Disclaimer: KHR belongs to the creator and the animators. Only the what-ifs are mine.

Seeing Green

Lambo likes to draw when he's alone.

It is very rare, that he's alone. Usually he pesters somebody into playing with him. And now, after their weird trip into the future, they prefer to have Lambo in sight of anyone, for fear that he might be lost again, or something bad might happen.

Everyone was gone except for Mama. Tsuna was in school with Stupidera and the smiling boy with sushi. Even Reborn was gone with Bianchi.

He drew I-Pin in bright orange. She really glows.

Suddenly, Adult Lambo found himself in Tsuna's bedroom ten years into the past. There was no one about, and he wondered what happened to his past self to fire the ten-year bazooka again.

He looked at a paper in front of him, full of colors and stick drawings.

He smiled to himself; ah these were the days when he attempted to be good in something.

He wondered why his older (or younger self) didn't put any color for his depiction of himself.

He looked out at the window, and saw something that made him feel sick to his stomach.

There was the young I-Pin, awestruck by the sight of Hibari Kyouya.

They don't appear to be talking, just looking at each other. I-Pin's eyes were already shiny and Lambo is sure that her eyes were already turning into heart-shapes even when he couldn't see it up close.

Hibari's however, wore the same impassive gaze as ever, there was small smile playing at his lips, looking down at the young girl.

I-pin is still silent, then Hibari gave a brief nod then rode away on his motorcycle.

The countdown began and I-Pin was quickly walking away, albeit happily, from any civilian she might injure with her explosion.

Lambo smiled bitterly. Ten years into the future, this scene happens, again and again, although without the explosions.

Ten years into the future, the grown-up Hibari asked the adult I-Pin to ride with him.

He picked up the green crayon, and colored the drawing entirely in green.

He hoped that he could stay here in this past a little longer. Maybe, he could do something that might change the future, a future that will not make him green.