Author's Note: Sorry again for the super late update. The lemon part was too hard to write XDD
I know how hard it is to wait for updates like this, believe me. I thought about giving up writing this piece but then I saw all of your lovely reviews again. So I forced myself to write to at least give you something to read while I reorganize my plans for the plot of this story. Thank you, thank you all very much for reading still. You guys are my inspiration, really.

Warning. Warning. Lemon ahead. I am embarrassed to say anymore.

Disclaimer: FMA characters not mine.

It was nine in the evening when Kimblee and Olivier got off the train. Seeing a lot of passengers roaming the station, they wasted no time and immediately went to the military hotel. The evening streets of Central are surprisingly crowded, and the two briefly wondered if they've stumbled on a festival or something. They found their answer when they checked in the hotel.

"What did you say?" Olivier questioned the concierge with an angry tone.

"As I've said... Madame. We're all booked for tonight." The man replied nervously.

"How the fuck did that happen?" Kimblee interjected, seeing as Olivier is fuming.

"Sir, I don't know if you've heard but... There is a nationwide assembly being held tomorrow morning here in Central. Both as a reorganization of troops for the civil war in the East, and the preparation for the war in the South." The man carefully spoke.

"What? Why weren't we informed of this?" Olivier replied, visibly annoyed.

"It was only this morning that the Fuhrer requested for this emergency assembly. Hundreds of officers from all four regions immediately flocked Central, that is why most lodges and hotels are already full by evening. I thought you were part of that assembly though... I didn't find your name in the reservation list. I am very sorry Colonel." The man looked at them apologetically.

The two sighed and looked at each other. "Does that mean we're going to sleep in the streets? All the other inns must be full by now." Kimblee said.

Olivier cursed silently, "If only I knew there would be an assembly then I should have made a reservation."

"What now?" Kimblee looked away, as if he was more like thinking of a plan than asking Olivier for one. "Do we stay in your house then?" Kimblee suggested.

"No. I already told you I don't want to spend a night in there." Olivier glared at him, and Kimblee knew better than to argue. She's already in a bad mood.

Kimblee turned to the concierge and thought of something to say. He was silent for a while, until he asked, "Surely, not all military personnel in here are staying for that assembly tomorrow? I mean, there must be some visitors or other soldiers who slept over the night before and are going to check out tonight?"

The concierge replied with a small smile, "Actually, there is a week-long festival in town held in celebration of the end of autumn and the beginning of winter. Some visitors stayed here for days now, and I think they are not part of the assembly tomorrow..." The man trailed and checked the logbook.

Kimblee appeared hopeful then, and Olivier still kept her unamused expression.

"There are two rooms that may become available by ten, but I can't guarantee it, Sir. They may extend their stay for all I know." The man responded.

Kimblee sighed once more. "I see. But if ever they do leave tonight, please reserve those two rooms for us will you?"

"Definitely sir. I'll see to it that you're the first ones on the list." The man politely replied and then turned to another group of soldiers waiting to be disappointed by the news that the hotel's fully booked.

Kimblee then addressed Olivier, "That's better than nothing, don't you think?" He smiled.

Olivier ignored him and moved to the hotel lobby to sit on one of the couches. Kimblee followed, not forgetting to carry his things. "For the meantime, I'll find us dinner in town. You should rest here and stand by for that reservation. I'll take out some food for the two of us." He smirked and stood up immediately, not really waiting for Olivier's permission.

Olivier opened her mouth in protest, but only a sigh escaped her lips. After a while of cursing to herself, she finally decided not to dwell on the unlucky events unfolding before them.

Minutes later, Kimblee arrived with food which they ate on the couch with difficulty, but at least their bellies were filled.

As soon as Kimblee disposed of their trash, the concierge approached Olivier with a small smile on his face. Kimblee hurried back, expecting good news.

"The couple staying at room 407 just left, and you can transfer immediately after a quick clean-up by the room service. Unfortunately, the other guest in room 305 decided to extend their stay so we can only provide one room for now." The concierge saw the disbelief on their faces so he immediately added, "But don't worry, the room is made for two. Although it's one of our cheapest rooms, the bed is large enough for two people so there wouldn't be any problems." He beamed.

"Are there really no other rooms available?" Olivier slowly responded with exasperation.

"Well, unless one of you can wait till morning..." The man chuckled, obviously getting a bit tired of dealing with them. "...but I can't guarantee any more than that. After all - As I've said earlier-"

Kimblee cut off the hotelman, "We'll take the room. Thanks." Tired of their journey, he simply wanted to sleep in a comfy bed.

Olivier looked at Kimblee incredulously while the concierge nodded and went to get the room keys.

