Sorry for not updating in over a year. I happen to be an excellent procrastinator.

Chapter 10: Be Careful

Bella's POV:

I was desperately walking over fallen branches and a bumpy ground, with no path or sense of direction. Every direction was filled with shadows. I only knew I was looking for something, I just didn't know what. Maybe, I was just looking for something to make me feel less alone; to bring some life to this cold forest...

As I looked off in the distance, a speck of light made itself visible. I started to hurrying towards it. Just knowing it would show me the way out.

As I approached the speck of light I realized it wasn't a speck of light at all. It was a person. I froze just a few feet away from the figure.

It was him. He smiled, and without saying a word,extended his hand towards me. An invitation.

I returned the smile and walked closer to him. He would show me the way out.

When I was in reaching distance, I placed my hand in his without hesitation. I looked up at his face and met his eyes. His beautiful, mesmerizing blue eyes.

RING! RING! RING! I jerked up from my pillow; confused and disoriented, by the brightness surrounding me.

After a minute everything started to make sense again.

I was in Alice house. Somewhere that was not Forks. The bright light outside was proof of that.

Still, the only thing that seemed to not make any sense at all, was the dream. This had been the second time that I've dreamed it.

I sighed. I had only been here a few days and it was already messing with my head, and today would only make a everything worst. Today would be my first day in Mystic Fall's High School. I sighed again.

My only comfort today was knowing I wouldn't have a problem finding the school. I had made good use of my time, and wondered around town. Getting to know it. Finding the school was probably gonna be the easiest task of the day.

Of course, just because I won't have trouble finding the school, didn't mean I wouldn't get lost inside the school.

I shook that thought away and got out of bed. I would save my worries for later.

I headed for the closet and putted on some of the new clothes Alice had gotten me. The first time I had entered the closet I had found it more difficult than I thought to find something normal to wear. But not impossible. Today I settled for some gray skinny jeans and a white V-neck.

I went to the kitchen and poured myself a cup of coffee. While caffeine wasn't my favorite thing in the world, it did help me clear my mind. I grabbed my backpack and car keys and headed outside.

Once I got to Mystic Falls High School I got, what I hopped was a good parking spot. As I looked around I noticed that the school appeared bigger than Forks High School. As I was approaching the front office I noticed a dark-headed person standing near the door. Damon, my mind told me. I was both revealed and disappointed when I realized it wasn't him. I felt stupid for feeling disappointed. I had no reason for wanting to see someone I knew nothing about. Well almost nothing.

I remembered that night at the grill with Damon. I thought of his blue eyes, which only reminded me of this morning dream. I tried to remember if I knew anyone else with eyes like those, but came up empty. If there had to be someone. Either that or... I couldn't even bring myself to think about it.

I sighed. I would just forget about the dream.

When I reached the office's front desk, I gave the lady my name. She simply handed me a schedule and a map of the school before waving me away. As I looked over the schedule I was pleased by the fact that P.E. was nowhere in it. Instead I had a local history class. A requirement. I had to admit I was surprise that a town this small had a course worth of history. I looked at the map and started heading to my first class. English.

Finding my way around school turned out to be easier than I expected, which calmed me a little. However, that vanished once I entered class and all eyes focused on me. By Spanish class the stares became easier to ignore.

I was just getting to leave when I noticed a blonde girl standing in front of me.

"Hi." The girl said, "I'm Caroline."

"I'm Bella." I said as I picked up my bag.

"You're new here, right?'

"Yeah," I sighed, "I moved here from Washington." I said, having anticipating her next question.

"Washington? That must be quite the change."

"You could say that."

"So why the big change?" She asked. She reminded me a bit of Jessica. Always looking for information.

"I wanted some distance from home." Needed was probably the better word.

"So you are here alone?" She seemed surprised and... worry? I wasn't sure.

"Yep, pretty much." We were in the hallway at this point.

After a while of her not answering, I looked up and found her looking at me. A thoughtful look on her face. It looked like she wanted to say something but didn't know how...

"Well, I have to go to class now, but it was nice meeting you Bella." She finally said.

"Yeah you too."

"Oh, and Bella," she said as I was turning, "Be careful."

I felt cold as I turned to ask her what she meant, but she was already gone.

What did she mean "Be Careful"? For a moment I thought she knew about Victoria but that was impossible. Yet, it sounded like a warning more than anything else. I felt a shiver down my spine. What danger could I possibly find here? I immediately thought of Damon, which confused me more. It was stupid to think of him as a danger, he was just a boy. A boy that I couldn't stop thinking about and was possibly hunting my dreams, but nevertheless, just a boy.

I sighed. It wasn't healthy to be thinking so much of him. Of course what did I know about healthy. I dated a vampire and then spend 5 months living like a zombie when things fell apart.

The sound of the bell brought me back to reality. I was late. The halls were now mostly empty.

As I hurried to class a thought crept into my mind. Was I gonna find more danger in Mystic Falls?

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