Tori's mom, and Beck's mother. I see a single man step though the crowd near the cars. He is on the shorter end, but he's bulky and he has a kind smile with dimples and a thick head of hair.

He comes to me and shakes my hand "I'm Nathaniel, Beck's father. Sorry, I'm late." He turned around and looked at my father "I give my apologizes to you as well. I was with my daughter in the hospital." My heartbeat skipped a few moments. Does he mean Cat?

Ari grunted "Just sit down and let's get this thing started."

Nathaniel nodded "Agreed." He took his spot on the opposite end of Ari, beside his wife.

I stand with Beck. He holds the bowl with the water, and I hold the one with his shirt. I still can't see Tori or her father or Trina. Where the hell are they?


I wake up cold and alone. The seat my father occupied is empty. When I touch the seat, it's still warm. He hadn't left very long ago. I feel weak and dirty. I get up and pull my iv stand with me to the bathroom. I can see myself in the mirror. My red hair is still vibrant, but nothing else about me can say the same. My tan skin doesn't look shiny and it feels just so hard to smile right now. I try and it looks horrible, so I drop it. At least the ears and tail are gone.

I wash my face and I still feel bad, but at least I'm not dirty now. As I get back into bed, I look outside. It's dark and I think of Jade. I think about how on late nights like this when I couldn't sleep, she would knock on my window and hang out with me all night. She always knew when I needed her. I need her now, but she still hasn't come for me, and with that shot the nurse gave me, it feels like she's a beautiful dream. I can't have her right now. Right now, she's at her wedding, probably in a pretty white dress that she hates. She hates wearing white, she says her skin is white enough that she doesn't need her clothes to be the same. She's right and I can never get enough of her white skin.

I can remember her so vividly above me. The way she kissed me. I growled under my breath. My heart monitor went off again. I could hear her breath in my ear begging me to stop her, but I couldn't. I needed her and I wanted her so much.

The nurse came back into the room. She had a needle in her hand, but this time I slap it out of her hand. It broke on the floor. I can see the two wolves at the door. They look back and forth between each other, unsure of what to do as I climb out of the bed. The nurse looked through the cabinets, trying to find another needle, but I won't give her the time to.

I need Jade right now. Nothing is going to stop that.

So I rip the tubes out of my arm and pull off the sticky pad on my chest that monitor my heart. The monitor, which had been beeping irradically, flatlines. I can see more nurses start to come into the room, past Ari's men. They have straps and a needles and all of them want to take me away from Jade! My beautiful, wonderful Jade.

I crouch low to the ground and growl. My teeth are sharp, and my canines have ripped out and become elongated. My nails are long and I can feel my tail swinging behind me dangerously. My wolf ears twitch when I hear Ari's men talking sharply by the door. I have to run! I have to find Jade. I need her like I need air to breath and I can't think about anything else right now. So, on my hands and feet, I run into the nurses, knocking a few of them over. When I get to the door, Ari's men are reacting to my quick retreat plan.

One of them tackled me to the ground and the other tried to pin me down but before he could, I bit into one of their arms. The pain made him let me go. I got up and shoved the second one into the wall by my hospital room. I bared my teeth, ready to rip into his neck and end his life, but I hear a familiar voice.

"Cat! CAT!"

My eyes slide to look over at Tori calling my name and her father and sister running down the hall behind her.

"CAT! Stop! You have to calm down!"

Her distraction is enough for the man that I bit to wrap his arm around my neck and yank me away from his partner.

Tori yelled for him to stop, but it's too late.

Instead of reaching for his arm to get it off my neck, I reach my arms back and dig my claws right into his throat. They slide so easily into his flesh and I pull my hands forward, slicing open his neck. He let me go as he fell to the ground, bleeding from his throat. I bring my claws to my mouth and lick the blood off of it "You're not what I need ether." I'm not me anymore. Something animal in my body has taken over and I can't do anything much besides want Jade. My eyes drift to the girl I think I know in front of me "Are you what I need?"

The girl looks at me with wide open brown eyes "Cat?"

The man behind her, puts his hands on her shoulders and backs up "It's too late. The prophecy is coming true. We have to get back to my brother and warn him. She'll be after him and Jade."

The second girl shrieks "She looks like she's going to kill us!"

The man slowly retreats, putting his other hand on the other girl's "Just give her room."

When I see that I have enough room and these lower tier wolves give me my space, I bolt. I run down the hall. People scatter when they see me. I can't imagine how scary I must look. I can't find my way out! There are so many doors and none of them lead out! I feel so trapped and all I want is blood. Then, I find what I'm looking for. I can smell it. An open window! The drop to the ground is not a problem at all. I can hear alarms going off. It sounds like more people with loud noises are coming this way. But that isn't what has caught my attention. I can smell smoke. It's somewhere in the woods. My being tells me that that is where I have to go.

I rip off the cloth the humans had me wear in the hospital and leave it on the ground so that I can run in my naked form. I have to find my mate. And I need to taste blood.


The wedding started and Tori and the rest of her family still hasn't gotten here. I'm so worry that Ari has done something to them, but I'm much more worried about what is going to happen after the wedding ends. I can see the cabin that Beck will take me too, and my inner wolf and I are sobbing at the thought. I have to tough it out, for Cat.

The bowl with the burning remains of the shirt feels hot in my hands, but not to the point of burning hot. The wedding elder from my tribe has a book with him, reading from some of the Oliver Clan vows since he is unfamiliar with it. It's right then, that I hear a car speeding through the woods. All eyes shift towards it's approach. Ari gets up and stalks angrily towards the car. Tori, her father Jeff, and Trina all get out of the car. Ari growls "How dare you disturb this wedding brother!"

Jeff bows his head to his Alpha "Ari! I'm sorry, but she is coming! The Gehilfenblut Ari! We had Trina translate the legend. Mother read you those stories too and you know what they say."

"Stories are for children! Or have you forgotten your place?" Ari grabbed his brother's bowed neck and growled "Continue with the ceremony! While I deal with him!"

Tori grabbed onto his arm, trying to stop him "NO! You can't! He's telling the truth, the prophecy is real. We all saw it with our own eyes. The girl with a hood of red hair is going to ride through the woods and find that exact cottage! And when she does, with the help of a man who has cut his family tree, they will kill the big bad wolf! The writing is a little vague and oddly written, but we think it means you my King. And that the girl is Cat. We have to stop this wedding, if we don't, you'll die."

