Love Lust and Everything in between

(Sorry everyone for the huge break I have no idea if anyone is even following this story anymore but here goes)

I do not own any of the characters.

Chapter 4 (the date)

Bella's POV

It was Friday…. The day of my date with Jasper. To say I was nervous was an understatement. The butterflies in my stomach wouldn't stop flying around. Jasper dropped me off at my house after school gave me a quick kiss on the check before speeding off on his motorcycle. I had two hours to get ready. I've never been on a date I don't know what I'm supposed to wear. I could text Alice I mean she was a fashionista.

To: Alice

From: Bella

Hey um can you come over. I kind of have a date tonight and need your help getting ready?

Not long after I got a message from her.

To: Bella

From: Alice

I'll be there in five minutes

And sure enough she was there in five minutes bouncing up and down. "O My Gosh who is your date with?" She screamed.

"Well um…..Jasper" I said it quietly hoping she wouldn't hear me.

"FINALLY!" she screamed

Alice knew I had a crush on Jasper; she had been bugging me for years to tell him I liked him. But I always thought he saw me as just a friend. Well a friend you hooked up with. I mean we lost our virginities to each other, I still remember the day with was Prom Junior year.


I stood waiting in my bedroom staring at the mirror at my dress. It was a beautiful midnight blue princess gown (Picture in profile). I was waiting for Jasper to come pick me up. Neither of us had dates for Prom so he offered we go together as friends. I was confused because I know girls had asked him out. I figured he was just being nice to me so I wouldn't go alone. My mom called for me saying Jasper was here.

I walked down the stairs and there he was at the bottom. He was in a white tux with a blue bow tie, he looked amazing. I had a crush on Jasper since we were freshman just never had the courage to tell him. I got to the bottom of the stairs and he walked up to me and pulled out a beautiful corsage of white roses and placed it on my wrist.

After Prom

Jasper had rented a hotel room for us since Prom was in Seattle and our parents didn't really want us driving home that late. He said it was a two bed room but when we got there we saw it only had one bed. We figured we shouldn't make a big deal about it I mean we use to take baths together. But we built a wall of pillows between us anyway; I mean we were juniors now we had grown since then.

Neither of us was tired so we decided to play 21 questions, Jasper went first.

"Bella are you a virgin?" I was shocked that he asked

"Yes." He was my best friend I could tell him anything I so it wasn't a big deal I guess.

"I'm glad because I am too. And I was thinking…well we are both virgins why don't we lose it to each other this way it isn't so awkward?" I didn't know what to say so I just nodded my head

Jasper moved the pillows and started kissing me. I was ok with that we were each other's first kiss back when we were 12. Then he started pulling my dress off and soon the butterflies started.

"Relax Bella I promise to be gentle." He whispered into my ear.

(I'm going to skip the Lemon part only because I really want to get to the date part. But I might make a quick one shot about their first time as a different story.)

When it was over he wrapped his arms around me and we both drifted off to sleep.

End of Flash Back

During the whole time of me remembering our first time Alice was doing my hair and had just finished she had it pinned up so the curls were bunched in the back. She then pulled out the perfect outfit. (Picture on profile). Once I was dressed Alice hugged me goodbye and left before Jasper got there.

Jasper knocked on the door and I ran to the door. When I pulled it open there he was looking amazing and smiling. In his hand was a picnic basket. He took my hand and without a word led me down the path in my backyard.

Years ago Jasper and I had found this amazing little spot out in the woods behind my house.

He laid out the blanket and sat down grabbed my hand and pulled me down into his lap.

He kissed me check and started to talk.

"Bella, I really like you. And I hope you like me to because I want you to be my girlfriend."

I was so shocked I just nodded my head, Jasper just asked me out.

I Bella Swan was dating Jasper Whitlock…Finally