Disclaimer: I don't own Star Trek.

Author's note: This story is set shortly after Star trek Nemesis and is about Riker's life as captain of the USS Titan.

Star Trek

The First Step.

Captain William Thomas Riker is in his Captain's chair on the bridge of the Sovereign class USS Titan NCC-79916 on the way to Romulus.

"Scan for Romulan warbirds, I don't wanna run into any kind of surprise-attack!" Captain Riker tells his Operations officer.

"Aye sir! Scan in progress!" the Operations officer responds.

"Shall I bring the shields online, sir?" the Tactical officer ask.

"No, this is not a tactical mission, commander! Keep the shields offline, thank you!"

"Aye sir!"

"No Romuland vessels within sensor-range, sir!"

"Good, mr Truscott! Keep your scan going, the Romulans aren't stupid, you know!"

"Aye sir!"

"Lieutenant McDonald, report!"

"We're on course for Romulus, warp 6,2 all systems are fully active." the conn officer responds.

"Good! Riker to Engineering!" Captain Riker says over the inter-com.

"Commander Addison here, sir!" the female chief-engineer responds over inter-com.

"How are things down there?"

"All systems are online and at 100% sir!"

"Good, Riker out!"

"Troi to Riker." Deanna Troi's voice says over the inter-com.

"Riker here!"

"There's something I need to talk to you about..."

"Okey! Tell me!"

"Not over the com, in private..."

"See me in my ready-room in 10, okey?"

"Aye sir! Troi out!"

The officers on the bridge smile when they hear Deanna calling her husband sir.

"What's so funny?"

"Your wife called you sir..." says Lt Commander Raymond Horton at Tactical.

"Yes and I'm okey with that, mr Horton!"

"Yes, of course, sir!"

Later Captain Riker is drinking a cup of tea as Deanna enters the ready-room.

"So, Deanna, what did want to talk about?"

"I'm pregnant, Will."

Riker is very surprised. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I had my physical this morning and Doctor Hansen said that I'm pregnant."

"Girl or boy?"

"A girl."

"This was a happy surprise!"

"You're not mad at me, Will?"

"Why would I be mad at you? I'm going to be a father. Of course I'm happy!"

"I thought about a name. How does 'Lillian Mary Troi' sound to you?"

"I was thinking about something more like 'Ashley Jane Riker' actually."

"Oh, really?"

"I'm serious!"

"Me too!"

"How about a fishing-contest on the holodeck..." says Riker. "The one who's caught the most fish get to pick our daughter's name."

"I'm on. See ya tonight. Holodeck 2, 1900 hours."

"I'm waiting for you at Carbon Creek!"