Ari grabbed her by the throat as well and lifted her off the ground "INSOLENCE! YOU TWO WILL BE PUNISHED FOR THIS!" He slammed both of his underlings onto the ground. They stayed down, in fear of upsetting their king further "You will lie like the dead dogs you are and once this wedding is complete, I will punish you for treachery." The king looked to Trina "Would you like to join them?"

She shook her head and bowed "No my King. I only did like what they said because I felt sorry for them. My bad, haha."

"At least one of you Vega's know your place." He grunted. He left them on the ground and returned to his spot.

Nathan looked his way "Things feel a little tense in the south. Are you sure you'd like this ceremony to continue? You know that you could always just bow to me and have it be over, don't you?"

"Never!" Ari spit and glared at me "Finish this." He commanded "Elder, skip to the end of this. I want it over."

The elder wolf whimpered but said no more. I wanted to echo the same noise. The time was coming soon and there was nothing I could do to stop it. My one hope had been squashed in an instant by my father.

"Alright then. So under this moon, we join these two, Jadelyn of the West and Beck Oliver of the North, together and unite the Western tribe once more. With this fire, we hope for new life." He took the bowl from my hand and set it on the ground "And with this water, we hope for peace in that life." He took Beck's bowl and set it down "And by the powers of the nature around us and our great King, I bless you as husband and wife."

Beck took a step forward since I couldn't. My legs felt like lead and I couldn't move. He found the pin at the top of my hair and pulled it out, taking the veil out of his way. My long black hair fell down with the veil, falling over my shoulders in beautiful curls. I had been trying not to cry this whole time, but a tear escaped me and brought down a line of my black make up with it down my cheek. Beck kissed me and I felt nothing. Everything about me was numb. I just wanted it to be over with. Thankfully he kept it brief and with a smirk, he promised "Don't worry, I'll save the passion for when we're alone."

I turned away from his gaze as he tugs me towards the cottage. People are leaving, giving me and Beck our privacy. Across the sea of people, Tori and Jeff were still lying on the ground, not moving a muscle. Now I wouldn't ever let anyone hear me say it, but I felt bad. They didn't deserve to be punished, they were only trying to help and now, thanks to some stupid German legend from some stupid book, they were going to get hurt. My father was right. Fairytales aren't real and happy endings don't exist. If they did, I wouldn't married to a stupid wolf boy that couldn't stop undressing me with his eyes and Cat would be by my side.

I miss her so much already. If I was in my wolf form I might howl from the loneliness.

At the door of the cabin, Beck and I pause. We both hear a howl. And it sounds close.

I look to Beck "I don't recognize who that is. Is it someone from your clan?"

He shakes his head "No, I thought it was yours."

There's another howl, closer this time. Now that I pay attention, it looks like it's coming from the city. There is something about the howl. It sounds sad, it sounds angry, and it sounds like the loneliness I feel and no other sound could mimic just how I feel right now.

I want to respond in kind, but before I can, my father clamps his hand over my mouth and pushes Beck away "STOP!"

I struggle against my father, but he growls in my ear and I go limp. I can't fight my superior, no matter how strong I am.

"We're leaving now!"

Beck grabbed my arm "She's mine now Aricious. You don't have a claim to her, not on our wedding night."

He growled "Just because you want a little pussy doesn't mean shit boy! Now, you'll listen to me, otherwise-"

His words falter when, when breaking out of the line of trees, a hunched down figure appears. It looks like a wolf, but it's so much different and it's body keeps twitching like it's ready to burst at any moment. The shape takes a few steps forward, scaring the crowd of onlookers. Some flee out of fright, other transform into their wolf forms to confront the lone creature. When it takes a few steps forward, I can see their features and the scarlet red hair and I know exactly know it is. Ari's hand looses it's grip on my mouth and I yell "CAT!"

Her ears twitch and she stands up to see me over the wolves that are closing in on her. The wolf at me jumps to save my mate from the beasts that threaten her. I am suppose to be her protector goddamn it! It's in my nature as a Dominate! I start to turn, but Ari pins me to the door of the cottage and his face goes animal and his eyes flash a deadly red as he growls. Just like that, I'm completely back to my human form and I can't transform. He is my Alpha and my King and I can't do anything, even if my mate is in danger.

I whimper pathetically "Please Father, don't do this. She's my mate, please!"

He ignores my pleas and commands his men "Kill her! Don't let her get anywhere near here!" His head turns to Beck "You go assist them if you ever want this honeymoon to commence."

Beck scoffs "I will, and only because I want to enjoy the night with my wife. Otherwise, I'd fuck her here in front of you!" He spits at Ari.

My father ignores his sass and picks me up and over his shoulder to take refuge inside the cottage.


When I break from the tree line, I can see my mate! She's right there, so close and yet so far out. That green robe really suits her. I want her. I howl. Before me, many others in thick fur coats growl at me. I snap my jaw at them. I am so much smaller then they are but I don't care. I'll fight until I can't breath, if only for the chance of seeing my mate one last time.

I ready myself, preparing to attack one of them, when and very large and imposing wolf comes to stand before me. He steps closer to me than any of the others dare too. He's different from them. The other ones are smaller, and have lighter coats of fur, like the color of autumn, but the one before me has a dark coat with silver streak. He looks like the winter compared to them but his eyes are a chocolate brown like mine. He bows his large head to me and I swear I can hear 'Go to her.' The large wolf turns to the smaller one and growls. His eyes flash a bright red and his glares down his competition. This wolf wants to fight in my place. More people are turning into their fur coats and a battle between winter and autumn has come about.

They lose me in the confusion and I take advantage of it. My mate will be mine. All I need is one little bite.

I sprint for the cabin, but half way there, I am met with another dark wolf. He does not look as kind as the other. In fact, he looks pissed. I growl at him and when I find my voice I yell "Out of my way!"

The wolf snaps it's jaws.

I guess we're doing this. I leap at the wolf. My claws sink into his side and I scratch him. He yelps, but I continue my attack. He stops my hand and bites into it, holding me in place. I cry out in pain, but I scratch his muzzle and he lets go. I take advantage of it and wrap my arms around his thick neck. I squeeze as tightly as my forearm will allow and it's good enough to cut off his supply of air. The wolf heaves, trying to shake me off, but I won't let go. It's not until he shrinks to a human size and passes out do I let go. I could end his life here, slice his throat and be down with it, but I hear a howl. When I look, I see it's the large wolf that helped me. Something in his eyes is so familiar that I agree with his want. I let the other wolf live and run to the cottage, towards my mate.