"What? It's better than nothing! We we're even lucky someone actually checked out tonight." Olivier saw that Kimblee was clearly pissed - which is rare for someone who always likes to joke around. She just shrugged and warned Kimblee to behave else she would force him to sleep on the floor.

When they entered the room, both of them were displeased at what they saw. The room is quite small compared to the other standard rooms. There is no couch, but there are two cushioned chairs and a coffee table in the middle. The bed is located against a wall by a window covered with large curtains. The bathroom is to the left of the entrance and the small fridge is to the right, near the chairs.

"At least it's cozy." Kimblee commented dryly.

Olivier wasted no time and started arranging her things by the bedside. She claimed the side of the bed which was nearer to the wall, so Kimblee took the other side near the lamp.

"I'll take a shower first. Is that acceptable?" Olivier turned to Kimblee after slipping on some slippers.

"Sure. It's not like I'm in a hurry." He smirked at the thought of seeing her wearing sleeping clothes.

After exactly fifteen minutes, Kimblee noted, Olivier left the bathroom wearing only a bathrobe. His eyes instantly traveled her body, but tried his best not to let his imagination go wild. Kimblee couldn't help but appraise the lavender fragrance as Olivier's scent filled the room. Must be the body wash she used. Hot damn. He whistled in appreciation, which earned him a glare from the Colonel. He then stood up and proceeded inside the bathroom.

As soon as Kimblee came out, his eyes automatically transfixed on Olivier's choice of clothes. It's just like when he visited her quarters to finish some papers. She wore a cream colored camisole and brown shorts that looked more like boxers. Kimblee calmed himself after seeing as a glimpse of her breasts through that top of hers. After all, he is only wearing a white tank top and black boxers so he shouldn't be too excited else it would be really embarrassing.

When Olivier noticed her from the corner of her eyes, she spoke with a hint of amusement. "Looks like I'm not the only one expecting to sleep in a private room by myself."

"Uhuh. I know you wouldn't pack sleeping clothes like that if you'd knew you're gonna share a room with me." He smirked back at her.

Her eyes lingered on his face for a while, then her gaze traveled downward. She sighed then, "Tsk. If I knew some pervert like you would share a room with me, I would've wore pajamas and long-sleeved tops." She glared at him, then cast a lingering gaze on his shorts, causing Kimblee to look down and he saw that a small bulge already formed in between his thighs.

Rendered speechless, he awkwardly put his hands inside his pockets and turned away.

Olivier chose to ignore him and focused on brushing her hair dry before she goes to sleep.

Kimblee went to lie on his side of the bed when he finally composed himself. Olivier felt the shift of the bed and felt something stir inside her. Her mind went back to a certain turn of events that once happened between them in the forest. Hell, no. She silently scolded herself for remembering that incident.

For a couple more minutes, the silence went on and then seemed to worsen the tension inside the room. She didn't like the feeling at all. Seeing as Kimblee is already positioned comfortably on his side of the bed, Olivier decided it to be awkward if she too lied down beside him. Instead, she stood up and pulled a book from her luggage. Cautiously watching Kimblee from her peripherals, she sat on the bed - back against the headboard, legs stretched out - then started reading the book.

Kimblee curiously stole a glance on her book, seeing the title, Military Tactics and Strategies.
"Is there a difference between the two?", he asked out of nowhere.

Olivier turned to him with a slight smile. She was expecting him to ask like that. "Tactics are the actual means used to gain an objective, while strategy is the overall campaign plan, which may involve complex operational patterns and decision-making." She paused and glanced at Kimblee. He moved into a sitting position while nodding his head a bit.

Olivier noticed his slight confusion - evident by his pursed lips and squinted eyes - so she continued, "To put it simply, strategy is undertaken before the battle. Tactics are implemented during battle. Strategy is the broader perspective - a general's business, while tactics are the specific courses of action to complete the strategy - a captain's responsibility."

Kimblee's face brightened in understanding. "I see. For example, the overall goal is to win a war against another country..." He paused and glanced at Olivier briefly. She nodded as a sign to continue. "…the strategy might be to undermine the other nation's ability to wage war by preemptively annihilating their military forces. The tactics involved may be... surprise attacks on military facilities, crippling their ammunition, and other specific techniques involved in accomplishing the general objective. That right?" He looked at her expectantly.

Olivier nodded with a smile. "That's correct."

Kimblee put his hands behind his head, and wore his usual self-indulgent smirk. "Now I get it."

Olivier snorted and just rolled her eyes at Kimblee's demeanor.

"So, in a game of chess, one must both be a strategist and a tactician eh? Planning and execution. "

"Chess? Hmph. It's nothing like a real battle though, where there is always the problem of uncertainty - no one knows exactly where the troops are positioned, or if there are supplies and reinforcements that will arrive on a later time. In chess, every piece is known to both players and each move you make can be easily analyzed and countered by your opponent." Olivier responded.

