.Aubade of Dreams. = .A Nobody's Promises.

Meaning behind the name:

Dream is obvious, must I really explain?

Aubade means-

1) A song or instrumental composition concerning, accompanying, or evoking daybreak.

2) A poem or song of or about lovers separating at dawn.

3)Also used this name do to the keyblade from 358/2 days. It seemed to fit. Trust me I spent a while thinking up the name to this one. As for the rest I just thought it worked.

Link for Keyblade if you don't know it - http:/ kingdomhearts. wikia. com/wiki/ Aubade (Remove Spaces)

[Please Read]

Rating: Teen.
Warnings: Nothing bad, really. Swearing and smoking, slight abuse, hinted mostly.
Full Summary: Promises made. But will it be kept? What happened in the next life? Finding each other might not be so hard. But will having a heart while doing it be the problem? Next time around doesn't go quite as planned.

Reincarnation, rebirth. Your soul starting again, a life given a second chance. It's just starting a new journey. Starting a new journey isn't that hard. For some it may already begun. To me that's what it is a sign of a new journey. Unless you remember your past life and no one else does. Then things start to get complicated.

[Roxas and Axel reunion]
Disclaimer: Disclaimed below, end of author note.

Author Note:

My first Kingdom Hearts fic. My spin on the afterlife thing, I'm not really sure of it. But my friend liked it a lot and talked me into posting it. So yeah… Sorry now for any spelling or grammar mistakes. I try to keep things fixed. But I have a bad habit when typing to mix up random words. Like I'll type 'throw' but mean 'through'. Not really sure why on that one. But yeah… Sorry now for that. Anyway… Its Roxas and Axel, friendship, I guess you could take it as the other if you want. I'm not going to stop you.

I'm not sure if they're will be any yaoi or yuri in this story. Probably not. But their might be. Being as much of my favorite couples are family in this fic and I don't like incest. That and my friend is a huge yaoi addict. (Yes addict, not fan. I swear he'd die if you took his mangas away or go into withdraw.) So I'm giving you far warning, so don't yell at me if I throw it in and if I do I wont do much. Romance isn't really my thing, honestly.

Okay what may happen in this story in pairings;

Will See Pairings: Cloud-Tifa, Zack-Aerith, Leon-Rinoa, Yuna-Tidus

Side/Hint Pairings: Onesided Yuffie-Vincent, Wakka-Selphie, Hayner-Kairi, Pence-Olette (Favorite pairing ever; so cute and random), Denzel-Marlene, Past Vincent-Lucrecia, Past Roxas-Olette.

Future Pairings?: Sora-Kairi , Riku-Namine or Riku-Xion?, Demyx-Zexion? (Yes yaoi, my friend's favorite pair so I'm threw it in there. Don't worry you yaoi haters it won't happen much. Hugs, holding hand, suggestive comments at most)

Obvious © Square Enix and Disney on characters. Story's plot all mine. Credit there to me. Full credits will be posted at end of story.

Well I hope you enjoy!

-End of Author Note-

[Thank You]



Rain fell down from the dark heavens, restless clouds cutting off the light of the full moon from the tropical island. The rainy night lit by the street lights that where lined along the dirt roads and streets; that ran the length of the island. It was late as the last ferry came into dock. The passengers all running to their destination with some kind of shied from the rain. All but one; one young teen stood alone in the group as he stepped off the ferry. He didn't even try to stop the rain that quickly soaked his whole body from head to toe, hands tucked deeply into his pockets. Blonde hair limp as the rain ran threw it onto his clothes, which now stuck to him like a second skin. Backpack on his shoulder only thing saved do to its waterproof lining. Walking forward the teen's hand moved from his pocket as the sound of his shoes quashing echoed with the pounding rain. A paper was glanced at briefly. Then teen went on his way, hand finding its way back to his pocket, paper no longer needed.

Alone on the streets the teen kept his eyes down cased, stopping every now and again to look up for a moment before looking down again and walk some more. He continued this almost rhythmic cycle until he came upon a house. The house was a decent sized, yellow, two stories, only five minute walk past the thin line of palm trees from the ocean, a white fence lined the property and an oddly bright orange mailbox with the numbers 126 painted in blue, on a wooden post that marked the start of the walkway. The stone driveway of to the right had a one car garage that was painted the same color as the house. The blonde hesitated before slowly pushing the fence door open making his way up the stoned path. Making his way to the house he paused at the porch steps for nearly five minutes before taking them too the door. Though now safe from the rain the teen didn't get any comfort from it, he only seemed to become more distressed as his hand rose letting a knock fill the air in and out of the house. There was only one small light coming from inside the house and the dim porch light. So when no one answered the blonde wasn't surprised. But that didn't stop him form letting out a sigh as he turned back looking out at the rain. He sat down on the steps; again sighing to the fact he found no one home. Waiting the boy rested his elbows on his knees before burying his face into his palms, as if in defeat, rain poured down around him. Heartless was the rain, as it seemed to do nothing but mock the teen that sat lost in his thoughts. The sound of the falling rain did nothing to comfort him.