Ari dragged me inside, his hand clammed over my mouth. I kicked and dug my nails into his arms to try to break free but he is so much stronger than I am. He held me tight despite the scratching. Hr pulled me deeper into the house and slammed open a door. He used his foot to close it and just a few seconds in the room has me gagging. It smells of death and decay, and right on the bed that was suppose to be my wedding bed is the corpse of an old woman. She makes the room reek, her skin had begun to melt off of her face and insects swarm in the open areas of her body.

It fascinated me in morbid curiosity, but it disgusts the hell out of all of my senses. It's not like a hunt, where everything is raw and hot. Her body is cold, decayed and the scent alone makes me want to gag the remains of my last meal.

Ari threw me on the ground by the bed and I recoiled, pushing myself into the corner by the nightstand.

He huffed "This- This is all your fault you little HARLOT!" He dropped on his knees and hovered over me. He bared his teeth "I SHOULD HAVE KILLED YOUR LITTLE WHORE THE MOMENT I HAD THE CHANCE!"

"SHE'S NOT A WHORE! SHUT UP!" I bared my teeth at him, my eyes flashing back at him. He might be my Alpha, but that by no means he can insolent my mate. Even if she technically isn't and I'm married now. Oh god, I'm married.

My father slapped me across the face. It stung but his words were far worse "Oh, she will be. After my men capture her, I'm going to string her up and let the entire clan have their way with her." He gripped my hair and yanked me close. I yelped in pain "I bet she'll love it, getting used like a cum dumpster before we fuck her to death."

My hands found his chest. I slowly balled my hands into fists. I held his shirt in my hands. I nearly whispered in my anger "I said. Shut. UP!" I growled and shoved him up, half way across the room.

He stumbled into the bed, flipping into it. If I went by the sound of the crunch and the unhappy buzzing, I would have to say that he left inside the remains of dear old grandma. When he stood up on the other side of the bed with his trademark 'I'm going to murder you' face, that I must have inherited, I held my ground.

I snapped my teeth at him as a sign of defiance. My eyes flashed an icy teal.

Ari rolled his shoulders and growled, willing me to summit.

A part of me wanted too. A part of me just never felt strong enough to face him, but things were changing fast. With everyone else, I was the strong and powerful Jade West. I was the girl that was tough as nails and had a silver tongue to match. Yet, I had never truly felt like I was that strong. I was just born to the right family at the right time and that was the only thing I had going for me. Ari always reminded me of that. I only had power because he lent it to me and I would lose it all if I turned my back on him.

But tonight, because of Cat, I can feel my own strength in my veins. I'm not powerful because I'm his daughter. I'm strong because I have something to fight for. With that thought, something snapped in me. It sounded like a chain falling apart.

"You think you can take on your father? The man who raised you?" He mocked me, chuckling. He stalked around the bed. He smells sick and like rotting death. Old blood and bodily sludge cover a side of his face and his arm.

When he gets too close, I growl my warning.

He stopped "Stop acting like an impulsive brat and learn your place!" He growled, louder this time, but I hold up my stance.

I'm not scared anymore. I snarled "Come and make me."

He lunged at me, going to grab my long hair. I ducked and wrapped my arms around his middle. I ran forward, yelling and slamming him into the wall by the closet. He groaned from the impact. I gagged at the smell of him covered in fucking liquids from a corpse. I'm glad it hadn't gotten on me when I tackled him, but the pause had given him time to recover. Ari grabbed my hair, tight and by the roots so that I have no way to struggle away. He's got the gunk in my black hair, but it hardly matters as he bashes my head into the floor.

I can see stars arrive in my vision and he does not hesitate to do it again. The second time that my head hits the hard, wooden floor, it splinters the wood and scratches my face. I reached up and grabbed his arm, trying to stop him. He will knock me out or kill me at this rate and I can't afford ether option. I turn my head up and I bite his disgusting arm. I ignored the taste of death long enough to bite into him, until I can hear the satisfying snap of a bone in his arm breaking and it is worth it.

He lost his grip on my hair and I take advantage of it. This room is too small for ether of us to turn. So I decide to put more room between us. I dug my hands into his torso and with a flash of my bright blue eyes and I lifted him. I tossed him into the door. Ari crashed through the wood and into the living room that he brought me through. Before he has time to change, I shifted into my wolf form and sprint at him.

I jumped ontop of him. My heavy paws pressed his arms into the ground. I have him primed for the killed. I opened my jaw to rip off his head, but he is a much more experienced fighter. He brought his legs up and together and kicked my hind legs. It sent me flipping over top of him and he uses the moment to change. He is a much bigger wolf than me, both in muscle weight and height, but we are both the same jet black fur with white lining our underbellies and noses.

We snarl, are muzzles wrinkled at each other. We can't circle like our instincts tell us to do in a fight, so we glare at each other, daring the other to make the next move. Since I'm smaller and can move better in this tight space, I make the first move. I swipe my claws at him. He moved back, into a chair, knocking it over. I continued my attack, barking as I tried to claw at his face. He bit my paw and wouldn't let go. I yelp, but I bring my jaw forward and bite his face. My teeth sunk into his muzzle and he tries to yank away, but I hold on and he hurts himself more. His claws jump to my shoulders and I feel the pain as his claws sink in and scratch and hot path through my fur.

I unlock my jaws from his face and jump back. There is blood in one of Ari's eyes, and he can't open it now. I have to press forward while I have a chance. I leap at him. My claws find purchase on his shoulders, but unlike what he did to me, I sink my claws in and use them as anchors. As much as he may, no matter how he jerks, I stay attached to him. He rolled to the ground when I bit his neck. If I can sink my teeth in long enough, I can cut off his air. My instincts are getting to me. This fight isn't just about dominance or power anymore. I want to kill him.

Removing one of my paws from him, I reach forward as he is on the ground, just to swipe at his exposed belly. Ari yelped in pain and his large head tosses back into the floor. There is my chance! I sink my teeth into his neck and he howls before his air is cut off. I hold him there. He tries to push me off, trying to roll and shake me, but I keep my weight over him. I have to kill him now, before I lose my nerve and my instinct to live.

I hear him cough out "Plea-se. Jade.. I give! You- you win... I sub- submit."

