
Disclaimer: Sorry everyone who has already read this chapter and was expecting a new one, this is just an edit cause I forgot to write the disclaimer ^.^' ... anyways yeah sadly I don't own Hellsing, but if I did Alucard would live in my closet (Ya I'm a shameless Alucard fangirl...)!

On a dark night in January, deep under the Hellsing headquarters; two members of the search team sent to recover long forgotten experiments and equipment, uncovered a long forgotten chamber. Inside they discovered what looked like a dried corpse; little did they know that not all was what it seemed. While attempting to remove the "corpse" one of the members cut his hand on the chains that bound the body to the wall, the blood dripping down and awakening the undead body that they watched slowly take the form of a young woman. She broke free of her bindings and knocked them both to the ground in her flight from the room. She dashed through the halls, knocking all who stood in her path to the floor. It didn't take her long to find an exit as she dashed from the building into the rainy night, dodging bullets all the way to the tree line.

Operatives have attempted to track her, but all searches have come up empty handed. After searching the archives, a file has turned up with the project name "Nethareth"; a secret project that ran in unison with the Alucard project. Within the file was a picture of a young woman with strawberry blonde hair and ice blue eyes, it was the same young woman who had escaped only two nights prior. The projects purpose was to ensure the stability of the Alucard project, the girl would act as a failsafe if ever Alucard himself lost control. The girl would have the humanity of her former life, but the abilities of a vampire with none of the drawbacks of actually being one; in a nutshell she would be a Dhamphir, one who is of vampire blood but not quite a vampire. While the subject did have all the positive effects; the project was labeled as a failure due to substantial memory loss in the subject, making her forget she was ever human to begin with.

Two months after her escape from the underbelly of Hellsing headquarters; that same young woman has been sighted in the suburbs of London, making her way into the cities heart. It is unknown at this time what her motives are, but her exact capabilities are currently unknown. With the increasing vampire activity it is unwise for her to remain out of Hellsing's influence; as such Alucard and Seras Victoria have been dispatched to retrieve her. Hopefully the subject will respond to his presence as was originally intended and come quietly; it is unknown if that function of the Nethareth project was a success, as no test was ever authorized. However, due to the nature of the target full force has been authorized, much to Alucard's liking, and should the mission proceed according to plan he will secure the failsafe… Sophia Reynolds.