The Beating Of My Heart

A/N I do not own anything CH and AB do.

Chapter 14

Eric carefully lifted Sookie from the bed draping the silky soft sheet about her and walked out of his room, into the elevator and out the front door. Just as he passed the doorframe he dropped a lit match and then leaped into the air. He circled his house a couple of times before heading north. He hated burning his home but it had to be done. To much carnage and evidence.

Eric headed towards Bon Temps to Sookie's house. He made it there in fifteen minutes. Wow, he was quicker as well as stronger, but how? Eric landed in the backyard softly trying not to wake Sookie. She didn't even stir, it seemed she was in a dead sleep. Eric tried the door but it was locked so he flew up to her bedroom window which was slightly opened. Good thing she had the bigger old style windows he thought as he squeezed through with Sookie still in his arms.

Eric gently laid her on the bed and went about sun proofing the room and making sure the house was locked up and secured. He returned to her bed ten minutes to dawn. Eric stripped down and slipped under the covers naked and pulled Sookie to him.

They would need to get some answers tonight on what exactly Sookie was and why he seemed so different. As the sun came up Sookie opened her eyes and blinked. Eric was laying next to her in downtime. Why was Eric laying next to her? Then it all came crashing back and Sookie stiffled a sob.

She was able to save Eric and she thanked her lucky stars. She also remembered Victor and him draining her and then Eric. Oh, no she thought as she felt around in her mouth for fangs. She was a vampire now, whether she wanted to be or not. As her tongue ran over the tips, she couldn't help but think they were small for fangs. Shit, now she would have to feed on people to live. No more sun. Fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck.


"Calm down granddaughter, your not a full vampire" came Niall's voice from across the room. Sookie turned to him. Eric's eyes came into focus.

"If she is not vampire, what is she?" Eric asked trying to stay calm.

"A hybrid of sorts although the fairy trait is stronger than the vampire trait. She will have some new fairy powers that she didn't have before such as the ability to summon people or objects. She will also be able to POP places without the use of an incantation. She will seem more fairy like in appearance but only when she is excited or when she is in battle. Her eyes may glow but only when vampire blood is ingested" Niall explained.

"Vampire blood?" Sookie asked bewildered.

"Yes, that is a bit of a perk. You will only crave vampire blood and one in particular, Eric. Although Victor was the one who drained you, it was Eric that gave you blood. That mean's that you belong to Eric, he is your maker" Niall replied hoping that Sookie would not have a tantrum.

"My maker? But vampire's that are bound like this never stay together long. He won't want me after a while, I'll just be his childe" Sookie cried blood red tears.

"Sookie, lover please. Look at me" Eric softly said trying to get Sookie to look at him. When she looked him in the eye he continued.

"I will always want you, not matter what. We are mates above anything else and mate's are forever" Eric whispered as he brought his lips to Sookie's for a soft kiss.

"He's right child. You are mates above all. Now there are a few things that you need to know. Eric cannot command you and make you heel like a normal master, childe relationship. You are equals. Sookie's scent is more fae now and other's will notice. The only one's immune will be the one's who have had your blood Eric. Sookie is very strong and has power but unlike fae, lemons and iron will not effect her as well as silver and sun. She is immune to all, the first of her kind and as her mate you are immune as well. When Sookie used the Culviel Dor to bring you back the magic contained inside made you a stronger, faster more lethal vampire. Also taking her blood will not make you lose all control but it will make you high so to speak" Niall said and waited for any questions.

"Sun won't hurt me?" Eric asked in awe. Being able to walk in the sun with Sookie would be a dream come true.

"No. You two must stay together. If you two are separated for to long or if you two split up then it will be the end for both of you. Your stronger together. You have a destiny to fulfill and an area that needs it's King" Niall said with a wink.

"Oh, shit. Sookie I forgot to tell you that I. Um, I was tricked into marrying that bitch Queen of Oklahoma. I'll get out of it" Eric told Sookie as his eyes rimmed with red. Sookie reached out her hand and caressed his cheek.

"I know Eric. That bitch is dead, I staked her . I told her I was going to get you back and she tried to kill me, so I staked her ass. She should have known not to get between us. You are mine Eric, as I' am yours. Now and forever we will be as one" Sookie lovingly said as she placed a kiss above where Eric's heart lay silent. Why did hers beat?

"So I 'm not undead grand father?" Sookie asked Niall.

"No child you are not. Your heart still beats inside your chest and will for all time. If you need me I will be there" Niall said as he disappeared.

Once Niall was gone Sookie jumped from the bed and ripped the curtains open to let the sunshine in. Eric pulled the covers over his head to hide and Sookie laughed.

"Eric, don't be afraid. The sun won't hurt you" Sookie cooed as she pulled the blanket off of Eric. Sookie heard Eric growl before he jumped up and tackled her to the bed. Eric peppered kisses all over Sookie's face as she smiled up at him.

"I love you Eric Northman" Sookie whispered.

"I love you Sookie Stackhouse now and forever" Eric whispered back as he licked his way into Sookie's mouth and kissed her deep and hard.

Eric could smell Sookie's arousal which caused his cock to fill out and all he wanted to do was bury himself deep within her and stay there forever. As they were kissing Sookie nipped Eric's tongue with her fang and drank down the drops of blood that hit the back of her throat. That was all it took for Sookie to get into a frenzy.

Sookie flipped Eric onto his back and impaled herself upon his hard throbbing cock with a hiss. The action was so quick that it startled Eric when he saw her eyes glowing and her ears pointy. As Sookie ground down Eric pushed up and soon they were setting a brutal pace.

Eric sat up as Sookie rode him and began to lick at her breasts. First he sucked and nipped at the right one until it was a hard peak and then bounced over to the left on. Sookie was moaning and mewling as she clawed at Eric's back and bounced harder on his cock.

"Yesss. Lover just like that. Make me fill you up with my release" Eric grunted out as he fucked into her faster. He reached between them and pinched Sookie's nub and Sookie was orgasm. As Sookie fell over the edge the glowing from her eyes seemed to reach out and surround the two of them. She bit into Eric's shoulder and fed. Eric licked her throat and then bit and as they both fed the glow turned a light blue and then pink and then burst into a shower of sparks.

As they licked their wounds Sookie came back to herself although her appearance did not change. Eric felt buzzed and his cock was still hard. Eric pumped up into Sookie who was still straddling his lap. She let out a moan and wrapped her arms around his neck as she slowly moved with him. He felt so good inside that she didn't want the feeling to end.

"Susanna" came a male voice from the back door along with some loud banging. Sookie lifted her head.

"Eric, oohhhhh. Shit you have to stop" Sookie moaned out but kept moving with him.

"He'll go away" Eric replied as he held Sookie's back and laid her down. She spread her legs to accommodate his hips and they moved slow and deep.

"Susanna" came Jason's voice again and he sounded frantic.

"Dammit Jason" Sookie growled out and POP she was at the back door before Eric knew what was going on.

"Sookie, no" Eric tried to stop her but it was to late. Sookie had already opened the door.

Jason looked startled to find a naked woman at the door and plain shocked when he realized it was Sookie.

Although she looked different with the pointed ears and all but it was still his sister.

"Sookie?" Jason squeaked out before he fell backwards out cold.

Shit, Sookie thought as she realized what she had done and double shit cause she was naked.