My jaw slackens. Even through all the shit he has pulled, he is still my father. I just can't do it, not when he is begging me. I don't have to kill him. I'm the bigger person in all of this. I'm the Alpha now, I can lead my own tribe of warriors. No one owns me any longer. I let his neck go.

I turn back into a human, and so does he. We're both naked and panting from the fight. I flinch when the door nearly flies off of it's hinges. In the light of the moon, I see her. Cat. Her scarlet red hair hangs around her face like a hood, casting a shadow over her face. I can see her wolf ears at the top of her head and the fur of her tail behind her. She's naked, and the only thing covering her is the red fur that has sprouted from her hands, where I can see claws now and the happy trail that goes down her belly button to her sex.

"Cat!" I gasped, so happy to see her.

Her body still shakes and twitches, unsure of whether to be human or animal. My mate gets down on all fours, like a wolf and walked slowly towards me. She keeps her ears downturned and her head slightly bowed in the sight of her Dominate partner. I can still taste my father's blood at my mouth. A drop of it drips down my chin. I can see Cat's dark eyes watch it fall down to my chest. I crawl towards Cat, meeting her in the entry way. I sit on my knees when I get her in my arms. She curls like a kitten, nuzzling into my neck "Jade~" She sings to me.

It's like a siren is calling out to me. I want her. My beast growls happily.

Cat licked up the column of my neck, tasting the blood that fell down my chin. She whimpered "It's close, but it's not enough."

I expose my neck to her as my wolf commands.

I can hear my father whisper something hoarsely. Then there is the clud of him returning to his feet, but I can hardly focus on him when my Cat is here with me.

Her teeth sharpen. She holds my shoulders still and bites into my neck. It hurts, but I endure it.

Before I know it, I hear terrifying snarl behind me and my head slaps down into the floor and I'm knocked out cold.


My mate turned her neck up to me. I was attracted to the vein throbbing there. The canines in my gums elongated. I growled softly into the skin of her long, slender neck and bit her. The taste of her blood filled my mouth. Instantaneously, I felt something grow inside me. In a rush, my body calmed. The twitching ache of my muscles stopped. I was strong now, I was whole with my mate right in front of me.

I gasped, releasing her neck. My sharp eyes could not catch the movement fast enough to stop him. My mate's father grabbed her by her long hair, and slapped her head onto the hard wooden floor.

Rage flared in my, something new and beastly inside me bared it's teeth. Me and the beast snarled, the room shaking with the intensity of it.

The Alpha brought his foot up, trying to stomp me in the face.

I grabbed his boot with my teeth. On my haunches, I leaped at him. He fell backwards and I let go of his shoe. Once I was on top of him, I slashed at his chest, but he put his arm up defensively. I pressed my small weight on his weakened arm. The beast inside couldn't be stopped now. I could still taste the life altering blood staining my teeth. My skin shifted so easily, nothing to stop the caged beast inside of me from growing free. Her blood had been my key.

My bones creaked as I turned. Beautiful, scarlet red fur adorned my wolf body. I felt powerful, I felt like I was finally who I was met to be like this. I was also still angry. I couldn't enjoy the rush it felt to be one with my beast, not when my blood boiled hotly at the sight of the man beneath my paws. I went to bite at the man's face, but he grabbed me by the snout and with surprising strength for someone in their human form, and weakened at that, threw me right out the door I had just knocked down.

I charged right back at him as he turned into a wolf at the doorway. He was so much larger than I was, but I was stronger still. We slashed at each other, animals with no other thought beside tearing each other to shreds. Our fight began to garner the attention of the other wolves that were starting a war outside. The others stopped to watch the fight occur.

Yet, I couldn't keep my attention on the others.

The alpha wolf and I were matched in our furiosity, but he had the advantage of years of experience over me. We left each other's blood on the grassy field and the adrenaline of the fight was beginning to fade from my body. I wanted to fight, to protect my mate from this monster. I could not let her go again! So I kept fighting, even as the wounds on my sides and throat seeped more blood. I doubt anyone could tell the blood from my fur apart anymore. I felt colder every second. I snarled, hunched low and circling him, waiting for the next set of attacks.

He spoke in that odd way that echoed loudly through my head 'Why won't you just die! I should have killed you sooner you INSUFFERABLE LITTLE SLUT!' The large, black wolf dove at me, snapping at my heels. I jumped back, and had to flip over myself when he went for my throat right afterwards. I was on the defensive, backpedaling away from the alpha.

I fought back, once I could gather my paws together. I bit the end of his tail. He yowled and with a swing of it, and a kick, I crashed into wood. I went right through the porch of the wooden house. The house hugged the line of trees rather closely and captured the fight tighter in. The wolves watching us, ran to continue watching the fight, but left plenty of room between the opponents.

My enemy snapped at my heels again, and when I jumped back, I nearly tripped on a pile of logs.

When I righted myself, I watched as the black wolf changed back into his human form. With his newly formed hands, he plucked an axe from the ground beside the logs I fell over. He grinned, his fingertips skimming the edge. He hissed "Ah, perfect. Silver."

I didn't understand what that meant at all. What wolf in their right mind change their fur for a man's weapon? I would take advantage of it now, before he became a beast again.

I charged at him, just as I heard my mate and a man beside her call out my name in warning.

I aimed for his throat, intent on ripping it out. The man simply held out the blunt edge of the axe.

Fire lit up my chest where it touched. It hadn't even cut me but I could feel the blinding white pain. I scampered away from him, but with a flourished twirl, he brought the axe down and it torn up the side of my hind leg. My vision went white with searing pain. I blinked, trying to see again and clear my vision. I couldn't use my leg. The slightest pressure on the ground sent rocketing pain through my entire body.

The man kicked my side and I fell, unbalanced. My red, bloodied fur faded and I was back to being the small young girl behind it. I was so exhausted. My breath came out in heavy gasps. I couldn't get enough air into my lungs. The red fog of anger fell out of my eyes. I could see Jade, my mate, on her hands and knees, unable to stand herself. The man that was holding her up, gone. I could see her lips move, but I couldn't hear a sound.

A weight dropped on top of me, pushing me onto my back. Jade's father sat on top of me, axe in hand. He pressed the flat of the silver bade against my cheek, pushing my face into the dirt.

I could finally hear again, and it was my own scream piercing the night air. I clawed with my blunt human nails at his thighs, but I was just too weak.

