Hey guys, I'm back with another poem, it's for you Ruthless and AJ92, I just got really bored and this is the outcome, girlies. Love y'all. This is a story about a lost love one, say Splinter died or something. R&R!

Let Go.

I hold you close to my heart,

Tightly, protected,

You will feel safe,

Or so I believe.

Your wings bend in my grasp.

I try to matain my hold,

as you try to struggle free.

I feel your heart beating faster.

Talons mark my face,

as you take flight,

to freedom.

I watch you fly high,

catching the wind,

escaping upward,

disappearing from my sight.

So contented.

So free.

I could not hold you any longer.

You forced freedom upon me.

My demands had been to great,

I tried to keep you for myself.

I touch my cheek,

Tears mixing with blood.

I feel the pain,

The loss,

The emptyness.

But you return,

after you quest,

and gently fall into my arms,


Tenderly nuzzle my cheek,

to soothe the pain,

and remove the loss.

A new understanding,

no longer to own

as a possesion,

but to cherish

as a gift.

A trust formed knowing

you will return

If I just let go.