Fandom: Avatar the Last Airbender
Pairing: Aang/Zuko (Aang tops)
Prompt: Looks can be deceiving

'You wouldn't know it,' Zuko mused to himself as he watched Aang and Sokka spar. He knew when he had been chasing the Avatar's group all over the world that he had never thought Aang would be a dominant personality… anywhere… let alone in the bedroom.

Of course, had someone told him that by the end of the war he would be sharing his bed with the Avatar he would have told them they were crazy. Tack on the fact that he would be bottoming to said Avatar and he would have said the person should be put out of their misery for being so stupid.

"Hey jerkbender!" Zuko looked toward Sokka who was grinning at him. "How about a three-way?"

Zuko smirked since it was clear that neither of the boys understood what that implied. He stood and tossed his sword from one hand to the other. "Only if you don't mind taking it from Aang."


"Looks can be deceiving can't they Aang?" Zuko questioned tapping the flat side of his sword against Aang's ass.

Aang only grinned.