Disclaimer: I don't own glee or the characters.

A/N: Ok, I'm so sorry for not updating anything recently. My laptop broke and I have to use my sisters computer which she uses all the time. I'm working on everything and I'm in the process of getting my laptop fixed. Please bare with me through this. Anyway I had this idea so I wrote it down. This story takes place during summer vacation. Warning: lots of romance through this story I can't help my self what can I say I'm an unashamed Kurcedes shipper. Anyway I hope you like it.

Trying to get Kurt not to act gay and to look like a normal guy is harder then I would have thought,... it's almost impossible. But, as he walks out of the dressing room with a dress shirt with the buttons undone and a white t-shirt on underneath it, and medium color jeans and normal sneakers on it didn't seem so impossible. The jeans were also good because they weren't too tight and not too baggy. I felt the smile light up my face the second I saw him. He looked well… hot and like a normal boy. His hair was a little messy but not too much. He's spinning in a circle so I can get a full view of the outfit. But, as I look at him all I can think about is how we got to the position in the first place.

It was about last weekend and he knew something was wrong because I was answering his texts with one word answers. So later that Friday he came to my house without telling me. He knocked on my door and me thinking it was my mom I told him to enter. When Kurt walked in I was kind of nervous. He took one look at me and saw that I had been crying. He walked over to the bed and sat down.

"What's wrong Boo?" he asked rubbing my knee.

"Sean," I answered. Sean was my boyfriend at the moment. But it was hard because he lived down in Florida but we were trying to make it work. I should have known it wouldn't have worked out with him being in Florida and me in Ohio. I explained to him that I got a call Thursday night before I went to bed and it was from Sean. When I answered it was a girl and she was talking all about her boyfriend Sean. But I heard his voice in the background asking the girl Jackie who she was talking to. Then I heard some shuffling noise on the phone and then his voice saying oh crap and then hanging up. Not even an I'm sorry just an oh crap. Yeah that made me feel really great.

By the time I finished Kurt was sitting next to me with his arms around me holding me in a hug.

"Cedes, you should just forget about him. He was a jerk and he is an idiot for cheating on you. Any man should be lucky to have you as a girlfriend." he told me. I started telling him how in a couple of weeks I'm going down to Florida with my family to visit the rest of my relatives and I also told Kurt that Sean is a family friend so he is at all the parties. I told him I didn't want to go down not yet at least. I couldn't face him and my parents told me I had to go since it was my family and everything. He just looked at me and smiled.

"Why don't I come with you and your family? You know for like support and stuff. To help you out when he's there." he offered.

"I don't know Kurt, Florida people and my family down there don't like the gays very much. I mean I love you the way you are I just don't want you to get hurt." I told him thinking about how my family talk about other people they don't approve of or don't like and I don't want him to go through that.

"My family down south is not the nicest family in the world if I didn't have to I would never see them. I honestly don't like them very much." I told him after I saw him just staring at me.

"Well then maybe we should try to convince them other wise that I'm just a normal guy," he suggested. I just looked at him like he was crazy.

"Boy that will take so much work with your style you will not be happy with what guys wear." I tell him.

"Well then we can take my credit card and go shopping to find guy clothes that I like and will wear." he said and by the look in his eyes I could tell he was dead serious about it too.

"Alright fine," I said.

So here we are in the mall shopping for his clothes. We have gone to about ten different stores already and only found about two outfits and we are staying down there for about two weeks.

"So what do you think?" he asks turning to face me.

"I like it, but do you?" I asked him standing to fix the collar on his shirt.

"I do, it's not my normal style but I can live with it. It's not so bad I guess." he says looking at himself in the mirror.

"Well if it changes anything, I think you look sexy." I smirk at him in the mirror putting my hands on my hips.

"Oh, really? So think anyone down south will think so?" he asks turning around.

"You mean any guys? Because I know a lot of girls that will think the same thing as me right now," I tell him

"Well I hope some guys will notice." he says laughing. I laugh and shake my head.

"Ok boy, go get back into your regular clothes and lets go look for more outfits." I tell him pushing him back towards the dressing rooms.

"You know Cedes you can get something yourself as well go look around while I change," he says from behind the door of the room.

"Ok." I answer walking towards the girls section of the store. I walk back over to the dressing rooms and walk in a stall myself with a few items of clothing

"Is that you Cedes?" I hear Kurt ask from the stall next to me.

"Yeah it's me." I answer.

"So you found some stuff?" he asks.

"No I'm just in the dressing room for fun," I answer him sarcastically.

"Ok, Miss. Sassy Pants." he answers. And I hear him walk out of the stall.

"So what did u find?" he asks.

"Wait and I'll show you them," I tell him. I walk out of the stall with a dress that I found. It has two straps that wrap around the neck and it compliments my skin tone very nicely and it make my eyes seem very luminous.

"Here's the first one." I say spinning like he did.

"Oh my gosh! Mercedes, I love it. It's so perfect for you, I'm buying this dress. It's to perfect not to buy it. Ok what's the next one cause I see other clothes in that room." he says pushing me back towards the room. I quickly change into a pair of dark blue jeans that I found with a gray quarter sleeved shirt that hangs off one shoulder. With a dark blue tank top underneath it.

"Ok this one I'm going to accessorize like crazy with because I have so many things that will match it." I tell him putting my hands on my hips.

"Wow, I really like this one. Very nice but just one thing." he says walking over to me. He slants my shirt a little bit more and he plays with my hair for a second.

"There perfect, now you look even more fashionable." he says stepping back a little bit to fully look at me.

"Thanks so I really like these two. Are you sure you can get them Kurt I feel bad when you buy me stuff." I tell him walking back into the room to change.

"I told you I have enough. Trust me it's not a big deal believe me I could buy you 10 outfits and it wouldn't be a problem. It's just my dad and I who work the shop so we split the money half and half and believe me it's a lot of money. I don't know what to do with it all except buy myself things and buy you things. So don't feel bad." he tells me as I step out and we walk to the cash register.

"So think you could find a few more outfits while we are here?" I ask as he pays.

"Are you kidding I could probably find so many outfits I would have to change my wardrobe. It amazes me how boys can't match for their lives but their clothes are so easy to match." he tells me linking his arm with mine and walking out of the store. I just laugh as he keeps talking. I can tell if me and him spend our time like this when we are down in Florida my summer is going to rock for two weeks.

After about three hours later we are leaving the mall. Kurt found about six outfits and I got four or five.

"So you are sure you can do this for two weeks. And even if my family is rude and awful to you. You are still going to be ok?" I ask getting into my car.

"Yes, Cedes relax I can do this I promise. I wont let you down and I'll be fine I deal with Karofsky, I think I can handle your family." he tells me climbing into the passenger seat after throwing our bags into the back seat.

"Ok I just wanted to make sure. Man Florida is going to rock now that you're coming. We are so going tanning on the beaches." I tell him driving my way out of the parking lot.

"Most defiantly." he answers fixing his hair in one of the mirrors.

A/N: So, there is the first chapter if you have complaints or anything please tell me in a review I will take criticism from all of you. Review please and tell me if you want more chapters or not.