Cloud Strife and his family made their way home after a family outing of dinner and movie in town. The kids laughing in the back seat of the car none of them fazed by the rain coming down around them, his eldest son's laugh the loudest as he joked with his younger brother and sister.

"No, I like the part at the end" the youngest said.

"Come on Denzel, that wasn't nearly as cool as the part in the beginning" the girl said.

"You only say that because you're a girl" their oldest brother protested.

"Is not!"

"Oh come on Xion I was just joking" the eldest ensure with a laugh.

"Oh you're so convincing Sora" the girl snapped turning away from her brother arms crossed over her chest, no longer amused.

Cloud glanced over to his wife, Tifa, who shook her head before sharing a smile with him. Cloud turning back to the road; after nearly seventeen years together and fifteen of that as parents they couldn't help but smile. Especially time like this, when their children where happy, rather then trying to kill each other. Yes days with peace where rare with a teenager and a preteen in the house, let alone adding an eight year old to the mix. Cloud himself was a serous man. His spiky blonde hair, bright blue eyes and supposedly good looks; which made him look closer to being in his twenties then thirties, made him stand out amongst most people. Despite this he dressed plainly, normally in simple pair of jean and a black turtleneck. Tifa was a beautiful woman who no one would think had three children just by looking at her. Her long black hair and warm brown eyes could make any man fall head over heels, let alone her body. Despite this she never used her looks; instead she was a stay at home mom. She dressed like she'd always had; in black jeans and a fitting blouse, the color she chose would change with her mood, though tonight it was white. Their three kids, Sora, with his father's spike hair only brown instead of blonde; at the age of 14 going to beginning his last year of middle school and his father wasn't sure where his energy came from. Sora was an overly hyper, talkative, optimistic boy who always smiling. Xion, with her short black hair; 12, starting her first year of middle school; she was like her mother, friendly, energetic and polite. Sadly Xion also had her mother's temper. Then Denzel, neat un-spiked hair the same color as his brother; 8, still in elementary school, yet the most serous and the quietest out of the kids, he was the much like his father. But one thing they all shared, other then their blue eyes, was their strong sense of justice. All three of the kids had had been in trouble more then once in school after beating up a bully while protecting a friend or another student.

Clouds happy thoughts, however, where cut short how ever as he pulled the family car into the driveway of their home; Sora's voice came from behind him.

"Dad there someone on our porch" Sora said as he pushed himself closer to the window trying to see throw the down poor of rain.

"That's odd we aren't suppose to have any guests" Tifa said looking pass Cloud trying to see what her son saw.

"Could just be someone trying to stay out of the rain" Cloud said gruffly as he opened his car door taking a step into the rain. "Wait here" he said before he closed the care door.

"But" Sora said wanting to go with him. Instead Sora did his best to watch from the safety of the car, his brother and sister doing their best to do the same.

Cloud walked across his yard never taking his eyes off the one that had intruded onto his property. First thing Cloud noticed was that the intruder was not a threat, being as the boy looked no older then his own eldest son. Secondly was the fact that he hadn't taken notice to him yet. Walking forward the younger head shot up as the man came with in arms length of him, Cloud froze as blue eyes stared up at him; identical eyes to his own. Seeing the man the teen jumped to his feet, giving Cloud time to look him over. His thought had been right, the blonde couldn't be older then fifteen. He wore a white jacket over a zip up black vest; his dark blue jeans where baggy but where now tight to his skin do to his drenched state only being held up by a studded black belt. The boys checkered vans where stained with mud. Over all, what the man noticed was the blonde was soaked to the bone and visible shivering as the rain and wind hit him.

"I'm sorry" the man heard the unknown teen say. "I knew you don't know me. But I don't have anywhere else to go"

"Excuse me?" the teen eyes stayed down as he spoke again.

"You're Cloud Strife right?"

"If I am?" the older blonde asked as the younger blonde looked up at him.

"I was wandering if I could..." the teen bite his bottom lip nervously, "Can I stay here? It's only for tonight, tomorrow I'll be gone I swear. I just… I just don't have anywhere else to go." the teen begged. "I'll sleep in the garaged, I don't mind"

"How about you tell me who you are?" the teen eyes fell at the question.

"I'm Roxas… Roxas Diz, I'm your brother"


From inside the car the family watched as Cloud walked slowly over to the porch. Then how the stranger shot to his feet and spoke with their father.

"Hey he looks my age" Sora said looking over to his sister. "Do you know him?" Xion shook her head.

"I've never seen him on the island before"

"He looks like dad" Denzel said making them all take a second look.

"Your right he does!" Sora gasped, "Mom we don't have a sibling we don't know about do we?"

"No I assure you" Tifa said grabbing her umbrella opening her door.

"Oh, we can get out!" Sora said happily and before his mom could tell him otherwise he rushed to his dad's side.

