Forever In Your Company


It's been three months. Three months of absolute torture, never ending, resolute torture.

I sit on the chesterfield in the staff room marking my third year's essays; I tell myself that I'm there to get away from the memories of you that linger in my office. What a lie. I'm not here to get away from you, I sit here secretly hoping that you'll come in and visit with the rest of the staff. In fact I need you to come here, because you've unknowingly become my drug. Everything I do, everywhere I go is carefully calculated so that there is an increased chance that I'll bump into you.

"There you are!" I look towards the door, pulling myself from my thoughts of you. I see Ginny walking towards me; I automatically force myself to smile. "I have been looking for you everywhere!" She sits down next to me, and kisses my neck. "You were supposed to meet me in Hogsmeade an hour ago."

I had hoped she had forgotten about our plans. "Ginny I'm so sorry," I put up a façade, appearing to be shocked at the fact I hadn't remembered that I was meeting her. "I was so preoccupied with my grading it completely slipped my mind."

She smiled at me, "Don't worry about it," she leans in to whisper in my ear, "You can just make it up to me in the bedroom later." I try my best to act like I was looking forward to tonight. And then you walk in.

"Headmistress! I thought you said you were leaving for the Ministry when I passed you not ten minutes ago." Ginny said smiling at you, and you in turn smile back. You look absolutely radiant today in your dark heavy emerald silk robes. They remind me of what you wore to the Yule Ball my fourth year.

"Ginerva Weasley how many times must I tell you to call me Minerva, you know that title makes me feel older than I already am." You shake your head in exasperation, "And I've left and come back already. Kingsley got the dates mixed up." You look towards me, Merlin your eyes are so captivating. "Good evening Hermione, I trust I find you well?"

Oh gods, I love it when you say my name. "Of course Minerva," I lie through my teeth. "Just marking these abysmal essays. I swear, I don't think any of them actually read the material." I try my best to keep my emotions in check, especially with Ginny sitting right next to me. But I can see in your eyes that you don't believe me.

I see you hesitate slightly before replying, your eyes filled with concern as you try to read me. I muster up everything that I have within me and shoot you a warm smile. "I hope they aren't giving you too much trouble."

"Of course not," I reply before Ginny grabs my hand and squeezes it lovingly; I can't find it in me to return the gesture. She starts talking to me; my brain barely processes the words, "I'm sure you'll whip them into shape love. After all if you managed to get Harry and Ron get through school." I let a faint smile play across my lips, forcing my eyes off of you to Ginny, letting her know I heard her before turning my attention back to you.

"Indeed, now I realize your busy at the moment Hermione," My heart begins to beat a little faster knowing your about to ask me to do something, "However I was wondering if you could join me later in my rooms for a cup of tea. We haven't had a chance to talk privately this term, and I have Hogwarts business I would like to discuss with you."

I open my mouth to respond to you; however Ginny beats me to it. "Actually we already have plans made for this evening." I could strangle her. "Can Hermione visit you tomorrow night?" I'm starting to seethe, I feel like a child who is having her decisions made for her.

I bring my attention fully to you, you look irritated by the fact that Ginny answered for me, I wonder to myself why that is. "Unfortunately not Ginerva, I barely have any time available before Winter Break." I almost lost all of my composure when I heard you say that. I knew for a fact that you had plenty of time to meet with me at some other time. All of your evenings were free this month. I decide to play along; perhaps what you need to speak with me about tonight is urgent, plus it would relieve me of having to spend the evening with her.

"Don't worry Ginny," I inwardly cringe at what I say next, "We can get together tomorrow instead. I have this whole weekend free." She looks at me; I can see she is annoyed. I've been very distant lately, and have been ignoring her. I try to smile reassuringly. Merlin's beard she buys it, thank the gods. I look back towards you, "Shall I meet you around eight o'clock then Minerva?"

You give me a warm smile, my heart melts. "That would be perfect Hermione." Turning towards Ginny you give her a curt nod, "Have a good evening Miss Weasley." Your eyes sweep towards me once more before you exit the room gracefully.

I try to grade my students essay's once again, however Ginny's incessant chatter and thoughts of what this evening would bring make it almost impossible. The hours roll by, and finally it's eight. I bid farewell to Ginny, and give her a quick kiss goodbye. I thank the gods that we are in the staff room; otherwise I would have had to have been more passionate towards her.

Walking down the corridor I berate myself for being excited to spend the evening with you. I shouldn't feel this way. I shouldn't want to spend more time with you than with Ginny. The woman who I've been with for five years. The woman who has stood by me through thick and thin, who loves me unconditionally. I love Ginny. So why do I hate the fact that it's her I have to spend time with and not you?

I have reached the stone gargoyle, and before I give him the password I stand there and desperately try to collect myself knowing that for the next few hours I would have to endure the torture you unknowingly put me through.

A/N: I had originally planned this to be a oneshot. However, I'll leave that up to you. Let me know in your reviews if you want me to continue this. If I do this might be the only chapter I do in the first person... Either that or I'll be switching between Hermione and Minerva's POV.

Review, review, review because they brighten my days!