Ari laughed at my helplessness. He looked up and pointed to Nathan, my father. His wide, doe brown, wolf eyes begging mercy "Do not interfere! She challenged me, and I have every right to kill a challenger!"

He threw his axe out of my field of vision. I could hear the yelp from my mate.

"And you should have killed me yourself Jadelyn if you wanted to take my place. You showed fucking mercy, weakness. And for that, we'll strip you of the thing that makes you Dominant. It'll make my son-in-law here have a much easier time breeding a litter out of you."

I looked to my side, blood trickled down the side of my face, and made me close one of my eyes. My cheek stung from the movement alone. But I could see Beck, by Jade's side, where she was on her knees, an angry red burn on her arm from the silver of the axe. My half brother looked down at me. I couldn't read the expression in his dark eyes, as brown as my own.

Suddenly, thick fingers wrapped around my exposed throat. My heavy breaths were cut off. Now, I really couldn't breathe. Ari squeezed my throat. I scratched weakly at his hands but there was nothing I could do. I turned my head to look at Jade. Even with a head wound and blood dripping down the side of her face, she still made an effort to crawl towards me. She wanted to try to save me, even when there was no hope left.

The moonlight lit her skin so beautifully. I smiled softly, a strand of my velvet red hair crossing my vision. At least I could see Jade one last time.

The moonlight glinted something brightly in my vision and within an instant, the vision of Jade was blocked from my view. It was replaced with the slackened face of her father. The grip on my throat loosened, I could breathe again. Blood sprayed my hair. All the weight was pushed off of me, and Beck's brown eyes looked down at me. He dropped the bloodied axe at my side and gave me a hand to help me to my feet.

I couldn't stand without his support, the injury on my leg far too painful.

"Are you okay?" He asked, wiping the blood from my eye.

"Ye-" I coughed, my voice rough and sore. My throat hurt too much to speak.

Beck picked me up, wary of my leg and brought me the few steps to Jade. The raven haired girl was weak, but she still held me in a grip so fierce, it would take the jaws of life for her to let me go. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

My brother knelt by our side and he bent his head towards Jade, but his voice spoke up enough for all the wolves around them to hear "Jade, we may have been married, but we never consummated our vows. The night is almost over, and so, when the sun rises, our ties will be broken."

I felt Jade's arms lock around me, like she was scared that she would be forced away, just to solidify her marriage to my brother. I would have growled, if my throat didn't ache. The rumble that left my chest was more of a sad 'mew'. Like a kicked kitten.

He continued "You'll be free to choose a new mate. If you wish for that. But the old vow of our grandfather's will have us at each other's throats by the morning. We won't be able to stop ourselves from fighting." Beck looked down at me "Including her, now that she has found her beast."

"How can that be true?" With an open mouth, Jade looked down at me, curled in her arms, and back at Beck, before finally settling on the older wolves, that transformed before them. It was Nathan and Jeff, Tori's dad. Jeff nodded solemnly.

Nathan explained "She's my daughter, and so, when the oath's magic believes it has been broken, we'll turn on each others backs. Anyone from our side that has our blood streaming through them will try to fight anyone with your blood."

I looked up at Jade, tears forming in the corner of my eyes. I couldn't hurt her! Not when I worked so hard to get her back! I could see the frustrated knit of her brows. I reached up, even though my arm was exhausted and touched her cheek. I wanted to talk to her, calm her down. I couldn't hurt her, I could never. But I couldn't say a word right now. Regardless of my soothing touches, Jade's head bowed until her forehead touched my own. I could see the way her eyes screwed together tightly, trying to hold back the tears "I'm so sick of this magic bullshit! I'm sick of all of this! I just want to be with Cat! I love her! I love her so much! Does that not matter at all?!" I felt a hot tear escape her tight hold of them melt down my cheek, where I was silently and freely crying too.

"Dad?" I heard Beck question.

"Yes son?"

"I think I know a way to fix this though?"

"What is it?"

Beck put a hand on Jade's shoulder, forcing her to look up at him "If we don't break our tie, then the war won't start."

"Beck, I don't want to stay married to yo-"

He put a finger to her lip "I know, I know you don't. To be honest, I didn't want this ether, but-" His dark eyes went amazingly solid. I felt like this was the first time I ever really saw Beck "If I give you my wolf, the tie between our clans won't be broken."

Silence filled the air. Everyone surrounding us held their breaths.

Beck continued, somehow, even in this situation, clueless "If you have my wolf, then you'll be strong enough, way more than your father or your grandfather. No one from your clan will question your claim to the throne. You'll have rule of the West, all on your own."

Jade's normally steady green eyes flickered "You can't be serious Beck. Your wolf is such a huge part of yourself. It is you."

"And I would hate me if I didn't do this. This is the right thing to do."

I finally pushed through the pain to speak "Why not my wolf?" My voice sounded gravely "I'm the o-oldest. It shou-" I coughed, my throat horse.

Jade cupped my cheek and shook her head "Shh Cat. Don't speak."

Jeff sighed "It should have been Cat, but you can't. Your wolf comes directly from Jade's influence. She already has a part of your wolf."

Tori, still in her wolf form came up to Beck, her voice echoing in our heads as her snout touched Beck's hair 'You can't do this. Your wolf is too much.'

He patted the girl's neck "I'm sorry. But this is something I have to decide on my own to do." He put his hands on Jade's shoulders "Do you accept?"

Jade looked between my brother and I. I nodded to her. I looked up at Beck from Jade's lap, smiling up at him "Thank you, little bro."

He chuckled "What else are brothers for?" With steely resolve, he looked to Jade and closed his eyes. Jade's eyes went bright blue, flashing. She snarled, her free hand gripping his forearm. Beck bent his head, surrendering to it. He squeezed Jade's shoulders, whimpering and a golden energy transferred through him and sunk into her chest. Jade practically glowed. Her pale skin looked brighter. I watched as her wounds healed over, besides the blood staining her naked, porcelain skin, she looked all brand new.

His grip fell from her shoulders and he slumped into the grass, passed out. Nathan came to his son's aid, resting his head in his lap. Tori whimpered, keening and nuzzling my brother's bare leg. Nathan hummed and patted her head "He'll be fine. He just needs a little rest." Just at the tree line, the peak of the sun was rising. Nothing happened with the wolves, all remained peaceful. It seemed like the transfer had worked. It set my mind at ease. My father looked out at everyone "We could all use with a good rest."

