An Angel's Voice

He was flying.

He had to get to her. He had too.

He leapt up to the window of the ballet studio. He looked in. He could see him and her crouched in the corner of the floor.

He could hear his voice. "Tell Edward how much it hurts! Tell him!"

"No, Edward, don't!"

A sickening snap was heard next. Edward's face blanched as he leapt onto James's back, pulling him off of the dead girl. James had blood running down his chin and a big grin on his face. If Edward could have vomited, he would have right there and then.

But, instead, Edward reached out and grabbed James by the throat. James sneered back at him.

"Are you strong enough? How were you strong enough to resist her for such a long time? You're just as weak. I've saved you some time!" he chortled.

With that, James pulled Edward's hand off of his throat and jammed him into the mirror, causing the glass to shatter and the stone behind it to crumble slightly. Edward panted heavily, trying his hardest not to look at Bella's crumpled body.

"I'm strong enough to kill you!" he snarled, grabbed James's hand and twisting it around, causing James to yell out in pain. He saw a few more sets of hands grab James and pull him away. Edward didn't release his grip on James.

Together, he, Emmett, and Jasper tore James limb from limb. Alice quickly started a fire and they threw his burning limbs into the fire.

They stood around the burning embers of stone for several seconds, nobody turning to look at the body that Carlisle was now bent over.

Finally, Edward could feel Alice's small hand slip through his. He looked down at his tiny sister. She looked back at him. "Let's go home, Edward."

He twined his fingers through hers.

Together, they flew.

"How's Edward?" Carlisle asked Esme later that evening after they had returned home.

"He's inconsolable," whispered Esme, still haunted by the look she had seen on her son's face when he and Alice had walked through the door.

Carlisle sighed. "So are Charlie and Renee," he added. He had just gotten done with telling the two of them about Bella's death. He had managed to fabricate a story on how she had fallen down a set of stairs at the hotel and literally breaking her neck. That would explain for the obvious injuries to her body.

Esme sighed too. "I wish he would let someone in there."

"He needs to be left alone for now," said Carlisle with gentleness in his voice. His Esme, always the mother.

Esme looked at her husband's worried golden eyes. "Edward's always been a little self-destructive. What if he tries something?"

"He does, I'll kill him," growled Carlisle.

Esme smirked at him. Carlisle sighed again. "So will I."

Days went by. Edward didn't even come out of his room to go to Bella's funeral. A lot of people did go, including Carlisle and Esme. Alice, who had taken a big liking to her, went as well, carrying Emmett, Jasper, and Rosalie's regards. Edward was still sitting in a stony silence. Nobody could reach him.

The thing that bothered Esme the most was that Edward wasn't even touching his music. That was the thing that he reached out for the most whenever he was hurting. The few days that he was out of school to avoid Bella, he locked himself in his room and those hours, all she heard was Bach and Beethoven. It got a bit annoying actually but she got over it.

"He won't even touch his music, Carlisle," Esme voiced to her husband a little while later after they had gotten home from the funeral.

Carlisle looked at her. Edward's behavior had been bothering him too. He knew his boy was grieving but this wasn't right. You just don't do it like this. It wasn't fair to the others. Alice was growing more and more hurt every day when he fiercely ignored her.

"He still needs more time," said Carlisle, trying to cover up for their boy.

Esme nodded, not buying it but not pushing it either.

Carlisle and Esme were pulled out of their comfortable relaxation on the sofa at the 3 am by a really loud crashing noise. Carlisle leapt off the sofa and ran up the stairs to Edward's room, Esme hot on his heels. She managed to avoid careening into Alice and Jasper who had dashed out of their room to see what was going on. Rosalie and Emmett were not far behind.

Carlisle immediately busted down the door to the room, not even bothering to yell that he was coming in. He stood in the door, breathing heavily for a couple of moments, his topaz eyes taking in the horrible sight.

Edward had taken every bit of music he had ever written, every CD he had every recorded, and the beautiful piano that had been a beloved gift from Esme, and destroyed it. Everything lay in ruins around the room, Edward standing in the center of the wreckage.

"Edward!" yelled Carlisle, real anger leaping into his still heart.

"I don't care!" Edward hollered, throwing some more of his music and causing it to turn into dust. "I don't care anymore! She's GONE! THERE'S NO REASON FOR ME TO BE ALIVE!"

"EDWARD!" screamed Esme, her grief pouring out of her. She was sad about Bella dying but her grief for her boy was even stronger. "Edward, how can you say that?"

"It's not fair, Mom!" he sobbed dryly. "Why do we still exist while she doesn't?"

If tears could have been in Esme's eyes, they would have. A loud sob escaped from her lips. She stared right at her son, her heart breaking for him. "There was nothing you could have done-" she began

"Nothing? NOTHING! I could have just stayed the hell away from her in the beginning! Why did I even get to know her? Why did I even bother? Why was I so stupid!" he yelled, throwing more things in the air.