Cloud could only stare blankly down at the teen that stood before him claming to be his brother. First Cloud could only think the notion was unbelievable, his father having a child at his age. Then Cloud had known his father had gotten remarried some odd years ago sometime before Sora was born and he hadn't spoken to his father in years. Looking at the boy now, Cloud couldn't deny the fact he looked nearly identical to himself at that age.

"Sora!" Cloud heard his wife call, making both blondes turn to see the brunette running up to them.

"Wow Dad, Denzel was right and he looks more like you up close" Sora pointed out. The young blonde blinked at the teen that seemed to have come out of no where.

"Sora I told you to wait in the car" Cloud scolded, Sora looked up at the man innocently.

"But Mom was getting out so I thought…" Cloud heard a sigh from behind his son; know it was his wife he looked up at the woman who stood with her two other children under a large green umbrella.

"Why don't we go inside Cloud" Tifa offered, "Whoever this boy is, lets discuss this inside, he isn't going to hurt anything" not wanting to argue with his wife Cloud nodded before opening the door calling everyone inside.

Once inside, Roxas was lead into the kitchen being ordered to wait there as Mrs. Strife left for some towels. Standing awkwardly in the middle of the kitchen as the three Strife children watch him curiously two from the living room, that was just outside the kitchen, while Sora next to his father, who where sitting at the table. Mrs. Strife returned handing him a towel, Roxas giving polite thanks to her as she did so before she joined the two kids in the living room.

"So are you my long lost brother or something?" Sora asked with a huge smile as he ran a towel over his hair.

"Um no" Roxas said softly as he threw his own towel around his head and shoulders. "I'm not your brother" he said politely as he watched the water from his clothes make a small puddle on their tiled floor. "I'm sorry, I'm getting your floor all wet"

"Oh don't worry about it I do it all the time" Sora laughed, "It's mop-able"

"What Sora's trying to say is your fine kiddo" Tifa said from the sofa in the next room. Roxas nodded not realizing that woman couldn't see him.

"So Roxas, that is your name correct?" Cloud spoke calmly.


"You said you didn't have anywhere to go, why's that?"

"I got kicked out" Roxas said bluntly, "Father… he said I couldn't stay there anymore" Clouds eyes narrowed.

"And your mother"

"She died" Roxas said kicking at air as the man studied him. Cloud looked the boy over again in the better light. He noticed a few things he hadn't before, mainly the large bruise on the boy's face that covered nearly his whole jaw line, running along it from his ear stopping at the edge of his lip.

"Tifa" the man said looking over to his wife. "What do you think about the boy staying the night? I'll take him to town in the morning" the woman thought about it.

"Let him stay!" Sora begged running over to his mom.

"Sora your getting the carpet soaked" he mother snapped, "Get back in that kitchen or to your room" she ordered cut off from her thought.

"Sorry" the brunette said jumping back into the kitchen. "He can stay with me in my room" Sora offered.

"No" Roxas said quickly, "I can't, if you just let me sleep on the floor tonight. I swear in the morning I'm gone. You won't have to see or hear from me again"

"Roxas" the young blonde turned to the oldest Strife. "Tomorrow I'll decide if I believe what you said. For tonight, if Tifa agrees with me on letting you stay, the rules you'll have to follow is: one you will not leave without telling anyone, two don't break or steal anything and lastly you will rest on the couch not on the floor. Agreed?"

"Yes" Cloud nodded at this turning again to his wife, waiting for answer.

"He can stay he's harmless" Tifa said, "Now kids get ready for bed"

"Aw but we don't know who he is yet" the girl protested while her younger brother did what he was told going up the stairs to get ready for bed.

"And you won't if you don't do what you're told" he mother warned, making the girl rush up the stairs. "Sora that includes you"

"I know Mom" Sora said walking over to the young blonde taking his hand. "Come on I'll show you were the bathroom is" he said as he drug the teen down the nearest hall, leaving the two parents alone.

"Cloud?" the man stood from the table walking over to his wife.

"He said his names Diz" the woman's eyes widened in surprise.

"Are you sure?"

"He does look a lot like me Tifa" he pointed out, "We'll find out tomorrow either way. For now I'm going to go change before I catch a cold" he man said giving his wife a kiss before making his own way through the house.


Roxas wasn't sure what happened but the boy he now knew as Sora was leading down a short hallway into the bathroom. Sora let his hand go as he when to the cupboard that was next to the sink, pulling out a few more towels, setting them on the side of the tub before turning back to the blonde.

"Okay there's some towels, you can use my soap is still in the shower. You do have clothes in your bag right?" the brunette asked quickly, Roxas nodded before Sora went on. "Great, take a shower and warm up. I'll come get you when your done" Sora smiled before rushing out the door.

Roxas stood looking around the small room, moving to the sink setting his backpack down on it. Looking up, the blonde caught sight of himself in the mirror, his hand rising to his marked face. Running his finger over the discolored skin, wincing as the pain shot through his face went he ran over a soft spot. Staring for a bit longer Roxas sighed looking away as he took off his wet clothes before slipping into the shower as he was told.

No one in the house knowing, it was the start of something for all of them.