Jeff looked over at the united West Clan, then at Jade "Permission to send our sorry asses home?"

She nodded brightly "Granted. But, have someone grab some healing supplies for my mate."

My chest bloomed, heart thudding being called hers.

"Don't you want to take her to a doctor to have them do it for you?"

A wicked smirk curved her pink lips "No one will be touching her but me." Her green eyes looked down and settled over my wounded form. Even throbbing and bleeding, Jade still had the power to make me feel special and make me so acutely aware that I didn't have a stitch of clothing on.

Jade's second in command nodded "Understood."


With Cat finally settled in my arms, I was at peace. The last few days of our life was hellish to say the least. My shoulders dropped, no longer tense from the stress. My wolf howled in earnest. With the spirit of Beck's wolf and the death of my father, I had achieved the status of a true alpha. Both the southern and northern clans accepted my leadership easily, and allowed themselves to be directed by my newly appointed seconds, Jeff and Nathan. The two of them worked well together and with their connections, the pair of them could delegate the work that would be needed in order to completely join our clans and defend our borders. No doubt with this transfer of power, clans to the east and other supernaturals would want to test the West Clan. We might have stopped the war between our clans, but that didn't mean that there wasn't a lot of work ahead of us. With Jeff's caring attitude and book smarts, along with Nathan's battle experience, and my strength, the West Clan would be more formidable than ever before.

Even with the rush of responsibility on my mind, I had more pressing matters to attend to. My mate, who was bloodied from battle and exhausted from a fight that she should have never been able to take on in the first place. Cat was stronger than anything I had ever seen. No one besides me or Beck should have been able to take on Ari. His growls alone would make it hard for a delta from another clan to stay on their feet. Even though Nathan was proven in battle, his clan's strength came from numbers, not raw power like mine had always been. So for Cat, someone with no experience to have fought him, hurt him enough that Ari had to use a cheap tactic like silver to win was amazing. And she was a Submissive no less! I was so proud of her.

And I told her all of that once we were alone.

Jeff and Nathan had gotten us a car and drove us away from the marriage sight. We went west, towards the ocean. Jeff, who drove us there, told us it was the sight where the first of our kind that had made it to the west brought their pregnant females to give birth. It was a beautiful place, a cliff side, with a nearby cave with a vantage point that could overlook the ocean and a steep path lead down to the beach. Cat had fallen asleep in my lap during the car ride. I left her in the backseat with a blanket tossed over her.

Jeff, Cat, and I were all semi naked. I wanted to get alone with Cat as soon as possible and heal her wounds, the three of us only had time to find some clothes and the medical supplies and leave. Cat just had the blanket on her, I wore some panties and a large black tshirt that fell to my mid thighs, and Jeff had on a pair of running shorts.

Despite the lack of clothes, we had plenty of camping gear. So while Cat stayed asleep, we set up camp. We had a tent, logs for a fireplace, and a cooler of food from the wedding. Once we had set everything up, I pulled the blanket off of Cat and lied it on the grass, setting up the medical supplies. The scarlet beauty stayed peacefully asleep as I lifted her out of the car and onto the blanket.

I jumped into the ocean to cleanse myself of the muck of the night. Jeff watched Cat for me as I did. I towel dried off and Jeff left as quietly as he could with the car.

Once I was dry and couldn't hear the car anymore, I turned back to Cat and sat on my knees at her side. The ocean breeze ran over our bodies. I watched in delight as her nipples harden from the wind. She was looking a lot better already. Her tan skin not looking as bruised. I'd have to wipe all this dried blood off first. I took some baby wipes and cleaned off her skin, starting with her face and neck and working my way down her body. God, every inch of her was tempting. After she was cleaned off, I wanted to worship every bit of her, but she was still hurt. There was a red mark on her cheek from the silver, a cut on her temple, and the long gash from the axe slicing at her thigh. Thankfully, the wolf regeneration had healed her other wounds and had managed to at least clot the blood on her temple and thigh.

I'd have to clean out the wounds for infection though. I went to open the bottle of antiseptic, when I felt a hand on my forearm and soft lips on my shoulder.

Cat was awake, brightly so and she looked up at me with her light brown eyes "'Morning Jade." She giggled "What are you doing?"

I pushed her back so that she would lie down "Taking care of my mate. Now lie back. This is probably going to sting."

The red head sat right back up, her hand now on my upper arm and the other intimately close on my thigh "I have a better idea." Her eyes were hooded and she bit her lip.

My brow rose at this. Was she seriously trying to flirt with me right now? Against my instincts, I pushed her away "Cat, come on, be serious. We can make out- gently-" I added "After I'm done treating you. Last night was no joke. I am so proud of what you did. You managed to do something so, so amazing." I cupped her neck, kissing her "And I very much intend to reward you for it."

Cat whimpered in excitement. I smelt the rush of arousal from her. She kissed me several times. Her naughty hands slid up my side, underneath my shirt.

I had to stop her hands and push her down with a kiss back into the blanket "After I treat you." I growled in warning. She wouldn't disobey me now. Which was good, because with her arousal still heady in the air, I wouldn't need very much persuading to have my way with her.

She hissed as I wiped her wounds with the antibacterial. The wounds bubbled, clearing out any infection. She pouted, but didn't sit up again "I am sorry for touching you without permission but I do have a better idea."

I hummed, willing to hear her out.

"Let me bite you again." She licked at her blunt human teeth "Just one bite. Please~"

I wasn't sure exactly how that would help, but with the hooded look of her eyes and her beg, I couldn't resist. I put down the towel I had been using to wipe off the medicine. I brought her hands above her head. I used one hand to pin her wrists down "Just one Cat."

She squealed in delight.

I bared my throat for her. My legs sat on ether side of her hips. With my tshirt, she was forced to bite higher up on my neck. Feeling her bite this time was entirely different than how it felt last night. Last night, I had been weak from the fight with Ari and emotionally and mentally drained. My feelings were numbed, but not now. Now I felt hot. Now my nerves felt like a live wire, ready and waiting to shock my system. I moaned freely. My hands felt Cat's wrists in favor of following the full curves of her body. I gasped, feeling the skin of her thigh close and heal underneath my touch.

When she was done, she licked at my neck until the holes closed. When I looked down at her, she smiled coyly.

