Rye: And so, the somewhat anti-climatic end to the madness!

Ottawa: Eh... you win some, and you lose some... Same warnings since day one!

Yugi: And the same disclaimer!

Once the spell wore off, Bakura cursed up a storm all the while dodging black tentacles that grew out of Zorc as he tried to capture them. Marik flew out of the way of a few, roaring as his clan and the harpies flew in dive bomb formations at his head, trying to claw out his eyes. Tea, on the other hand, was cutting through the fiends surrounding Yami as he conjured up one of his strongest monsters. She was nearly through them when Joey spun the hilt of a spear at her head, smacking her in the temple and knocking her to the ground. He then jumped on her and pinned her face down with her hands clasped tightly behind her back and his legs pinning hers to the ground. He grunted in pain as she struggled and squirmed, managing to kick him in the back with a lucky hit, but otherwise was held down. Back on the hill Rye sighed and walked over to the beam and stepped in to it.

"Time to go, love..."

"Yes... Yugi, be brave... and remember that we love you and Yami loves you... We'll try and meet again, we promise you..." Death cooed before she and Rye pulled away from him, vanishing into an arrow of pure light as Yugi drew back a bow that appeared in his hands. He relaxed his breathing and aimed carefully at Zorc.

Back down on the field, everyone felt a surge go through them and Yami gasped, his body was fading, the doll turning to ash as his soul started to detach from it. Looking up at the hill he saw a pillar of light and knew that this was the end, final judgement was finally upon them. Smiling sadly he closed his eyes, feeling at peace for the first time in over 5000 years...

Tea finally knocked Joey from her back and pulled out a knife and aimed it for his heart while screaming, "Die you fucking faggot!"

Joey froze, the blade moving too fast for his eyes to follow and yet in slow motion before he was blinded by white and felt something heavy land on his chest. Then it clicked as he saw Aly pounce Tea, biting into her neck and draining her of blood. Looking at the thing of white, it was Seto and he had the blade embedded in his stomach, too deep to be considered a flesh wound, it was a fatal one! He gasped and quickly tore off his shirt bunching it up around the knife and pressing down to try and stop the bleeding. Seto cried out as the others glanced their way and cursed because Zorc wasn't letting up on his attack on them. The fiends and werewolves being knocked off his frame before he opened his mouth sucking in like blackhole trying to devour all of them.

Kia stabbed her claymore into the ground, flashing symbols with her hands as an archane circle appeared under her and she threw her hands up into the air and commanded a barrier to appear and protect them for as long as she can hold it. She winced, when it cracked barely a few seconds after forming it, she was tired and she wasn't going to be able to hold it much longer than a few short moments. Dante and Izzy joined her, cutting their hands on her claymore and digging them into the circle that appeared on the ground they began pouring their energy into the circle and through her into the barrier like electricity through a conductor. Bakura whistled, his men gathering and kneeling to him as he smirked, telling them he'd see them all in hell. They knew they were going to die, it seemed they didn't by enough time for Rye and Ottawa to do what they needed to do. Ryou, Malik, Duke and Tristan gathered around Seto as Joey begged him to hold on, that Rye and Ottawa would be there as soon as they finish of Zorc to treat him. Seto just shook his head knowing that it would be too late.

Marik and his clan stayed back, silently offering prayers for Seto as the Harpies all began singing almost angelically to sooth Seto's soul as he passed onto the underworld. Joey shook his head telling Seto that he can't do this to him. Threatening to break up with him if he died and left him alone, promising to sell his company to Pegasus and a few other things he knew would piss of his lover to get him to fight back. Seto just laughed dryly at the empty threats from his lover as he shakily took his hand and squeezed it as tight as his failing grip would allow him.

"FUCK!" Izzy cried out as the circle shattered and Kia collapsed, the barrier dropping instantly. Zorc roared and leaned down to suck them all in when something shot through the air blinding everyone and piercing through Zorc's skull. Zorc was frozen in place before his body began to break apart like glass cracking as beams of light show through and then he finally burst open, but at the same time, everything and everyone froze before everything began fading, rewinding like a video and then stopping and turning blank...


"Hiya Yug'! How's your gramps? Did the doctors say anything about his heart attack?" Joey asked.

"It was due to stress. They said he overworked himself and caused a strain on his heart. He'll be home tomorrow afternoon and I'm going to tie him to the bed if I have to to get him to rest properly. But I will be hiring some help after school to help me man the shop." Yugi assured. "How's Seto?"

"He's almost as bad as gramps, though I did threaten him with no sex for a year." Joey grinned cheekily. "I don't know how he survived that, but I'm glad... just wish that you, Malik and Ryou weren't so depressed... Man I miss having them here."

