Two Point Four Miles

"You looked it up," I whisper into his chest, hours after he originally said it.

He groaned, "Are you still going on about that?"

I nod gleefully and twine our legs together. I was lying basically on top of him, as Luke's couch did not give us enough room to lay side by side.

"I knew I shouldn't have told you," he mutters.

"You had to tell me."

"Why's that?"

"Cause you have to tell me stuff."

"Really now?" he asks playfully.

"Yes, you do," I reply defiantly.

"Well than I better start talking."

"There's more?" I ask, perplexed.

"Maybe," he teases, "do you want to hear it?"

"Yes please."

"Reach into my pocket," he says.

"Jess!" I squeal, "I am so not falling for that!"

"What? No, no, that's not what I meant," he says with a scowl.

I snorted as I pushed myself off and away from him, retreating to the far end of the couch.

Jess rolled his eyes as he reached into his pocket. He tossed it to me quickly.

I caught it, surprisingly enough, and examined it briefly.

"A key?"

"I got a place in New Haven. Paid the deposit and first month's rent yesterday, I move in two weeks before you head for the dorms."

"What?" I was dumbstruck.

"I just…I thought that might make things…y'know, easier…" he trailed off, and I was momentarily caught off guard by the fact that he was unsure and nervous. I grinned but he had buried his head in the corner of the couch and didn't notice. I kissed his neck lightly. Once, twice, three times. He mumbled.

"Sorry, couldn't catch that," I said playfully.

"This is good right?" he asks as he looks up shyly, a hint of nervous hope bleeding into his eyes. I smile.

"Yes," and as he relaxes back into the couch I kiss him.

"It's only two point four miles now," he says as we part for air. And as I kiss him again, I can feel him smiling.