"Oho. You talk as if you're a chess champ." He put on a mocking smirk.

"You haven't tried me, Kimblee, so don't assume." She replied with a smirk of her own.

Kimblee grinned widely at her comment. "Oh, let me try you then…?" His eyes twinkled, obviously hinting at something.

Olivier didn't move away even as Kimblee leaned to her. She snorted in response, "I am amazed at how your obscene mind always come up with dirty thoughts."

Kimblee frowned unexpectedly at her comment. He sighed and leaned back on the headboard.

Olivier studied him from the corner of her eyes. Was he offended by my comment? Her brow furrowed at the thought. Sighing herself, she closed the book and looked sideways to Kimblee.

He was looking away, eyes distant. Olivier felt a twinge of something in her stomach. She didn't know what it was but she looked on, studying Kimblee while he was busy staring on nothing. Probably for the first time since they met, Olivier appraised him – truly examined his features. His face somehow hinted at a hurt expression, and Olivier dared think that he looked good wearing a serious face.

Slowly, she leaned into him. She gently grabbed his neck, and before Kimblee noticed her ministrations – Olivier kissed him on the lips.

For a moment, Kimblee's eyes widened in surprise. He tried to respond but he was too lost to understand what was happening. His eyes remained wide and his mouth left gaping even as Olivier pulled away. She was expectantly looking at him, and for once Olivier felt triumphant at the effect of her action to Kimblee.

He continued to stare at her, with his brows furrowed as if questioning her actions.

"Cat got your tongue, soldier?" Olivier smirked at him.

Slowly, he smiled. And soon, his smile turned into a wide grin.

Kimblee then leaned in and kissed her back, more forcefully this time. Olivier responded to the challenge, kissing him back just as fiercely. Kimblee's one hand went to her neck to deepen the kiss, while his other hand pulled her closer to him. Olivier found herself pleased by the touch of his hands, how his fingers expertly maneuvered on her body. Heat started pooling on her stomach and her breathing became shaky as a feeling of anticipation passed through her.

"Hmph. Who knew you're good with your hands." Olivier gasped, her voice wavering.

He smirked, unable to suppress the sly comment escaping his lips. "Oh, I'll show you exactly how good I am with these hands. And more." He turned to her neck, and Kimblee swore he felt Olivier shudder at the contact. "I'm good with my mouth too." He chuckled and kissed her lightly, nibbling on her skin just a little. Just a little dose to make Olivier wanting for more.

"Seeing is believing." Olivier was surprised at her own words. Kimblee was also surprised, but he wasted no time for thinking.

"More like, experiencing is believing...'Liv." He almost didn't finish his words as he immediately lavished her neck with kisses, occasionally licking and sucking on her skin. Olivier exhaled and gave in to tilting her head, a nonverbal sign for Kimblee to continue. He trailed wet kisses down to her shoulders, while his hands worked to rub her sides. Olivier bit her lip as he felt Kimblee grab her tightly, securing her body against his. In her head, Olivier scolded herself for feeling good and giving in to Kimblee's advances. The moment Kimblee paused to catch his breath, Olivier - in what little restraint she currently possessed- forcibly cleared the haze of lust forming in her mind. Her hands moved to remove Kimblee's grip but Kimblee unknowingly continued.

Soon enough he grabbed her head and tilted it to the side so he could kiss her again on the lips. Olivier took only a moment's hesitation before responding to his kiss with the same vigor and intensity. She grabbed his hair roughly and bit his lip as if issuing a challenge. Kimblee groaned at the feeling. He brought her legs to the bed and placed it on each side of his hips. He pressed her body against him and as their hips connect, Olivier gasped at the hardness she felt brushing against her. Her eyes were almost closed and heavy breathing accompanied her shaky body. Fuck restraints, she finally surrendered. All her previous reservations were gone almost instantly, and she now recognized that the feeling within her needs to be satisfied.

Kimblee smirked at the beauty in front of him. He suddenly lunged for her breasts like an animal in heat. Using his tongue, he probed the valley of her breasts on what little her camisole has offered him. Olivier bit her lip to hold back her moan, yet she found her hands palming Kimblee's head. Kimblee's hand groped her thighs in response, making their hips buck against each other. Olivier sighed once more at the contact, and Kimblee paused to look at her expression. She was gazing down with her half-lidded eyes, her mouth slightly agape.

Kimblee never saw her this... vulnerable and sexy. He decided to give her more pleasure by grinding her hips against hers. She gasped again, trying her best not to moan as she fisted on Kimblee's tank top. "You asshole." He smirked at her comment, finding amusement on the fact that she seems to hate the situation yet respond just as eagerly to his advances.

