
The Bet: Roxas

Chapter 1





"Come on! It'll be fun!" Sora shouted.

"I said I'M NOT COMING!" I yelled back.

It was, like, the 10 000th time today Sora tried to get me come with him to a party Demyx was having tomorrow.

"Whyyyyyyyyyy?" Sora whined.

"I'm not in the mood", I said simply.

"But who knows if you're in the mood tomorrow", he said hopingly.

"I have homework to do", I said and went to my room.

"Pleeeaaaaseeee!" Sora said following me to my room.

Oh right, it's not my own room. It's the room I share with my knuckle-head-excuse-of-a-brother. He's annoying but I still love him.

I can't take this anymore!

"OK I'll come", I groaned as I tried to count what's 2:3+(985:7)-65.

"Really? YES! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!" Sora shouted and left the room.

"One more thing", he plopped his head from the door.


"Axel's coming too", Sora grinned slyly.

"Like that would change a thing"; I said taking my history books from my school bag.

Actually, it did. A lot. I wasn't going to the party at first. I just wanted Sora to quit his pleas. But now, I'm totally going. You see, Axel is and has been my best friend since we were babies. But recently, let's just say that I've had not-so-friendly feelings towards him. And the worst part is that somehow Sora has found out. I have no idea how, but hey, he's my brother. You can expect anything between sky and earth.

Sora came beside me and turned my chair around so I faced him.

"I am SICK of this! I've seen how you look at him! I've seen how you react if you see someone with red hair in the crowd! I've seen how you act around him! I know what you think when you space out!" Sora shouted.

He leaned closer.

"Just GO AND GET HIM BEFORE SOMEONE ELSE DOES!" he accenting each word and poking my chest at every word.

"What about you and Riku?" I asked.

He wasn't the only one who knew things. Kukuku...

Sora's face went red and he stood upstraight, rubbing the back of his head.

"It's different...", he mumbled.

"Yeah right it's any different", I said as I crossed my arms.

Oooh yes.

That's a good idea. A SPLENDID idea.

I grinned.

"Hey Sora", I said.


"How about a bet?"

"Tell me", Sora said and looked at me.

"We'll both tell our crushes about our feelings, and if the other doesn't then..."

"Then what?"

I thought for a moment.


"Then the other has to clean the whole apatment, do the dishes for a month and simply spoil the other for two weeks."

"And if we both fail?" Sora asked.

"Then both of us has to clean the place and keep it spotless for two months."

My idea is a kick-ass!

Sora smirked.

"You're on", he said.

I smirked and pointed my hand towards him.

We shook hands on it.

"Time limit?" he asked.

" 'Till midnight tomorrow."

He smirked and left the room.

"Good night."

Tomorrow was going to be one hell of a day.