Eugene: Hi there! XD Ok, so the new season, Mechtanium Surge, is like, so high-tech! And it's like, awesome! Although I can't help but feeling sorry for Dan and Drago's conditions…

?: Big deal. *smirks* They're so pathetic, they can't even destroy a bug!

Eugene: =_= Dude, shut your mouth already. Oh yeah, in case if you're wondering who that dude is, that's Anubias. *cringes at the thought of his name* Who, in my opinion, looks like a guy trying to audition for Twilight but… EPIC FAIL! XP


Eugene: *sweatdrops* Uh… ok, I THINK I made him angry… anyway, this is sort of a love story that started with 1 attempt to date someone when another one occurs and it becomes a love story gone wrong. XD Ok, ONWARD WITH THE STORY! CHAPPIE 1!

"Come on! Join Team Sellon!"


"But Shun-!"


Shun Kazami, currently the 4th ranked brawler in Bakugan Interspace and the only brawler who's also a ninja, was trying to get Sellon, the 3rd ranked player and secretly a servant of Mag Mel, off his foot.

"But why? TELL ME!" Sellon cried out desperately, still clinging on him.

"Well, I'll tell you why! You're creepy, manipulative, and not to mention that I WON'T FALL FOR YOUR TRICKS! EVER!" Shun yelled loudly. "And not to mention that I DON'T LOVE YOU! Or even liked you. No offence." He shoved Sellon off his foot once more and walked away, muttering words to himself. Sellon sighed.

"But.. this time, I'm not even considering to make that ninja join me, but I meant that I actually have a crush on him." Sellon said to herself. "Oh well…" She sighed.

However, she didn't know that a certain Gundalian heard her. Anubias, the 2nd ranked brawler and secretly also a servant of Mag Mel, was listening to everything, ear to ear.

"So.. she actually has a crush on someone for once. That's ironic." He smirked. He then stared at her dreamily. He heard giggling from behind him; his fellow teammates from Team Anubias, Ben, Jack, and Robin, were also listening to what Sellon just said and for some reason, they were grinning at him from ear to ear.

"What do you guys want?" Anubias snapped, feeling slightly annoyed with them.

"Admit it, Anubias-sama!" Ben pointed out, chuckling. "YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON SELLON!"

"Yeah!" Robin agreed, laughing.

"Anubias and Sellon, sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes Sellon with an alien carriage! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Jack randomly sang as he fell on the linoleum floor, laughing out of control and bits of tears came out. Ben and Robin also joined, singing that same song and laughing. Anubias, however, has a blood vessel popping out and felt extremely annoyed.


"Hahahahaha! They're right, you do have a crush on Sellon, don't you?" A familiar voice said. The team turned around to see Dylan, a card dealer (not to mention he catches up on the latest bakugan gossip), laughing while sucking on his favorite blue and yellow lollipop (that one's probably Blue Raspberry Lemonade flavour).

"Grr.. what do you want now, Dylan?" Anubias asked him dully.

"I'm sayin' that you should grab the pretty lady over there for a rebound, man." Dylan answered cooly. "You should try to win her heart for once." Dylan popped his lollipop out to prove his point.

"Yeah Anubias! Do it!" Ben cried.

"Do it! Do it! Do it!" Ben, Robin, Jack, and Dylan echoed in encouragement. Although Anubias was reluctant to take romantic advice from a Bakugan card dealer and 3 guys from his own team, however, they might be onto something this time.

"Hm… maybe those guys are right. If I can try to win Sellon's heart, then I'll have a better chance of dating her." Anubias thought. He snapped out of it. "Ok, I shall do it! FOR TEAM ANUBIAS!"

"YEAH!" Ben, Robin, Jack, and Dylan cheered. And for the first time in his life so far, Anubias felt glad that he officially made that decision.

Eugene: And so the "broken love triangle" begins! XDDD