Yugi nodded, it's been a few days since the 'end off all existence' happened and everyone woke up home and safe and sound, everything was back to normal, the missing boys were safely back home with their families, memories erased and altered to allow them to live normally once more. No one knew what happened to Tea, it was almost like she never existed in the first place. Then there was Seto, he had nearly died, but by some miracle of a chance, pulled through and was now resting in a private hospital away from the public and prying eyes of the press. Ryou, Malik and Yugi were the only ones in deep funk since the battle. No one knew what happened to Bakura and Marik, but they knew Yami had to stand in court with the Gods. They wondered if he would be allowed to return for his second chance or not.

Sighing, Yugi shook his head and smiled at Joey, "I heard there's another shop opening up the block from us! They sell some pretty cool stuff! Gina from class B-4 told me they had a lot of dragon trinkets... maybe buying one for Seto will help him feel better about being bed ridden for the next month or so..."

Joey blinked and smiled. "That sounds awesome... Hey... you don't think-"

Yugi looked up wide eyed before he got a hopeful glint in his eyes, but quickly shook his head as if dispelling the thought.

"No way... they did say they didn't know if they could come back after that battle..." Yugi said and Joey sighed.

"That totally blows..." Joey groused as the bell above the door rang.

"Ah! Hello and welcome to the Kame Game Shop! Please tell me if you need any-" Yugi stopped when he saw a familiar brunette walk in while holding a certain silver haired thief in a headlock.

"-times must I tell you I am not WEAK!" bellowed the girl before she blinked and looked at Yugi. "Hey Yugi! Long time no see!"

"Huh?" Joey asked. "It's only been a few days..."

"Uhhh, no." Came a familiar voice as a tanned, human Guardian walked up to them. "It's been 5678 years since you all died in Egypt... Man I was bored off my ass waiting for you guys to get reincarnated again! I swear the gods do it on purpose to mess with us..."

"At least you didn't get stuck with Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb! But I'm glad I got my second chance! It was a pain getting that shaman guy to see that destroying all humans was a bad idea... I think I still got burn marks on my ass..." Hissed that familiar baritone as the last member of the group walked in.

"Shut up all of you... can't believe I got pregnant..." hissed an onyx black haired girl as she rubbed the growing bulge in her stomach. "Hey guys... long time no see, Eh?"

"We don't understand..." Yugi said.

"It's pretty simple." the brunette began. "You see, you remember everything because we wanted you to, but we did have to restart everything from when Anzu, Tea's ancestor caused this particular chain of events to happen."

"With Anzu removed from existence, Tea was never born and thus we don't have to have a repeat of last time. Though we did kind of cut it close... Having to do everything without screwing up the timeline too much. Atemu still died for his people and sealing away Zorc and his lot and being reborn in this day and age, though he still has the powers over darkness!"

Yugi stared at Yami as though he had seen him in a million years, and Yami stared back, a soft smile creeping up his aristocratic features. "I've missed you, aibou." Yugi's eyes filled with tears and he walked forwards into the inviting circle of Yami's arms. Yami lifted his chin and kissed him softly, lovingly, to the sound of cat-calls and wolf-whistles from all their friends.

"You're here for good this time, right?" Yugi asked worriedly when they parted. In answer Yami took his lover's small hands and placed them on his chest, where he could feel the strong beat of his heart.

"It beats for you." Yami said. "And it will until the day I die."

"Goddamn sappy fool." Bakura griped, but allowed Ryou to grab him in a frantic hug all the same.

"How come you two are back?" Joey asked Rye and Ottawa. "You're gods, aren't you? Don't you have godly duties or something?"

"The interesting thing about gods is we can be in multiple places at once." Ottawa answered, rubbing Rye's swollen belly. "So we are fulfilling our 'godly duties' but we're also being given what's considered a vacation to us gods by being able to put most of our focus on just running our shop for awhile."

"How long is a little while?" Yugi asked.

"Oh, about 50, 60 years or so." Rye grinned at their stunned faces. "One human lifetime is nothing to a god, understand?"

"I'm probably going to regret asking this, but... who got you pregnant?" Seto asked. Rye grinned and pointed at Ottawa.

"The dry spell is over, baby!" The brunette, sometimes known as Death, crowed.

"Oh hell, you mean we have to deal with your spawn?" Bakura rolled his eyes. "Maybe we should have let Zorc destroy the world, it would have been less painful."

Ottawa and Rye growled at him, but allowed him to live for the moment. Yugi and Yami ignored their friends' bickering for the moment, happily gazing into each others' eyes. The world had been put to right and they were together, so they'd take the craziness without complaint.



Seto: Blame Ottawa.

Ottawa: Go to hell... So reviews and see you next time!

Rye: Ja ne!