"Heh. Like that 'Liv?" He teased her with another push of his hips. This time, a quiet yet throaty moan escaped her lips. Kimblee felt triumphant and flashed a grin to her as if to say "I won".

"You're too damn hard already." She stated as a matter-of-factly.

"Hnn... Take that as a compliment, Colonel." Kimblee teased.

Olivier looked up with a taunting glint on her eyes. "You know, they say that hardness compensates for the lack of length of it." She quipped.

Kimblee was dumbstruck at first, but then he chuckled when he couldn't find anything to say in his defense. "Well, let's just hope I don't disappoint my commanding officer when she sees it."

He shoved her against the bed and attacked her neck once more, savoring her taste. Kimblee rubbed his erection against Olivier's core, to which she answered by pulling Kimblee's hair and kissing him wildly - as if purposefully burying her own sounds of pleasure. They broke their kiss momentarily as she forcefully removed Kimblee's top. Kimblee enjoyed her enthusiasm, but was caught off-guard when she pushed and turned him over. Now she straddled his hips and pinned him on the bed. She stopped to appraise his toned body for a moment, but eagerly resumed kissing him. Olivier moved lower oh-so-slowly, teasing the man under her. Kimblee could only groan, eyes following her luscious lips, wanting to know what she'll do next. Olivier stopped as she reached his boxers. Her hands moved teasingly over his clothed erection. Kimblee let out a sigh of contentment as he felt the lightest contact. Olivier proceeded to palm and stroke him slowly, then she looked up watching his reaction. Kimblee's head was pulled back in pleasure, his eyes were closed as if he was enduring something painful.

The Colonel smirked at the control he held over this man. She decided to play with him more by pulling down his boxers. She was surprised when an already hard erection popped out of it - it seemed like he was waiting too long to be freed.

"H-hey now. Easy there." Kimblee huffed his response, a nervous look flashed on his face.

Olivier reddened at the sight. He was right. It definitely didn't disappoint in size. She thought. She snapped out of her thoughts and reached to touch him.

"Wait a s-" Kimblee's breath was caught in his throat when he felt Olivier's amazingly soft fingers touch him. He panted as she gripped and pumped him slowly. Kimblee bit his lip and felt himself already at the brink of exploding. He waited too damn long for this that he's so close already at the littlest of contact. He closed his eyes to shut off the vision down there so he wouldn't come easily. This strategy proved ineffective though, when he felt something wet swiped against his head. His eyes flew open and saw Olivier tasting him.

"Oi, oi. What do you think you're doing with-" He was cut off again when he felt that wet appendage swiped him clean. His hips bucked at the sensation yet he tried his best to calm down. Curiously enough, Olivier wore a teasing look on her face and her eyes were focused solely on Kimblee's reaction. She loved holding power over the writhing man beneath her.

Kimblee focused himself and tried not to get too aroused despite the tight grip of Olivier on him. He took deep breaths and opened his eyes when he didn't feel another swipe of her tongue. He saw her looking down at him with narrowed eyes. Then she moved to lick him again, this time slowly moving her tongue across his head - purposefully teasing him. Kimblee could only bite his lip and control his hips as she moved again to lick and kiss his head. More of his liquid oozed as a result of Olivier's continuous ministrations. Kimblee watched in disbelief as her soft lips work eagerly and he felt himself nearing the peak again.

Suddenly, Olivier took him inside her mouth. His balls tighten both at the sight and feel of the warm and slick recesses of her mouth around him. In that instant, Kimblee felt his gut clench and his hardness twitch uncontrollably - a sign that Olivier felt which made her withdraw from him. The sight of his manhood covered in her saliva completed the act, and Kimblee felt a sudden release overcome him unexpectedly. Olivier watched as Kimblee's essence spilled all over his thighs and dripped down his boxers.

Olivier blinked a couple of times - seemingly unprepared for Kimblee's sudden release.

Kimblee panted for a while before addressing her, "You... You really had to... do that don't you?" He reached for a box of tissues in the drawer to clean up his mess.

The blonde smirked in triumph. "What, it's your first time receiving an oral?" She teased him.

"Heh. What do you think of me, a fucking virgin?" He glared at her, seemingly offended. "I've waited too damn long for this. Just got a little excited, is all." He chuckled a little.

Olivier snorted at his reponse.

"Besides, I already told you... right, Colonel? You always had a different effect on me." He smirked as he leaned in closer for the next round.

Forgive me if there are errors. I am simply too embarrassed with this scene to proof read. Review my kind readers, let your voices be heard and let me know that you still do exist :*