"Edward!" Alice said loudly, causing Edward to look at her for the first time in days. "Edward, I know exactly what you are thinking! Don't you dare!"

The others stared at her in surprise. Edward just stood there, not even bothering to look at anyone.

"What did you see, Alice?" asked Carlisle.

Alice glared at her brother and turned back to her father. "The- The- Volturi-" her voice broke.

Esme's gasp filled the silent room. "Edward!" she sobbed.

Edward looked ashamed of himself but also determined. "I can't live without her," he whispered.

"Yes, you can," came an angel's voice.

The Cullens stared at Bella. Yes, Bella. She was standing there on the opposite side of the room, kind of glowy looking. So, apparently those myths were true about spirits glowing and looking all pretty. She looked absolutely lovely with her long hair going down her back in waves and a flowing white dress. She had a peaceful expression on her face and she only had eyes for Edward.

Edward stared at her, dry sobs heaving his chest. Bella locked eyes with him, focusing on him. Drinking him in.

"Edward, you can live without me. You lived without me for 100 years and you can do it again," said Bella.

"I couldn't protect you!" he yelled at the angel, his velvet voice laced with pain.

"I was stupid and I ran off! It was my fault. Not yours. Besides, you know me better than that. You know that I would do anything to protect someone I loved. I would walk into the Jaws of Death for them. I would have done the same for you. Exactly the same for you!" she barked at him, the angel becoming angry.

Edward became silent. Bella smirked, taking her opportunity. "Besides, you wouldn't be here with me," she said.

"I'd be in Hell," he said.

Bella growled at him. "No, you wouldn't, you moron! You would be in a different kind of Heaven. You wouldn't be with me."

"You're just saying that so I won't do it," he snarled.

Bella glared at him. "I am not."

"Listen to her, Edward," Carlisle begged quietly. "Listen to her."

"Edward, suicide is the stupidest, most cowardly thing you could do. Please, forget about it," said the angel, her gentleness having returned.

"It is," said Carlisle. "Believe me. I know."

Invisible tears were streaming down Edward's face. He looked back over at the angel and saw that she wasn't there anymore. He could still hear her voice.

"I'm always with you."

That did it. Edward allowed himself to get pulled into Carlisle and Esme's arms where he finally broke down in fresh, tearless sobs. Esme could feel the agony pulsing through his body and she tightened her hold on him.

Even Rosalie, who had hated Bella, looked frightened and touched. She was the first one to walk into the room, approaching her parents and her brother. Esme lifted an arm out and put it around her oldest daughter. Moments later, Alice, joined the hug. Even Emmett and Jasper took their turns comforting Edward.

It was an angel's voice that stopped Edward from killing himself. It was his family that convinced him to continue living.


They had to leave Forks. It was starting to get suspicious when they had been there for four years and none of them had aged a single day. Carlisle found a job in Alaska as the head of the ER in a small hospital and he moved the whole family there.

The five kids were put back into school. Edward had been slowly putting himself back together since Bella's death. He had highly doubted he could ever feel whole again like he did with her.

But there was a surprise that was about to head his way.

Alice didn't see it at all. Probably because she was already there in Alaska.

Her name was Alexis. She was somewhat small, long dark blond hair, and large dark blue eyes.

She was enormously kind and quite fiesty.

Her blood smelled so sweet.

That caused him to avoid her.

And that pissed her off.

But he soon managed to control his urges. He allowed himself to talk to her. She was quite friendly, not annoying like. She was very fiery, getting ticked off when he avoided her in the beginning.

Very intelligent. Like Bella...she figured it out on her own. She was smitten with him. And he her.

But there as one thing.

She wanted to remain human.

And that was the thing that he loved about her the most.

On their wedding day, he stood at the alter, pledging his love for this beautiful girl standing in front of him. As he said "I do," he heard the angel's voice in his ear.

"Be happy."

And he didn't freeze.

He loved.

I know this is kind of rushed. I was rewatching "Twilight" the other night and this came to mind. I was kind of anxious to get it out on paper. Now, I know the common Twihard wouldn't think that Edward would move on so easily. He didn't really. His heart stayed with her forever. But why shouldn't he be happy?

I like to think that if Bella ever died, Edward would have the gall to remain alive for his family and for her. Some of my beliefs are incorporated into this thing. I really do think that suicide is cowardly and cruel. In certain situations it's the only choice. But when you're pissed off at the world and don't want to stay alive, that's not how you do it. That is so not how you deal with your problems.

Sorry, got a little venting out.

Would you like this to be a prologue to a multi chapter story? Edward losing Bella but falling in love with another human who didn't want to become a vampire but still wanted him?

Hope you enjoyed! Reviews are loved!