I smirked "Shut up smartass. I was trying to be a good mate. All this magic bullshit is insane."

She shrugged, her hand coming up to wrap around my neck and drag me down for another kiss.

I groaned eagerly. My nerves still felt electrified.

Cat took full advantage of it and ran her nails down my back and bucked her hips up into me.

I couldn't hold myself back anymore and there was no reason to anymore. No wounds, no Ari, no rules.

I growled, my mouth trailed away from her lips. I brought the soft skin of her neck into her neck, leaving a hickey in my wake "Mine." I claimed.

She agreed "All yours." Her nails skimmed down my arms.

I howled, my wolfish features already taking over. I slid down her body, my mouth finding the curve of her tit. I licked her nipple, my hand rolling the harden nub between my fingers carefully. My hands grew fur, my nails getting long and more like claws. The black fur spread up to my forearm, ending at the elbow. My wolf ears twitched on top of my head and my tail swung lazily behind me as I lapped at her breast, switching my mouth to her other nipple. I could smell how wet she was getting for me. My fur grew black from my navel to my crotch and with a groan, I was growing hard. Where my clit was suppose to be, a white cock stood in it's place.

I looked up at Cat and with confusion, she looked at my transformation and the swelled member between my legs.

My wolf ears turned back in embarrassment "Shit, that's right. You were human for so long." My cheek, uncharacteristically redden "I told you we have two forms didn't I? This is just what I look like, and since I'm Dominate, I have, well a dick for a lack of a better word."

She didn't say anything for a moment.

"We don't have to do it like this." My wolf whimpered "I'll restraint myself and we can do this the normal way."

Cat shook her head, cheek red as well "No, no! I'm just surprised is all. And a little curious too." Her hand reached down, sliding down my stomach "Can I..?" She asked silently.

I nodded, sliding back up her body so that my face lined up with her cheek and she could reach my member. I had to remember how much taller I was than her.

Her light fingers found my cock and wrapped around the base of it. It was wet and lubricated all over. The first pump of her hand took my breath away. I moaned into her neck. Her thumb circle the tip of my dick, finding that there wasn't a head like a normal penis. It was rounded off with a slit at the tip, where my seed would spill from. Her hand traced all of me. From the thickest, to the veins on it, even to the base, where deeper between my legs, my pussy was still there. I always thought curiosity would kill the cat, but with Cat's curiosity, I was slowly dying from her soft touches "Can you put this inside me?" She asked, so innocently and sweetly.

I jerked my hips into her hand "Yesss." I moaned, my cock aching.

Her voice was a sweet as sugar and light as spun cotton in my ear "Can you cum inside me?" Her hand finally gripped me firmly "Can you fill up my insides and make me all yours?"

When I jerked my hips again, my hard rounded off tip hit her inner thigh. My teeth felt sharp by her ear "I can do a lot more than that."

She gasped, more of her heat pooling between her lovely thighs.

My cock probed the lips of her sex as I growled in her ear "I can bend you over and fuck you til you break. I can cum inside you until you'll full of my pups. I can make you cum over, and over, and over until you can only remember my name." I bit her neck, sucking on the skin until a new possessive hickey came to light.

Cat gasped "Jade!"

I smirked "Now you're getting the hang of it."

She bucked her hips into my cock, letting the tip of it slid between her wet, hot pussy lips.

I almost gave into the temptation of sinking deep inside her. Instead, I purred. I wanted to unravel her. I wanted to watch her come completely undone beneath me. So I slid back down her body, moving my dick safely away from the aching heat of her core. I opened her lips with my fingers and licked the bundle of nerves encased between them. She moaned and her fingers found their way into my long hair to tangle in my locks and hold on for dear life. I couldn't use my fingers on her, not while my hands were furry claws. But Cat found enough pleasure with my tongue licking her clit and my mouth sucking on the little nub eagerly. Her tanned thighs squeezed my head, calling out my name like a prayer "Jade! Jade! Jade!" It didn't take very long for my mate's hips to buckle into my face desperately. Her back bowed, and her fingers tucked in my hair as she rode out her orgasm.

She moaned and whimpered "Please! Please, Jade~! I want you, I want you inside me, please! Jade!" That submissive heat was getting to her. She would beg and plead and do anything I wanted of her.

But the keening of my mate was so nice, that I couldn't say no. I crawled back up her body. I placed my hips between her legs, resting my prick along the seam of her wet lips "Alright Cat. But if you want me so badly, show me."

Her hand reached down to grab me and pleasure me.

I slapped her hand away "No, no. You're mine. I want your submissive side. Show me it."

She whimpered, brown eyes looking up at me in desperation "I don't know how."

My lips found her neck again. I found the drumming beat of her pulse and sucked on it. She had three freshly adorned hickies around her neck and I wanted to paint her skin with more "It's instinct Cat. You don't have to know." I took a hold of her chin and tilted her head up to mine "Just look at me and do it. You want me, don't you?"

The desperation of her whimper was not missed. She leaned up on her forearms to kiss me. I felt the sharpness of her teeth biting my lower lip and sucking on it. I knew she could do it. Beneath me was my stunning mate. Her red tail curled around my leg, dragging me closer to her sex. Her chocolate browns eyes looked up at me, full blown to hell with want and need. She purred "Fuck me~"

I couldn't resist.

I flipped her onto her stomach and raised her hips up until they were level with my own. Cat grounded her wet core into my lap and I hissed in frustration. Even in our animalistic forms, I didn't want to hurt her. I growled and she stilled for me.

I cupped her ass and my other hand held her shoulder in place for me. I laid my body against her back, my breasts pressed into her shoulders blades. Cat's long, furry tail rested inbetween the two of us, wagging in excitement. I purred in comfort. I could feel more than hear the vibrations of her joined purr with me "I've never mated with anyone before Cat. So I'm sorry if I come too fast the first time." The hand on her ass traveled down to the base of my cock. I angled it until I could feel the burning heat of her entrance on my rounded tip "But I promise that I won't stop. I'm going to fuck you until your thighs shake." She moaned needily "You'll have to beg me to stop making you cum."

