Disclaimer: All character rights belong to Charlaine Harris and Alan Ball.

No beta so all gruesome mistakes are mine.

A/N: Anyone still out there? It's a new chapter...finally! It's a very short and I apologize in advance for that. I am still getting back into the groove of things, it's been months since I've even looked at what I've written so far. Thanks to everyone who continues to support this story

Eric's POV

Boredom was the only word that could describe my current state.

I stared out into the sea of blood bags from my throne, observing but not really caring. A typical day in the typical life of the Sheriff of Area Five. This whole act was quickly becoming old. I wanted some kind of fervor in my life. Even sex was getting to become a monotonous act. The same type of woman each time, desperate and needy. I was beginning to regret choosing this little backwater area to rule over. The only good thing about this now was that business was still going well and money was pouring in from this small establishment. One could never have too much money.

The humans were desperately trying to get the attention of the vampires and the vampires were soaking it all up. We were vain creatures, it seemed like such a waste to pass up on a free meal and an ego stroke. I needed some quick entertainment for the night as my eyes wandered the room for my prey. Nothing looked too appetizing and the selection wasn't too wide ranged. The same old thing every same damn night. My eyes settled on a busty brunette and figured I wasn't going to get any luckier than that.

My eyes searched for my child. Why go through all the trouble in luring in the human when I could have someone do it for me? I was about to signal Pamela to fetch her for me when my phone began to vibrate. I took it out of my pocket to check who it was, slightly pissed that whoever was calling decided to bother me at this time. An unsatisfied Eric is a grumpy one you don't want to mess with. Godric's name flashed on the screen and curiosity replaced my previous mood.


"Child, I need you to do something for me immediately."

His voice was near panic, something rare of him. "Whatever you need, Sire."

"There is a woman about to enter your club, she might be inside already. She is young, in her twenties, blonde. You'll know who once you see her. She's important, whatever you do, don't let any vampires near her. I am heading to the club right now." He ended the call abruptly, leaving me to stare at my phone for a few seconds.

He wants me to find some blonde human in my club, I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Didn't he have any clue that he was probably describing a quarter of the people here? Whoever this human was, she must be one important piece of meat for Godric to worry over. I felt Pam's presence before I even lifted my head up. At least during moments like this, she made herself useful.

"Is everything all right Eric?"

"A blonde woman, in her twenties. Did you see anyone particularly out of the ordinary at the door a few moments ago?"

She took a second before answering me, "Actually, yes. Some little Southern Belle came through the entrance just a few minutes ago. She looked all sorts of innocent and delicious." I scanned the dance floor, the bar and the booths. She wasn't there, just fucking great. I silently motioned for Pam to double check the area while I tried to figure out what to do next.

A loud scream and then several crashes brought me out of my thoughts. Pam was already rushing towards where the commotion was coming from...the woman's bathroom. I made my way through the crowd that had already gathered outside, stupid nosy humans. I pushed passed them and went in, the instant stink of cleaning products and overused perfume hitting my nose. Disgusting.

My eyes instantly fell on her. She was beautiful, her blonde hair like a halo. Her eyes wild and her cheeks flushed. I could smell the sweat and adrenaline pouring off her body. The beat of her heart were like drums, heavily thumping in her chest. I took in what was in front of me. One knocked out vampire, an unconscious human and a shaking goddess huddled in the small confinements of the restroom. The stench of blood filled the room but I knew it didn't belong to the blonde one. It was a mixture of something supernatural and alcohol induced. It seemed someone needed to be retaught the rules. Stupid, incompetent vampire.

"Pam, take this piece of shit downstairs. You know what needs to be done. Apparently someone needs a lesson in obedience."

I stooped down towards the little blonde. She must be the one that Godric informed me off. I could already see she was going to be trouble. She was trembling visibly, her breath coming out in short gasps. Her salty tears covered her face. I inhaled, taking all of her in. She was mouthwatering. The essence of something sweet, spicy and pure radiated off of her flawless skin.

I kept my eyes on her and my hand outstretched for her to take, "Why don't you come with me and we'll get you all cleaned up." I didn't need a difficult human to deal with right now, I needed an obedient one. I let her feel the full force of the Northman charm with a bit of glamour laced in there. I didn't know what surprised me more, her lack of instant response, the transformation of her expression or the words that came out of her mouth.

"Get the hell away from me, you monster!"

Next chapter will answer some questions and fill in a few holes. I would like to see your suggestions as to how you'd like the next part to play out...

From when Sookie entered the club with a play by play as to what really went down or fast forward and continue where this chapter leaves off.

Please leave me a little review if you've got the time as I would love to hear your thoughts and comments!