"Pleeeeeease, Jaaaade. Do it, fuck me, pleas-"

I cupped my hand over her mouth and eased my cock through her entrance. She groaned into my hand. Her hips shook as she took more of me in. The thick girth of my dick spread her open. My eyes nearly rolled into the back of my head. I had never felt anything so good. She was hot and so fucking tight. I wanted to bury myself here and never leave. In my haste to get inside her, my hips surged forward and she bit my hand. I kept my hand cupped over her mouth. I was only careful with my claws pressed into her cheek. As I drew back and drove my throbbing member inside her once more. She was sucking me in, heating and burning every inch of me. I thrusted again, the insatiable feeling of her much too good. When I felt her cry out against my palm, I took my hand off of her "Are you okay?" I asked, my voice husky with sex.

"Yes! Uh, god, yes, fucking, Jade please, please, fuck me!"

I hadn't ever heard Cat use so many dirty words. I liked it. I purred, pointedly pressing the thick tip of my member against her as deeply as I dared. I felt my rounded tip bottom out inside her, and she yelped out. I must have been rubbing her cervix and the animal in me hungered to hear more of her lusty words and her throaty cries of pleasure. I smirked sadistically, my hand appreciatively rubbing her bottom "Come on Cat, tell me how you want it. Tell me how you want me to fuck you." With a swallow rut, I rammed the edge of her again "Tell me how badly you want it."

The red head did not disappoint. She leaned back, attempting to get me to continue slamming my hips back into her. When I wouldn't budge, she buried her face in the blanket beneath us "Jade! Please, please, please! I want you so badly... I want you to slam my pussy into the ground and fuck me into my place! AH!"

She yelped as I dug my claws into her hips and started fucking her. My hips slapping my cock inside her. I reached one hand up to hold onto that cute red hair of hers. I grunted "Keep talking." I demanded, moving faster.

Poor Cat could barely speak, her words stuttering "I c-c-can feel you s-so deep inside! AH! I want y-you! So, so good! Harder, please, Jade!"

I whimpered, the hot, tight ball coiled too tightly. Her sweet words brought me over the edge too fast. I flooded her walls with white cum. My hips stilled as I came. Cat cried and whimpered beneath, begging me to move, to finish her off. The beast in me sought to continue. I kissed her sweaty shoulder blade and felt her with a promise "Don't worry kitten. I'm not finished breeding you yet." I pulled myself back, not as hard as I was before. Still, I thrusted into her hot, tight hole. She moaned, calling out my name. That was all my submissive had to do to get me rock hard again.


I could still feel Jade's hot seed buried inside me, but I wanted more. I wanted to come. I wanted more of her cum swelling inside me. I wanted her to fuck me until I was so sore I couldn't move. I keened for her, leaned back on my heels to get more of her cock inside me, hard or not. She kissed my shoulder and tucked at my hair lightly "Don't worry kitten. I'm not finished breeding you yet."

A delightful shiver went down my spine at the words. She rocked her cock back inside my wet cunt. I moaned out "Jade~" She pushed my head back into the blankets. I felt her claws scratch my scalp, but it hardly mattered. I squeezed around her member as it got harder. She was sinking so deeply, she filled up every inch of space inside me. And when she moved, it was hard and intense. I wish I could see her face, watch her eyes as she barreled deeper in. But having her behind me, making me pant and whine and beg to be fucked was so good too. I was getting so close. The hot, bubbling coil in my gut was winding tighter. I reached between my sopping wet legs and fingered my clit. Just the barest touches to my bundle of nerves was able to send me skyrocketing. I came and my walls clamped down on Jade.

More of her hot cum sprayed my core, but it didn't lessen the fire in me. I rubbed my clit, ready for another go, when Jade completely pulled out of me.

I whimpered, feeling her exit me. She flipped me onto my back. Her green eyes crawled over my form and rested on my hand. If I still wasn't feeling so hot and needy, I might have felt embarrassed that she was watching me still finger myself. I had to be careful with my claws, but I didn't care. I wanted to come again.

"Kitten~" I was starting to get use to that cute nickname "If you needed me to touch you, you could have asked." She grabbed me by the hips. Her claws dug into my soft skin. She pulled me up onto her lap. I wrapped my arms around her neck. She kissed me deeply. Her member throbbed between us and before she could stop me, I raised my hips up and sunk all the way down the swollen cock. Her claws pricked my sides, drawing blood "Caaaaaat." She hissed dangerously.

I groaned "Please Jade. Touch me, fuck me."

She smirked devilishly. I loved that look on her "With pleasure." Her furry hands gripped my ass and her strong muscles bounced me along her thick cock. I could hardly breath. I felt like every hard thrust of hers was chocking me. My lips found her neck and I claimed a spot to mark her as my own. Every part of me was hot and burning. But I had to keep my eyes open. Riding Jade was a completely new experience than getting fucked from behind. I could see her face. I could watch her playful smirk enticing me. I loved to see her eyebrows knit together. I could see her mouth go ridged as she held back her orgasm. She wanted me to come first. My claws raked up her back and she came, unable to hold herself back. When her seed filled me to the brim, I followed along.

It felt white hot and blinding and I was seeing stars dance across my vision. I felt like I was in bliss. Nothing in this moment could have made me happier.

Jade kissed me again and put me on my back. She kept her half hard dick inside me and my hips in her lap.

I groaned at the feeling. I flashed my brown eyes at her and pouted "That feels weird! Get out of me."

Jade chuckled and pressed herself harder in me "No way. I meant it when I said I was going to breed you." Her voice lowered, dripping sexy as hell "I want every drop of my cum to fill you full of my pups."

A warm shiver ran down my spine. I welcomed the thought with open arms "Alright, but only if you give me every drop you have." I licked my lips.

I felt her grow inside me again.

Alright guys! That's it. Over 14k words to finish off this story and I hope you enjoyed it. I don't plan on writing an epilogue, so don't ask, because really, it's just a happy ending after this. Jade and Cat get married, with tiny Cat pregnant as ever. Tori and Beck have some issues to work with Beck not having his wolf, but end up getting together after a few months. Nathan loves how much his two kids of grown and is excited for grandkids, and Jeff is just glad that Trina hasn't managed to bite Tori's head off about getting a man before did.

If ya'll have any questions, I'd be more than happy to answer them. I know that a lot of the wolf politics are confusing, but I never got around to explaining it properly in my earlier chapters, even though I thought I did (lol, rip younger me), so it might just be like hearing a one sided conversation.

And if you guys liked it, go head and leave me some comments/reviews about how you felt about it! Hell, if you didn't like it flame my ass, I'm just so happy that I was finally able to finish this once and for all.

Anyways, thank all of you who wanted this. This was all for you.